It was a big call to delay the regatta for a week owing to the flood conditions on the Yarra, but the weather on the 26th was a stunning departure from the rain.
Despite the date change, Richmond fielded 18 entries across the four brackets, including the bulk seven-boat play for the FClub4x+.

Conditions got steadily windier as the morning progressed, but Richmond crews were still powering down the course in some very tight races. The Men’s Club 8 in particular came only a whisker behind the winners from Mercantile, hopefully a good sign of things to come for the rest of the season.
While rowers were still competing in the last bracket, our volunteers were busy setting up everything at the club for our afternoon BBQ and open bar. Huge thanks to Helen Pearce for organising the event and serving for hours despite being injured. Also very grateful to Jack and Lily for setting up; Dennis and William for BBQ cooking; Wan, Amy, Dennis, Mikey Kim and Lily for working the bar, Emily Bourke and Sam for clean-up and everyone else who helped make the event such a success.

XM4x+ Ally Dejaegher, Richie Healy, Jack Hellerstedt, Amy Catlin, cox: Lily Innes-Irons 14:05.49
MClub4+ Ben Wardle, Indigo Orton, Tim Foster, Pat Cook, cox: Derek Begg 12:20.6
FClub4x+ Wan-ling Emptage, Emily Bourke, Sam Leslie, Dana Hill, cox: Zena Marzi 13:42.41
FM4x+ Ally Dejaegher, Rachael Button, Christine Sullivan, Sarah Houghton, cox: Deb Spring 13:28.94
MClub8+ Jack Hellerstedt, Pavel Oborin, Jon Roberts, Alex Pupko, Indigo Orton, Ben Wardle, Pat Cook, Tim Foster, cox: Derek Begg 10:56.2
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