2023 Presentation Night

What a year! If you’re wondering how it’s possible that it’s already May and Winter Sculling is just around the corner, you’re not alone. This season has absolutely flown by! We’ve had floods, cancellations, scorching hot regattas and, of course, triumphs. So what better way to celebrate than at Presentation Night!? For those who missed out on this most auspicious evening…you really missed out! It was fantastic night recognising the efforts and achievements of all club members. So let’s continue that theme and recap the night that was!

The food: delicious; the drink: free-flowing…Presentation Night had all the hallmarks of a great evening. None of this would’ve been possible without the hard work of RRC’s dedicated committee and members – so thank you Helen, Ally, Jack, Richie, Lily, Anthea, John, Gerry and many many more.

With the stage set, it was time to get into the celebration. In case you didn’t already know: here at Richmond we have a competitive streak – good sportsmanship above all else, but a competitive streak nonetheless. And this competitive spirit was primed and ready to go with the host of awards being doled out on Presentation Night.

Congratulations to all members who received an award!

  • The President’s Award: Phil Munson
  • Captain’s Award: Ally Dejeagher & Isaac Balemi
  • Best and Furriest: Emily Bourke
  • The Eye of The Tiger: The Men’s Squad (good one boys)
  • John Sawyer Award (Female Rower of the Year): Kate Dyball
  • Mal Scott Award (Male Rower of the Year): Ben Wardle
  • Don Edwards Award (Coxswain of the Year): Ally Dejeagher & Derek Begg
  • Masters Rower of the Year (Female): Geraldine Goss
  • Masters Rower of the Year (Male): Jack Hellerstedt
  • Novice Rower of the Year: James Merrett

And, of course, the most coveted award of the night: Regatta Dog of the Year was awarded to Daphne and Zeppy (with Nyxie as a close runner up).

A massive congratulations to all rowers, coxswains, coaches, volunteers and participants (and regatta dogs)!

Season 2022/23 has been incredible for everyone throughout RRC. We’ve achieved great feats as a club and as individual athletes: PBs were broken, new skills unlocked, and enduring friendships formed. Thanks to each and every one of you for making this season what it was. Enjoy the off-season, rest up, recharge and get ready for a massive Season 2023/24.

Let’s go Richmond!

2022 Presentation Night

On Saturday 18 June we celebrated the ’21/’22 season, with the following awardees:

Derek, Millie, Chelsea, John & Jack with their club race glasses

Club race winners:
Jack H, Keith W, John C, Chelsea C, Anthea A, Mikey G, Kerrin H, Millie C, Alex P, coxed by Derek B

Mal Scott Male club rower of the year:
Ben Wardle

Male Masters rower of the year:
Phillip Munson

Male Masters composite rower of the year:
Ray Dennis

John Sawyer Female club rower of the year:
Kate Dyball

Female masters rower of the year:
Michelle Joy

Eye of the Tiger:
John Carey

Captain’s Award:
Helen Pearce & Kirsty Fergie

Don Edwards Coxswain of the year:
Derek Begg

The President’s Award:
Sue-Virginia O’Hanlon

Special thanks to Amy Catlin for organising the evening, helpers Kirsty Fergie and Sarah Hardy and to our bar manager Lily Innes- Irons and all the helpers on the bar. Set up and clean up was done by Amy and Gerry with some helpers on the night.

2021 Christmas Lunch & Club Races

It was a perfect sunny day on the 12th for our club races followed by Christmas lunch. After a morning training session our Head of Rowing, Christine, published the crews for club races and it was game on! Four crews eight fought out the heats, followed by a final. Afterwards members and friends dined in the club decorated with the famous black and yellow Christmas tree…followed by drinks on our fabulous deck in the sunshine.

the winning crew(s)

The winning crew of the day:
cox: Derek
John C
Michael G
Alex P
Jack H
Kerrin/ Chelsea

Big thanks to Stu & Alex for running the races from the bank! And Amy for organising lunch afterwards, as well as the bar staff volunteering from Karen, Christine, Kathy, John C, and Barry!

RRC Presentation Night Awards 2021

After a postponement we were finally able to hold the Richmond Rowing Club 2021 Presentation Night on the third of July.

We celebrated our Male and Female rowers and Coxswain of the year. These prestigious awards are determined through participation and success at regattas, club races and club time trials. The winners on the evening were:

Mal Scott Award – Male Club Rower of the Year – Dennis Beck

John Sawyer – Female Club Rower of the Year – Kirsty Fergie

The Don Edwards, Cox of the year award was won by Derek Begg

Female Masters Rower of the Year – Michelle Joy

Male Masters Rower of the Year – Leigh Sullivan

The President’s Award was presented to Jack Hellerstedt. Whilst Jack has only been a member for 2 years he has taken an active role coordinating the men’s squad, setting up the 8@8 session, weekly training plans and regatta entries. He is also always willing to jump in any boat to make sure crews get out and is frequently a late minute coxswain call up. Jack is also a great motivator to keep people engaged with the club on and off water.  

The Hendley Family Mixed Quad Time Trial was presented to Dennis Beck, Geraldine Goss, Karen Doggett, John Carey and Derek Begg (coxswain).

The Keith Millar male coxed four Round the Island time trial was won by Dennis Beck, Liam Lovett, Ethan Lovett, Jon Roberts and Derek Begg (coxswain).

The Keith Millar female coxed four Round the Island time trial was won by Chelsea Crouser, Kirsty Fergie, Xanthe Hadfield, Melanie Perkins and Aline Dejeagher (coxswain).

The Jim Barton Female Tub Single time trial was won by Kirsty Fergie.

2020 RRC AGM – Saturday 25th July

Richmond Rowing Club’s Annual General Meeting on the morning of Saturday 25th July. The meeting is currently planned to start at 10am.

At the AGM all Committee members stand down and positions are available for club members to stand for election to the RRC Committee for the coming year. Generally the incoming Committee is a blend of new and experienced members. To present yourself for election, you are required to have been a member of the club for more than 2 years and be willing to help out with the club’s organisation. If you are interested, feel free to chat to any of the current Committee members to get some more background information. The Committee positions are:

Head of Rowing
Captain of Boats
Fundraising Coordinator
Facilities Coordinator
Ordinary Member (two ordinary member positions are available which assist with a number of areas)

During the AGM, outgoing Committee members will briefly go through some of the highlights of the year, as well as a summary of the club’s financial situation and the main achievements compared to the goals we set out last year. This usually takes less than an hour and we warmly invite all members of the club to attend.

If you wish to present yourself for election, please complete a nomination form and submit it to the secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting (BEFORE 10th July).

RRC Presentation Night 2020

A very different Presentation Night was held for the 2019/20 season. Around 60 of us gathered via Zoom to relive some of the statistics from the year along with saying thank you to our coaches and volunteers following what has been an unusual year.

We celebrated our Male and Female rowers of the year. These prestigious awards are determined through participation and success at regattas, club races and club time trials. The winners on the evening were:

  • Mal Scott Award – Male Club Rower of the Year – Dario Sportelli
  • John Sawyer – Female Club Rower of the Year – Kirsty Fergie

Due to the early end to the season no Masters awards were presented this year.

The Don Edwards, Cox of the year award was presented to Derek Begg.

The President’s Award was presented to Stefanie Dudczig, reflecting her dedication to Richmond Rowing Club. Stef is a great contributor to the club, acting as our New Member coordinator, communicating with and welcoming new members to the club. Stef volunteers whenever she can, regularly coxing our crews, this year she also completed her Level 1 BRO accreditation Stef also actively competed for Richmond through the year.

The Hendley Family Mixed Quad Time Trial was presented by Rod Hendley to Michelle Joy, Dennis Beck, Red Skelton, Geraldine Goss and Derek Begg (coxswain).

The Keith Millar male coxed four Round the Island time trial was won by Alan Randall, Jon Roberts, Michael Gehling, Dennis Beck and Derek Begg (coxswain).

The Keith Millar female coxed four Round the Island time trial was won by Michelle Joy, Kate Dyball, Karen Doggett, Geraldine Goss and Ainsley Raggatt (coxswain).

The Jim Barton Males Tub Single time trial was won by Dennis Beck and the Jim Barton Female Tub Single time trial was won by Kirsty Fergie.

A number of other awards were presented on the night including:

  • Box Biting Champion – Keith Wong
  • Captains Award – The Trailer Drivers
  • Eye of the Tiger Award – Gypsy and Lily
  • Best and Furriest – Amy Catlin
  • Tough Tiger – Dennis Beck

We also celebrated our Victorian State Championship winners in 2020, pictures of these crews will be displayed in the club. The crews were:

  • Female A Grade double: Kate Dyball and Michelle Joy
  • Male B Grade single: Dario Sportelli

Thank you to all those who contributed to such a good night including Tim Evans our MC for the evening and Kim Begelhole for sharing videos from the season.

End of Year Regatta Recap and New Boats Named

It’s been a busy few months of regattas culminating with Melbourne Head, Head of the Yarra and Carrum Regatta just last weekend.
Congratulations to the 4 crews who represented Richmond at Head of the Yarra, a mixed masters crew, one female D grade crew and two male D grade crews. There were good performances by all following a large amount of training in the run up.
We made the trip to Carrum, for the Carrum regatta last Saturday for the final regatta of the year. Richmond was well represented at the regatta which saw a large amount of elite and school crews competing. A strong contingent competed in every category from Open to D Grade with crews in all boat classes except eights.
Competitive performances on the day saw wins for:

  • Dario Sportelli in the C-Single,
  • Lachlan Stewart, Richard Healy, Tom Brooks, Pavel Oborin coxed by Ainsley Raggatt in the D Grade Four
  • Kirstie Fergy in the D-Single
  • Amy Catlin and Lily Innes-Irons in the C-Pair
  • Dario and Ainsley in a composite mixed double
  • Thomas Brooks, Richard Healy, Lachlan Stewart, Pavel Oborin in the D Grade Quad
  • Kirsty Fergie, Aline Dejaegher, Jon Roberts, Allan Randall coxed by Rosie Dickson-Hoyle in the mixed quad

A day after Carrum we held our final club races for the year. Three eights took to the water to fight it out. Clearly the starter was not loud enough for one crew, with “attention” being the new “go”. Congratulations to the crew of Derek Begg (cox), Michael Gehling, Kim Begelhole, Jingyi (Alex) Huang, William Golding, Kathryn Spinnler-Jenkins, Lily Innes-Irons, Emily James and Red Skelton who took out the win.

We then gathered to name our three newest boats. Firstly, a double named Morpheus by Ally Dejaegher as part of our recent raffle to name a boat at Melbourne head.

Then Yass Queen, a new mid weight single named by Dana Hill, also as part of our recent naming raffle.

And finally the Riverboat Jasper, a single kindly donated by captain Barry Campbell.

Following the smashing of bottles we retreated to the club for our annual Christmas lunch to celebrate the year gone. We also wished Kathy Macrow a happy 60th birthday on the day!!!

Happy Christmas and don’t forget your New Years Eve party tickets!!!

Don't forget your New Years Eve tickets – numbers limited

A quick reminder, New Years Eve tickets are now on sale.
Numbers are capped at 100 and we have 50% already, so get in fast to secure your ticket. Members and guests welcome.
Early Bird ticket sales are $55 per adult, $20 per child until 20th of December. Tickets will continue to be sold until 26 December at $70 per adult, $20 per child when we are required to finalise our catering numbers.
Get them quick on trybooking https://www.trybooking.com/BGWXK.
RRC 2019 New Years Eve Flyer