2023 Australian Henley Regatta

After the recent regattas in regional Victoria, it was a lovely change to have a racing day right on our doorstep on the Yarra. Melbourne put on a great show and the atmosphere was both festive and electric.
On the racing front, it was one of the most successful Henley regattas Richmond has had in many years, with both the men and women’s squads winning in key events.
The 71 year drought (’51 annual report, page 7) came to an end for the men’s 8, with their dramatic victory in the MB8+ event, beating Mercantile in the semis and Banks in the nail-biting final.
The women also came up with the goods, with 2 Richmond quads making it to the final of the FB4x+ and guaranteeing a victory for the club!
This is a great opportunity to thank our coaches who have been doing such a great job getting our rowers in top shape: Will Golding (who was recently awarded Coach of the Year by RV, a huge achievement!) and Ainsley Raggatt for the Men’s squad; Roy Zhang, Lucci Maegher and Stuart McShane for the women’s squad. Thanks for the hard work.


MB8+ Pavel Oborin, Jack Hellerstedt, Jon Roberts, Alex Pupko, Ben Wardle, Tim Foster, Pat Cook, Isaac Balemi, Coxed by D.Begg
FM4X+ T.Nishibata [MELB], P.Whiting [MUBC], Geraldine Goss [RCHMD], Helen Pearce [RCHMD], Cox: C.Lawrence [BANKS]
FB4X+ Caley Manzie, Emily Rouse, Kat Spinnler-Jenkins, Beth Rosenberg, Coxed by Sarah Houghton
FM8+ Kate Dyball [RCHMD], Helen Pearce [RCHMD], Amy Catlin [RCHMD], Geraldine Goss [RCHMD], C.Carr [YARRA], M.Ringersma [YARRA], Christine Sullivan [RCHMD], L.Rodriquez [POWR], Coxed by Ally Dejaegher [RCHMD]

Thank you to our volunteers

Sue-Virginia O’Hanlon and Emily Bourke – BRO duties
Helen Pearce – Organising the post-racing event and buying food
Cynthia Masters and Gabriella Bekir Fuente – BBQ chefs
John C, Gerry G, Amy C, Lily I, Dennis B, Jack H and Ally D – Bar service and BBQ dishes
Lily Innes-Irons – Making sure the bar is stocked and beer is cold for each event!

For more photos, check out the link below

2023 Rutherglen Regatta

After a few weeks of uncertainty, Rutherglen Regatta 2023 was confirmed to actually take place on Lake Moodemere, to everyone’s relief and delight. The recent Murray River flooding carved out a lovely little cliff on the river bank, which made launching boats a tad more challenging, but nothing could stop the good vibes and enthusiasm of participants. The contingent from RRC was strong this year, with over 30 members attending and 60 races entered over the weekend. Armed with Will’s spreadsheet, RRC was an unstoppable tsunami of boats and coxes on and off the water both days.

After the stifling heat on Saturday, it was deliciously refreshing to jump in the pool at the Lydoun Motel, our home away from home in Chiltern. This was followed by a lovely BBQ, expertly cooked by our team of volunteers and coordinated by Richie Healy.
It also gave us an opportunity to say farewell to Sep Tolboom, who has now returned to his native Netherlands after spending some time in Melbourne. He’s been a great addition to the men’s coaching team and a wonderful person to have around the club. Best of luck on your new adventures Sep!

Race of the weekend?

Big ups to Richie for catching the footage of the absolute barnstormer of a finish for the Sunday MB4x+ “too close to call”.


