Yoga for Rowers- Starting Tuesday 21st Feb 6.30am

Screen Shot 2017-02-13 at 5.09.02 PMFrom Tuesday 21st February we will be offering weekly yoga classes at the boathouse.

  • Running from 6.30-7.30am (every Tuesday for 6 weeks).
  • $15 cash paid before the class starts (pay per class/per week – no 6 week commitment required up front)
  • Bring your own mat if you have one (club has a selection in the gym cupboards)

The classes will be focused around building core strength and developing overall flexibility with the main goal to balance out the intense training rowers do. A consistent yoga practice can create bodies more resilient to injuries and the long-term stress rowing and training for rowing puts on the body.
We hope this will be a popular training addition to your schedule and after 6 weeks we will decide whether to extend the classes. All practitioners MUST sign a waiver before commencing their first class and inform the instructor if they have any injuries, medical conditions or other things that might impact on yoga. So please ensure you arrive with plenty of time to sign the waiver and set up ready to start at 6.30am on Tuesday and have $15 cash (correct money appreciated).
For more information and what to expect watch this video clip, prepared by Therese (certified yoga teacher, controlled strength coach and founder and owner of The Inner Warrior) who will be running the classes.

Boathouse security

On Tuesday morning, whilst some members were out rowing some cash was stolen from the MLC office.   Apparently thieves have been targeting the boatsheds, with reports of computers and money being taken from other clubrooms.
Please can I remind you to close all doors behind you and ensure you keep the change room doors locked at all times and if you are erging alone in the gym please keep the gym door shut for your safety.
If you see someone you do not recognise acting suspiciously and you feel safe to do so ask them who they are and what they are doing. Please report any suspicious people to the committee – preferably with a photo if you have your phone on you and it’s safe to take a pic !!!

Xmas Club Races and BBQ Sunday 11th December

Unless you’ve been wandering around with your eyes closed and your headphones on recently you will have noticed it’s getting close to Xmas time.
Richmond Rowing Club will be having our Xmas social BBQ on Sunday 11th of December from 1 pm with Xmas Club Races from 9:45 am.
WHEN: Sunday 11th December
Club races from 9:45am
Christmas BBQ from 1pm
Tickets can be purchased via Trybooking :
BBQ Price: $20 per person includes BBQ and Salads
Family Ticket $60
Drinks: RRC Bar open post club races –Drinks at bar prices
Richmond Rowing Club
7 Boathouse Drive
Melbourne, Vic
Friends and Family are welcome to come enjoy some Xmas cheer and cheer some club racing.

Camp 2016

Thursday night: The trip didn’t seem like it was getting off on the right foot when we left Melbourne on a cold, rainy night for the 2 hour dark drive up to Nagambie. After an exhausting week at work we arrived at the campsite and already we had encountered our first challenge, a boom gate. Thanks to organisation queen Kathy’s email “most” of us got through without a hitch – others needed to wake up the locals only to be reminded that the code had already been sent out. A couple of U-turns later we found our cabins and settled in for the night.
Day 1: Early morning wake-up call. It seemed each cabin had a morning person and ours was Edwina. Leaping out of her bed at 5:30 AM and annoying those who wanted an extra 10 minutes (or 2 hours!) snooze. Yash wasn’t quite coping but a coffee delivered to bed fixed her up soon enough.
Again the weather didn’t seem to be ideal, cold, rainy, and muddy we set out for the day. Down to the lake at 6:15 to rig the boats, a quick meet & greet and then straight on to the water. Given that 2 hours is about the most any of us beginners have rowed in a day we were in for some hurt. We had a massive 6 hours ahead of us and despite the enthusiasm, it wasn’t easy! (How do the regular members keep up their energy?!) One of the most enjoyable parts of the day was the barbeque, which we were all excited about! Over some delicious BBQ the DS heard some great stories and advice form rowing veterans, mainly Rob.

bbqThe BBQ crew

Fed and somewhat rested it was then time for the box biting challenge to begin. For those who couldn’t stay out to watch, Dave was live on facebook, moving around the cabins to make sure nobody missed out (rumour has it that he was locked out of his own cabin!!). It came down to a battle to the death between Alan & Edwina but it was a win for the girls and the DS!
Day 2: Another early start, another coffee for Yash, two morning rows and some new experiences for us all. Yash had her first go at being a coxswain for RRC. Following a “slight” disastrous coxing experience in another club, she considered it a win by not sinking the boat. Well done
Edwina had her first go in a double with Jen. She thought she was killing it until she realised Jen had been balancing the boat the entire time. It’s okay Edwina, we think you killed it. Then we went to the pub for the AFL grand finale. Most patrons supported the Dogs, but for Yash and Edwina even watching the game was a new experience. The most heartbreaking moment of the day was watching Kathy’s face of disappointment at the Swan’s defeat, her fault for following a team from Sydney I guess (just kidding). After a long afternoon of eating & drinking, most of us were ready for an early night.
Day 3: This was probably the most difficult morning start. Packing up the cabins before the first row wasn’t what we had in mind after 2 days of rowing. But all good things must come to an end. The killer sunrise made us hopeful but the wind made it difficult, the water was choppy and there were a few grumpy seats in boats.

sunriseDay 3: Killer sunrise!!

The fatigue and empty headedness showed as we all let go of our oars when Rebecca told us to throw up our arms for a photo, we didn’t realise she was joking…..For the last session the other crews raced each other but DS were struggling to keep the balance of the boat amongst all the waves. By the end of it we weren’t sure which had more water in it, the lake or our boat.

hands-in-the-airPut your hand in the air like you don’t care!! Not a good idea.

