Saturday 30 July – midday – BBQ & Drinks, Boat Naming and AGM

Keeping a rowing club in operation requires attention to financial, administrative and legal responsibilities, as well as the rowing and social activities. Our Annual General Meeting is a statutory requirement and a review of activities and financial situation is presented by your current committee members.
All committee positions are declared vacant and your new committee is elected to take on the running of the club for the next year.
The RRC Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 30 July 2016 at 12 midday in the clubhouse – 7 Boathouse Drive, Melbourne 3004.
The business of the AGM includes:

  • to confirm the minutes of the preceding annual general meeting; and
  • to receive and consider:
  • the annual report of the Committee on the activities of the Association during the preceding financial year; and
  • the financial statements by the Association for the preceding financial year submitted by the Committee in accordance with Part 7 of the Act; and
  • to elect the members of the Committee; and
  • to confirm or vary the amounts of the annual subscription.

If you have been a member for more than 2 years and are considering nominating for the 2016-17 committee please speak to a current committee member to seek information on the time and work required.
The nomination form is on the website. It must be endorsed by two members entitled to vote at the AGM (that is a full, senior, U23 member or life member; who has been a member more than 10 days; and owes no money to the club, other than 2016/17 annual subscriptions) and the nominee must consent to nomination.
All nominations for the 2016-17 committee must be with the Secretary 14 days prior to AGM, that is, by Friday 15 July 2015. Return this form to the Secretary by:

  • scanning and attaching in an email to secretary@richmondrowing,
  • mailing to Secretary, Richmond Rowing Club, 7 Boathouse Drive Melbourne VIC 3004, or
  • placing it in an envelope in the Secretary’s box – on the wall, just inside the gym
  • handing in person to Kathy Macrow

If you are unable to attend the AGM and wish to use a proxy:

  • use the Proxy Form on the website.
  • identify the name of the person (must be another RRC member) who will be your proxy
  • you may give specific directions as to how you wish the proxy to vote on your behalf, or may leave it to the proxy to vote as they see fit
  • sign the Proxy Form
  • send the proxy form using one of the methods below, so that it is received by Thursday 23 July
  • scanning and attaching in an email to secretary@richmondrowing,
  • mailing to Secretary, Richmond Rowing Club, 7 Boathouse Drive Melbourne VIC 3004, or
  • placing it in an envelope in the Secretary’s box – on the wall, just inside the gym
  • handing in person to Kathy Macrow, secretary

The committee considered the annual subscription fees for 2016-17 and resolved to keep them at 2015-16 levels (except Associate member fees) as revenues from facilities hiring had increased over previous years, and assuming membership levels held or grew, operational costs would be covered.
Associate member fees were reduced to $80, to encourage more memberships of this type. Outcomes from this change will be analysed prior to setting 2017-18 fees.
The Minutes of the 2015 AGM, 2016 AGM Draft Agenda, 2016 Office Bearer nomination form, 2016 Proxy Form and Rules of Association are available from the RRC website.
The AGM will be followed by a boat naming ceremony, sausage sizzle and drinks on the balcony. So put the date in your diary now, and we’ll see you there.
Kathy Macrow