MC8+ Will Golding, Allan Randall, Isaac Balemi, Pat Cook, Ben Wardle, Alex Pupko, Dennis Beck, Jack Hellerstedt, coxed by Ally Dejaegher
X2X Jack Hellerstedt & Ally Dejaegher
MB4X+ Pat Cook, Isaac Balemi, Ben Wardle, Will Golding, coxed by Jack Hellerstedt
FM4X+ Christine Sullivan, Cynthia Masters, Sarah Hardy, Diana Vernon, coxed by Stef Dudzig
FB2- Amy Catlin & Lily Innes-Irons
MC4X+ Emil Limansyah, James Merrett, Will Golding, Pat Cook, coxed by Jack Hellerstedt
FB4+ Caley Manzie, Kat Spinnler-Jenkins, Stef Dudzig, Gabriella Bekir-Fuente, coxed by Wan Emptage
FC4+ Emily Bourke, Dana Hill, Caley Manzie, Kat Spinnler-Jenkins, coxed by Christine Sullivan

MB8+ Pat Cook, Jack Hellerstedt, Jon Roberts, Alex Pupko, Tom McKay, Ben Wardle, Will Golding, Isaac Balemi, coxed by Ally Dejaegher
FC4X+ Gabriella Bekir-Fuente, Marie Bergmann, Caley Manzie, Emily Bourke coxed by Amy Catlin
FB4+ Caley Manzie, Kat Spinnler-Jenkins, Stef Dudzig, Gabriella Bekir-Fuente, coxed by James Merrett
MC4X+ Emil Limansyah, James Merrett, Allan Randall, Dmitri Maksoutov, coxed by Geraldine Goss

Thank yous

Huge thanks to our team of volunteers for making this event possible:
Fiona Morrison for organising accommodation at Lydoun Motel
Christine & Leigh Sullivan, for towing the trailer to and from Rutherglen
Leigh Sullivan for BRO duty on Saturday
Richie Healy for organising food logistics and planning the Saturday BBQ
Pat Cook, Gerry Goss, Will Golding, Jon Roberts & Dennis Beck for cooking up a storm on Saturday night and making sure everything gets cleaned up
Jack Hellerstedt for crisis re-booking the pub, creating the photo album, picking up BBQ food and double checking boats were tied down properly
Kim Begelhole for the boatloading plan
All members who coxed, helped to get boats on and off water, boatloaded/unloaded and generally helped out over the weekend. Your assistance is really appreciated!

Link to album

8/22 club races

The sun was out for some short notice club races Sunday August 28th.

Lily, Alex K, Rosie, Caley, Andrew, Dimitri (FIRST TIME IN A SWEEP BOAT- well done), Cynthia, Dennis, Will, Pat, Ben, Isaac, Pavel, Alex, John C, Gerry, with coxes Derek and Kat.

Starter was Helen, finish line manned by Diana and Chelsea.

Lily organised the bar AND manned the BBQ with Alex K.

Thanks to Christine, Leigh, George and Barry for help at the bar.

album link

2022 RRC AGM – Saturday 30 July

Richmond Rowing Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on the morning of Saturday 30th July. The meeting is currently planned to start at 1130am, following the club races planned for 10am. There will be a club bbq following the close of the meeting.

At the AGM all Committee members stand down and positions are available for club members to stand for election to the RRC Committee for the coming year. Generally the incoming Committee is a blend of new and experienced members.

To present yourself for election, you are required to have been a member of the club for more than 2 years and be willing to help out with the club’s organisation. If you are interested, feel free to chat to any of the current Committee members to get some more background information. The Committee positions are:

Head of Rowing
Captain of Boats
Fundraising Coordinator
Facilities Coordinator
Ordinary Member (two ordinary member positions are available which assist with a number of areas)

During the AGM, outgoing Committee members will briefly go through some of the highlights of the year, as well as a summary of the club’s financial situation and the main achievements compared to the goals we set out last year. This usually takes less than an hour and we warmly invite all members of the club to attend.

The meeting will be available in a hybrid format, with a link to follow for those who wish to participate but are unable to make it to the club.

If you wish to present yourself for election, please complete a nomination form (available here) and submit it to the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting (by COB 15th July). If 3 signatures on a pdf is logistically difficult, the Secretary is happy to accept emails from the proposer, seconder, and nominee stating their support of the application.

