Trivia Night tickets on sale – 24 March 2018

Following our recent club events (Xmas BBQ and NYE) our fundraising total for the year is currently above $7,000. Thanks to your great work, we are well on our way to our goal for the purchase of a new shiny boat! Look out for upcoming communications on additions to the fleet.
With that in mind, the annual RRC trivia night is only a month away, starting at 7pm Sat 24th of March. The theme for this year’s quiz will be Arabian Nights – so get your Aladdin suits ready, hop on your magic carpet and get ready for an amazing night!
Tickets are strictly limited to 100, so get in early through Trybooking. Prices are $25 per person or $225 for a table of 10.
The one and only Justin Thomas will be writing the quiz questions from the other side of the world with help from Aline Dejaegher, Simon Crunden is back to MC the evening and Derek Begg will be on hand as our auctioneer for the night.
Don’t forget, as one of our major fundraising events we are looking for auction items, the more unusual the better. You can donate your time, your one off skill, that vintage zootie or the dozen bottles of wine you have been saving. Contact [email protected] with any items you can donate.
It’s always a great night and you can bring along your friends, colleagues and family to enjoy each other’s company at the club. The event is BYO food, with drinks at bar prices. Prizes for winning team and best dressed, and don’t forget to decorate your table!