2023 Wendouree Ballarat Regatta

Ballarat was a mixed bag of conditions this year, with the classic wind churning up the course on Saturday, followed by chilly temperatures but calm water on Sunday.
Overall we had 25 competitors entered in 20 events, with 8 wins. Well done to everyone who participated!
Special shout out to Emily Bourke, who recently got injured but still came up to Ballarat to help out as BRO, despite the disappointment of not being able to race. Thanks Emily!


FClub2x Helen Pearce, Kate Dyball
MB2X Isaac Balemi, Ben Wardle
MBeg4X+ James Merrett, Devin Ingram, John Britton, Sean Rushby, Cox: Ally Dejaegher
FM4X+ Hannah Doherty-McMillan, Ally Dejaegher, Amy Catlin, Geraldine Goss, Cox: Sarah Houghton
MB4X+ Jack Hellerstedt, Pavel Oborin, John Britton, Will Golding, Cox: Derek Begg
FC4X+ Beth Rosenberg, Kat Franklin, Victoria Mar, Hannah Doherty-McMillan, Cox: Sarah Houghton
FM2X Geraldine Goss [RCHMD], Jennifer Bingham [MUBC]
MC4+ Pat Cook, Isaac Balemi, Ben Wardle, Tim Foster, Cox: Derek Begg

Thank yous

Huge thanks to our team of volunteers for making this event possible:
Kim Begelhole for creating the trailer plan, and towing the trailer
Sue Virginia O’Hanlon and Emily Bourke for BRO duties
All members who coxed, helped to get boats on and off water, boatloaded/unloaded and generally helped out over the weekend. Your assistance is really appreciated!

Link to photo album