The sprint season continued with another fabulous day of racing at Nagambie on 19th Feb, with sunny weather, light winds and all around outstanding conditions. This was the second outing for our new and snazzy racing zooty, which was changed to a new design and provider only recently. Thanks Sarah Haughton for all the hard work to get this done.
All the season’s training proved worthwhile when we got some well deserved bling!

FClub1X Kate Dyball
FClub2X Kate Dyball, Helen Pearce
MC8+ Emil Limansyah, James Merrett, John Britton, Richie Healy, John Carey, Dmitri Maksoutov, Dennis Beck, Keith Wong, Coxed by Ally Dejaegher
MBeg4X+ James Merrett, Devin Ingram, William Haynes, Dmitri Maksoutov, Coxed by Emil Limansyah
FM1X Kate Dyball
MB8+ Pavel Oborin, Jack Hellerstedt, Jon Roberts, Alex Pupko, Ben Wardle, Tim Foster, Pat Cook, Isaac Balemi, Coxed by Derek Begg
MC4X+ Keith Wong, John Britton, John Carey, Will Golding, Coxed by Derek Begg
FC1X Emily Rouse
X4X+ Sarah Houghton, Michael Hedger, Dennis Beck, Geraldine Goss, Coxed by James Merrett
MB4X+ Pavel Oborin, Jack Hellerstedt, John Carey, Will Golding, Coxed by Derek Begg
FA2X Helen Pearce, Kate Dyball
MC4+ Pat Cook, Isaac Balemi, Ben Wardle, Tim Foster, Coxed by Derek Begg

Thank yous
Emily Bourke – For BRO duties, general encouragement and good cheer!
Kim Begelhole and Leigh Sullivan – For trailer towing to and from Nagambie
Geraldine Goss – For commentating the races in a very knowledgeable and yet soothing voice
Jack Hellerstedt – For creating the photo album and collecting all the great snaps in one place
Coxes – Big thank you to everyone volunteering to steer our crews to the finish line!
Well done to everyone who participated!
For more photos, check out this link: