Xmas Club Races and BBQ Sunday 11th December

Unless you’ve been wandering around with your eyes closed and your headphones on recently you will have noticed it’s getting close to Xmas time.
Richmond Rowing Club will be having our Xmas social BBQ on Sunday 11th of December from 1 pm with Xmas Club Races from 9:45 am.
WHEN: Sunday 11th December
Club races from 9:45am
Christmas BBQ from 1pm
Tickets can be purchased via Trybooking :
BBQ Price: $20 per person includes BBQ and Salads
Family Ticket $60
Drinks: RRC Bar open post club races –Drinks at bar prices
Richmond Rowing Club
7 Boathouse Drive
Melbourne, Vic
Friends and Family are welcome to come enjoy some Xmas cheer and cheer some club racing.