Boat naming ceremony for the Kathy Macrow & the Derek Begg

On 24/2/22 we formalised two new members of our fleet.

Our new Sykes 4/x+ has been formally christened the Kathy Macrow, for our current treasurer and long-serving committee member who has been a member since 2009. In addition to all her high-level administration for the club, she runs the Tiger social rowing program, a key cornerstone of our goal to make rowing accessible to a broad spectrum of commitment levels and ability.

Hail, Poseidon,
Holder of the Earth
dark-haired lord
O blessed one
be kindly in heart and help those who voyage in ships!

Let it be known
From this day hence
This boat of ours
Is properly named
The Kathy Macrow

The Captain

We doubled down on our off-cycle opportunistic purchase by de-naming the TBFKDB, to christen our new Empacher 8+ (‘The Glendalough’) the Derek Begg. A member since 2004, Derek has served in many capacities on & especially off the committee, and is presently coaching & coxing for the men in their ’21-’22 seasonal incarnation as a big boat squad.

Lifetime member Dennis Beck (left) introducing Derek (middle) with John Carey (right) listening intently.

Across the faraway ocean
Across the faraway sea
Across the land
And across the waters
Poseidon, hear my plea

Divine ruler heed my call
Answer me true
In the light of day
Or in the dark of night
Lend me your strength
Your power
And your will to fight

Let it be known
From this day hence
The boat that was
The Derek Begg
Shall no longer hold this name

Let it be known
From this day hence
This is the boat
That shall carry that name

The Captain
Derek after coxing the MB8+ to victory at state champs in Ballarat


All RRC members, friends and family are invited to join us to celebrate a great Melbourne tradition, The AFL Grand Final! 
Why not cheer on the teams from our amazing balcony, just down the road from the MCG.
Pies and Nibbles are included in your $18 ticket price.
Drinks at bar prices
Saturday 28 September 2019 at 1pm


Richmond Rowing Club
7 Boathouse Drive, Melbourne



AGM's and Boat Namings!!

We are continuing our fleet renewal program and will be naming our new Women’s Eight after the RRC AGM which starts at 10am on Saturday, 27 July. We look forward to seeing as many members present as possible, the running order for the day will be:
10am – AGM
10.30am – Boat naming
11am – club races
12 onwards – BBQ and bar
As part of our fleet renewal program to make space for newer boats we donated one of our older single sculls to the Bendigo Rowing Club last year. We have received many thanks for Bendigo for this donation and they have in turn spent time refurbishing the boat.
I was pleased to receive a letter from the Bendigo Rowing Club, thanking us for this donation and also letting me know that they intend to name the boat after our current Head of Rowing Tim Evans.
As most of you will know Tim has a deep connection with both clubs, having been introduced to rowing in Bendigo by one of their life members Denis Nihill. Tim has also rowed successfully for Richmond for a number of years, served on our Committee in multiple roles and is a Life Member of Richmond Rowing Club.
The Tim Evans will be formally named following the BRC AGM to be held at 11am, Sunday 28 July at Lake Weeroona, Bendigo. Tim will be present and I will also attend to represent the club. The Bendigo Rowing Club has also invited any members of Richmond Rowing Club who would like to attend. Please let me know and I will pass on the details.
In their correspondence with me the Bendigo Rowing Club has also recognised our participation in the annual Bendigo Sprint Regatta and they look forward to seeing us this year again. Highlighting the number of former Bendigo rowers who have continued their rowing on relocation to Melbourne by joining our club, they also hope that the naming of the boat will further strengthen the connection that exists between our clubs.
Congratulations to Tim on this honour from his hometown club!!

Club races and our latest boat naming

Club Races
Fast and furious – with lots of splash – is how four eights competed in Sunday’s Club Races.  Around 20% of the competitors were in their first club races and it was great to see our DS members joining in and experiencing some racing.  After the heats, crews competed in an A Final and B Final.
The winning team of the A Final was Andrew Yuile, John Carey. Alan Randall, Leigh Sullivan, Kim Begelhole, Cristian Udovicich, Imogen Aitken and Kate Riley, coxed by Stef Dudczig.
Our selectors of crews did a pretty good job, but then tried to outfox us with the use of French on the starter’s line! Derek managed to video the finals so if you want to see your form check out the Facebook posts.
It was great to see lots of our current Learn to Row group enjoying the BBQ and deck with the rest of the club.  It won’t be too long before they’re rowing in the next Club Races!
The Development Squad under the leadership of Sarah Hardy organized a fabulous BBQ.  And Sarah even co-opted Matt (hubby) and Bridgette (daughter) to help out on the BBQ while we were all racing.  Thanks to the salad providers… Pavel, Alysia, Emma & Matt, Amy and Sarah Hardy.  Sarah even provided homemade vege/vegan burgers – yummy!  The DS (including Oliver & Mikey G) also did a great job setting up the tables and cleaning up afterwards and photographing the day.
Bar server thanks go to Ally, Kathy, Dennis, Gypsy, John C, Amy and Kim B.  And thanks to Gypsy for coordinating the bar.
Boat Naming
We were pleased to name the latest acquisition to our fleet – a secondhand midweight single. (It’s a Wintech 2016 Club Trainer 75-85kg ACW honeycomb kevlar/fiberglass – for those interested in the technical details).

The committee has discussed over the past year the possibility of acknowledging and honoring the traditional owners of land on which our boathouse stands and the waterways on which we row.
What better way than naming a boat which is regularly in view of our members and other river users as well as to visitors to Melbourne.
The Boonwurrung elders have given us permission to use the word “Gurrong” – which means canoe in Boonwurrung language – on this, our newest fleet acquisition.
Kathy Macrow

Shiny new boats with deserving names

Thank you to everyone who made it down to the club on Saturday for our Melbourne Head BBQ. It was great to see so many people on water in the glorious weather and all those who came to support.
The great weather allowed us to show off and enjoy our great deck – thank you to everyone who helped organise the BBQ, prepared and cooked the food, served being the bar and generally helped out.

Once all the racing was over we celebrated with the naming of our three brand new boats. As announced at the recent AGM the Committee has purchased a coxless quad/four and a men’s and women’s double/pair. This continues our focus on expanding our fleet with new top of the range boats for our most competitive crews.
To name the boats the Committee sought the input of our members, from all the fantastic ideas it was clear there were three standout names to be recognised. All three have been involved with the club for many years as committee members, volunteers, coaches and rowers.
Our first boat to be named was the men’s double/pair. This boat is named after Anthea Amos. Anthea has been a member for 17 years, joining the club through our learn to row program. She has been an active rower for a number of year and always helps out at our ongoing learn to row sessions to pass on her wisdom. Anthea has also been a Committee member for 7 years, serving as Secretary for 6 years.

The next boat to names was the women’s double/pair named after Geraldine Goss. Geraldine has been a member for over 10 years. She is well-known as an accomplished rower, there is unlikely to be a regatta she hasn’t won and her name is well represented on the clubs honour boards. Whenever possible she also provides coaching to our single scullers to improve their skills. In addition she has been a committee member for 4 years, serving as Fundraising Coordinator and Vice President.

Finally, our new coxless quad/four was name for Barry Campbell. What can I say about Barry, as Captain he tirelessly works to maintain our fleet, source new equipment and improve the rowing shed. Whenever there is a problem with equipment he is there to provide advice. He is now in his 9th year as captain so far and continues to excel in the role. Also a competitive rower in his day, he has been seen on the water more frequently of late, possibly due to newer boats requiring less maintenance…..

Congratulations to Anthea, Geraldine and Barry. It is a well deserved honour for all of you, thank you for all your hard work on behalf of Richmond Rowing Club.