In a very unusual turn of events, Carrum was one of the few regattas this year that wasn’t at risk of cancellation or location change. Not only that, but the weather gods were on our side as we enjoyed glorious clear skies, light winds and a barely there whiff from the treatment plant – perfect conditions for racing.
Despite a small contingent from Richmond and tough competition from the likes of Mercantile and Carey, we were still successful on the water with several wins and some very close races.
Well done to all participants, particularly those for whom it was a new experience:
• Emily Bourke, Sean Rushby and James Merrett – First time sprint racing
• Amy Catlin – first time coxing in a regatta
Massive thank you to our team of volunteers for making this event possible:
• Barry Campbell for towing the trailer in the most appalling traffic conditions
• Phil Munson for being our BRO extraordinaire for the afternoon session
• Jack Hellerstedt as our official event photographer
• Everyone who helped each other out by coxing, carrying blades & boats, providing lifts, words of encouragement, sweet treats or watermelon-scented suncream

First place – Medals!
FB4x+ Emily Bourke, Millie Cameron, Gabriela Bekir-Fuente, Sarah Hardy, coxed by Ally Dejaegher – 4:03.66

FM4x+ Ally Dejaegher, Sarah Hardy, Anthea Amos, Christine Sullivan, coxed by Amy Catlin – 4:51.83

X8+ Tim Foster, Will Golding, Alex Pupko, Ben Wardle, Amy Catlin, Lily Innes-Irons, Gabriela Bekir-Fuente, Emily Bourke, coxed by Ally Dejaegher – 3:44.63

Second place
MA4x+ Will Golding, Ben Wardle, Isaac Balemi, Pat Cook, coxed by Derek Begg – 3:23.56
FB2- Lily Innes-Irons, Amy Catlin – 4:13.21
MB4+ Tim Foster, Ben Wardle, Isaac Balemi, Pat Cook, coxed by Derek Begg – 3:41.65
MB8+ Tim Foster, Pat Cook, Ben Wardle, Isaac Balemi, Alex Pupko, Michael Gehling, Jack Hellerstedt, Keith Wong, coxed by Will Golding 3:34.43
X4x+ Jack Hellerstedt, Amy Catlin, Ally Dejaegher, Dennis Beck, coxed by Keith Wong 4:01.58
MA8+ Tim Foster, Pat Cook, Ben Wardle, Isaac Balemi, Alex Pupko, Will Golding, Jack Hellerstedt, Dennis Beck, coxed by Ally Dejaegher 3:25.64
Third place
MB4x+ Keith Wong, James Merrett, Sean Rushby, Emil Limansyah, coxed by Lily Innes-Irons 4:04.82
FM2x Anthea Amos, Val Dowell [MRC] 5:24.04
Another great day for Richmond Rowing Club