With all the fun over it was time to pay our dues, as if our muscles hadn’t suffered enough over the last few days. De-rigging, boat loading, car-packing and back to Melbourne for re-rigging, boat unloading and car unpacking as well as washing the boats & oars. At least the sun was shining?
We don’t know about everyone else, but I was asleep by 8 that night and looking forward to sleep past 5:30 AM. What a weekend! Thanks for everyone who organised the weekend – especially Kathy, Tim, Barry & the coaches but also to all the other members for including and supporting us. We not only had a great time but bonded well as a team despite a lack of sleep and a bunch of blisters. We are sure all of the DS feel the same way, sore, glad, grateful and keen to go again – we had such a great weekend!
-Edwina & Yash

Training zooties

It’s always great to see RRC members training in club colours. The folks at Red Handed clothing co have designed some training suits for RRC. They are a nylon/Lycra blend, lightweight and quick dry. If  we place a minimum order for either then the cost will be about $60 each; if the order is smaller then they will cost a bit more. If you are interested to purchase a suit then please email me directly on [email protected] before Sun Sept 11 with your preferred suit (Swirl or Aztec Pattern, or you can have both if want) and size (see attached Zootie Size Chart). I will confirm cost before placing a final order. Email me with any queries!
training zooties
Geraldine Goss

Coxswain Workshops

See below for great opportunities in Melbourne for anyone wishing to improve or extend their coxing skills/knowledge.
Wednesday 10th August, 6pm: Beginner Coxswain Workshop Beginner Coxswain Workshop

Wednesday 17th August, 6pm: Advanced Coxswain Workshop Advanced Coxswain Workshop1

The Beginner Workshop is for those who are just starting their coxing careers, but experienced coxswains or coaches who would like a refresher of the basics are welcome too. We will cover everything necessary to safely and efficiently cox training sessions, and basic ways that coxswains can assist their coaches and ‘add value’ to their crew. The Advanced Workshop will cover a number of communication techniques, as well as ways in which coxswains can continue to improve on their own. Both workshops will be interactive, with plenty of opportunities to practice and ask questions. For more information and booking details see links above.
Sarah Ben-David
U21 Australian Team Coxswain

Have your say!

It’s time to start planning and thinking ahead to next season and we need your input. Our annual planning day will be held on Saturday, 2nd July from 10am – 3.00pm at the boathouse.
Thank you to all those people who completed the feedback survey which generates essential input into our planning. If you have ideas about what we can do either on or off water next year, opinions about how things can be improved or just want to find out more about being involved at the club please come along to the planning day, it is open to all members and now is your chance to contribute.
The agenda for the planning day is attached below but we are always a little flexible to allow for where the discussion takes us on the day, so this is just a guide and if you can not stay the whole day that is fine too. For those who do I’m sure we can toast to our good work at the pub afterwards. However, the aim of the day will be that we have some initial plans for next seasons calendar of events and ideas of key areas to focus our energies to best benefit RRC and all its members.
If you have some time please think about or discuss with your friends/squad what you would like the club’s goals to be next year and specifically if there is an area that you can offer expertise or volunteer to help with. These could be things like recruiting new members, getting more crews racing in the season, increasing RRC competitiveness at certain grades, fundraising income, social activities etc. It is easy to come up with loads of ideas and goals, but if you had to pick just one or two goals for the club as a whole for next year, what would they be?
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me, [email protected] but the best way to find out more is to come along and get involved.
We look forward to seeing everyone who can make it and is interested in seeing RRC continue to grow on Saturday 2nd July.

Boathouse Drive lawn works

The more observant among us may have noticed some disturbances in the lawn in front of the clubhouse leading down to the river.
We have been informed by City of Melbourne and the parks department that following the preliminary investigations works to improve this area are due to begin next week. A document detailing the stages of the work can be found here.
Stage 3 ie. directly in front of RRC will be completed first, starting next Monday 9 May and then stage 1 and 2 thereafter.  The works will only take one day and then be roped off for 5 weeks before proceeding to the next area. This should still allow access for rowers to the water without too much inconvenience but please be aware of the notices and restrictions and as always take care when transporting boats to and from the shed to the water.

New Faces

Some of the membership may already have noticed a few new faces around the rowing shed this week as the Inter College rowing season has begun.
Over the last several years RRC has leased our eights to the Melbourne University Inter-Collegiate Regatta. This has a direct benefit to RRC in bringing in much needed funds for fleet maintenance and new equipment.
To facilitate the lease of the college rowing we have provided access to the shed bay area, change-rooms and gym. Please make them feel welcome as we’ve had inter-college rowers join RRC in the past after the regatta period. Continue reading “New Faces”

Get BRO accredited – be a good rowing citizen!

If you’ve been to a regatta, you would be aware of the people around who are wearing Hi-vis vests and carrying megaphones. They’re directing you where to put your boat in/out of the water, checking bow balls and shoes to ensure rower safety, keeping the transit lanes safe, getting you lined up at the start, following the race and calling boats into their lanes, and then determining who’s won. These people are BROs (Boat Race Officials)!
As a club, RRC has to provide BROs at each regatta. Recently the BROing has been done by coaches, the captain and JL but we need to share BROing duties around as these people already do so much work at the club. We don’t want to burn them out!
Continue reading “Get BRO accredited – be a good rowing citizen!”