Written by Emily Bourke
What a cracker of a weekend in Nagambie! It was great to be there with the sun shining and the wind only lightly blowing dust across the course. Helen Pearce and Kate Dyball really set the tone for the weekend on the Saturday, smashing the 2km events! Well done Kate and Helen!
This showing was followed up by a glorious Sunday of 1km racing in which Richmond took out the top spot of the medal tally with 16 in total – of which there were 8 golds, 7 silver and 1 bronze medal!
Thank you to everyone who contributed and made this weekend of racing possible!
- Samantha Leslie for taking on BRO duties
- Geraldine Goss for the fantastic commentating
- Kim Begelhole for the boat loading plan
- Phil Munson for towing the trailer
- Jack Hellerstedt for being photographer
- All the coaches, coxes, and helpers for boats and oars
- Everyone who brought their dogs 😊
Saturday (2km)
FClub2X: H. Pearce and K. Dyball – 8:14.81
FClub1X: K. Dyball – 8:31.56

Sunday (1km)
MC8+ J.Britton, R.Healy, D.Maksoutov, E.Limansyah, J.Carey, M.Hedger, D.Beck, K.Wong, Cox: L.Hubbard – 3:12.57
FB2- A.Catlin, L.Innes-Irons – 3:58.03
FA1X K.Dyball – 3:57.52
FC4+ V.Mar, K.Spinnler-Jenkins, G.Bekir-Fuente, D.Hill, Cox: P.Tran – 4:08.24
FC8+ K.Franklin, K.Spinnler-Jenkins, G.Bekir-Fuente, B.Rosenberg, C.May, D.Hill, I.Williams, N.Finn, Cox: P.Tran – 4:01.10
MC4X+ K.Wong, J.Britton, J.Carey, R.Healy, Cox: A.Dejaegher – 3:32.98
FC4X+ W.Emptage, M.Bergmann, J.Huang, D.Hill, Cox: I.Sijan – 4:18.05
FA2X H.Pearce, K.Dyball – 3:54.04

MB4+ P.Cook, I.Balemi, B.Wardle, T.Foster, Cox: D.Begg – 4:05.10
MB8+ P.Oborin, J.Hellerstedt, J.Roberts, A.Pupko, B.Wardle, T.Foster, P.Cook, I.Balemi, Cox: D.Begg – 3:07.51
MC4X+ E.Limansyah, J.Merrett, D.Maksoutov, W.Haynes, Cox: L.Hubbard – 3:39.06
FC1X E.Rouse – 4:48.74
FB8+ C.Sullivan, V.Mar, C.Manzie, E.Rouse, A.Lawler, B.Rosenberg, S.Leslie, S.Houghton, Cox: P.Tran – 3:54.24
FB1X L.Innes-Irons – 4:39.60
MC4+ W.Golding, T.Foster, P.Cook, I.Orton, Cox: A.Dejaegher – 3:51.95
MB4X: W.Golding, I.Balemi, B.Wardle, P.Cook, Cox: D.Begg – 3:38.81
For more photos, check out this link