Nagambie was hot, dusty & sunny, with a peak temperature of 34 on the day, reinforced by the interminably long lunch break before the last gasp of racing Sunday arvo.
So glad to see the homemade brownies & relish at the Ezy Oar cafe, with burgers clearly the crowd favourite being completely sold out by 1pm.

We sent 32 athletes to row 22 events, with 8 first, 5 second, and 3 third place finishes.
FClub2x/ M. Joy, K. Dyball 8:09.79
FClub4x/ K. Dyball, M. Joy, Z. Maxwell, K. Doggett 7:37.47
FA8+/ K.Fergie, H.Pearce, D.Hill, L.Innes-Irons, C.Crouser, K.Doggett, Z.Maxwell, K.Dyball, Cox: C.Sullivan 4:04.28
FB4x+/ G.Goss, K.Fergie, H.Pearce, C.Crouser, Cox: M.Joy 3:51.12
MBeg4x+/ B.Wardle, I.Balemi, T.Gruner, C.Moechyi, Cox: W.Golding 3:55.85
FM4x-/ M.Joy, K.Dyball, Z.Maxwell, K.Doggett 3:43.62
MB4x+/ D.Beck, M.Gehling, J.Hellerstedt, P.Oborin, Cox: D.Begg 3:59.42
FA2x/ K.Dyball, Z.Maxwell 4:11.27
MC8+/ K.Wong, D.Beck, A.Pupko, T.Gruner, R.Healy, A.Reid, C.Moechyi, L.Mckee, Cox: K.Howard 3:29.74
MB8+/ A.Randall, B.Wardle, I.Balemi, J.Hellerstedt, J.Carey, J.Roberts, M.Gehling, P.Oborin, Cox: D.Begg 3:15
FM4x+/ C.Crouser, H.Pearce, K.Fergie, G.Goss, Cox: J.Hellerstedt 4:02.8
FA2x/ K. Fergie, H. Pearce 4:17.97
X8+/ M.Joy, G.Goss, B.Wardle, I.Balemi, R.Healy, R.Skelton, W.Emptage, J.Huang, Cox: C.Sullivan 3:50.22
MB2x/ J. Hellerstedt, P. Oborin ntt
FB2x/ L. Innes-Irons, D. Hill 4:14.02
X4x+/ W.Golding, J.Carey, H.Pearce, C.Crouser, Cox: D.Begg 3:50.5
This was the inaugural racing (rowing!) in the newly acquired Kathy Macrow 4/x+, thanks to Lily I-I for the emergency field christening prosecco.

Race of the regatta?
Men’s B quad a candidate, battle paddling Barwon inside of 2 metres all the way down the course. Barwon were quite annoyed to be beaten by a canvas by not only RRC in first but a ‘fast finishing’ 14yo crew from Gippsland Grammar in second, looking at RRC the other side of the line with a “how old do you think we are?”: unclear who envied whom for what while coughing up a lung at the finish line. Look out States!!
Thanks Alex Reid for stepping up to BRO in the afternoon.
Barry closed his eyes and compass navigated the trailer on backroads back to the shed. Unloaded before 1945.