Prize drawing 23 April at the Club.
Prize drawing 23 April at the Club.
Tax time is rapidly approaching and if you are looking for a good cause to obtain a tax deductible donation then please consider donating to the RRC ASF project for a new Concept 2 ERG bike.
We have been able to enhance the gym over the past couple of years with new ergos, PM5 monitors and a great weights set up. We felt it was time to also add a new stationary bike also to add some variety to training options and aid injury recovery.
The Concept 2 ERG bike use the same flywheel and PM5 monitor as the current Concept 2 rowing Ergos making it easy to use and monitor your workout. The ERG bike is also great for recovery sessions and will be a welcome addition to the gym.
All donations over $2 through ASF are tax deductible, so if you make your donation before 30 June 2019 you will be able to include it on your 2019 tax return. You will be able to contribute to the club and reduce your tax liability at the same time.
Here is the link to make it happen…..
This years RRC Presentation Night is now only a few weeks away on Friday 31st May at 7pm. So pack away the zootie and dress to impress as we celebrate all the achievements of our club members for the last year.
We’ll be honouring all of these along with our Annual awards including rowers and coxswain of the year. Club races and time trial winners will also be announced so make sure you’re there to receive your awards!
This evening is also the perfect opportunity to thank everyone who has made the year possible including coaches, coxes and volunteers. It’s the ideal time to come together and celebrate all that is great about our special club and the friends we have there.
Early bird tickets including a three course meal for $50. Tickets purchased after Friday 10th May will increase to $70 per person. Drinks will be available to purchase at the bar.
Tickets are on sale now at Trybooking. Bring along your partner or friends for what will be a special night at the clubhouse.
The Entertainment Book/mobile app is now available for 2019/2020. It’s an easy way to help raise some money for the club, whilst benefiting from discounts around town.
The saving far outweigh the $70 costs. With…..
The entertainment book has over 800 vouchers / discounts on dining, entertainment, activities, hotel stays etc. etc. across Melbourne and suburbs
These discounts range from 20% off meals at top restaurants, 2 for 1 entry to Melbourne tourist attraction to shopping discounts.
The book or mobile app costs only $70 to purchase – 20% of which will go directly back to the club to make our club better for all of us.
The vouchers are valid to 1st June 2020 so plenty of time to get your $70 back and more.
Any question feel free to ask me
Shern Timmins
The quiz night is less than 2 weeks away – Friday 15th March – hope you have your tickets!! Just to get you excited here is a list of current auction and silent auction items (still happy to receive more Items contact [email protected])
Can’t be there on the night and see something you like – get someone else to bid on your behalf – remember all proceeds go towards some shiny new boats!
Don’t forget the “50 x 50” Project – in May we launched our goal to raise $2,500 by 30 June for Richmond to have the most impressive tent at a regatta next season!
Our aim was to get 50 members who have used our well-loved but aging tent to donate $50 each (remember, that is Tax deductible) as a start. This will raise us $2,500 towards a new tent, which will be more than halfway to the purchase price. If we can get to half way the Committee will order the new tent at the start of the season instead of the end.
Help the club today by donating $50 at https://asf.org.au/projects/richmond-rowing-club/new-club-tent/.
We have 17 generous donations so far – thank you all so much – so we are on our way to our goal. Remember its tax-deductible so you are welcome to donate a little more if you can. Now is the best time to make and take advance of tax-deductible donations before the end of the financial year.
Here are the full details if you need a reminder –
For those of you who have competed at a regatta over the past decade, you are only too aware of the value that our well-loved tent brings us. Whether it is the heat, or rain, the tent is one of our most valued assets. A decade ago, it was also one of our best promotional items, with Richmond proudly displaying the best tent at any regatta we attended. Since then, most other clubs have followed Richmond’s lead and now have more impressive tents. And over the years, Richmond’s well-loved tent is starting to show the impact of all that love.
Richmond is a club on the go, with plans for fleet turnover and membership growth. And we need to demonstrate this to the rest of the rowing committee by attending regattas; by wining on water, and being the most impressive off-water. By having a tent which shows everyone at a regatta that we are a club to be reckoned with; a club not only with the resources to have the best, but also knows that looking after our members at a regatta is smart and provides us with the best opportunity to win on water.
But a tent like this isn’t cheap – and we don’t want to compromise of the awesomeness of a new tent. The committee has agreed that next year’s funding goal will be to replace our tent, but I don’t want to wait until the end of next season before seeing a new tent. I’m hoping that we can get a start on raising a few dollars so we can convince the club to purchase the tent sooner than later. If we can quickly raise half the cost of a new tent, then this should be enough to warrant purchasing the tent for the start of the season, with the promise that we can raise the remaining during the rest of the year.
And how can we do this? Given that we have had 75 different individuals represent Richmond over the past year, if they all made a small tax deductible donation to our Fleet Renewal Fund at the Australia Sports Foundation, then we will be well on our way. The ASF is a brilliant program which allows sporting clubs like Richmond to raise money via tax deductible donations. Richmond has been running our Fleet Renewal Appeal now for a number of years, and has been vital for the renewal of the club’s fleet in the past.
So, how about a target of 50 people donating $50 each (remember, that is Tax deductible) as a start. This will raise us $2,500 towards a new tent, which will be more than half way. We get half way, and then we can convince the club to order the new tent at the start of the season instead of the end.
So let’s do it! I’m launching the “50 x 50” Project – to goal to raise $2,500 by 30 June for Richmond to have the most impressive tent at a regatta next season! Help the club today by donating $50 at https://asf.org.au/projects/richmond-rowing-club/new-club-tent/.
Remember its tax deductible so you are welcome to donate a little more if you can!
Thank You!
Tim Evans
Head of Rowing
Training for the University of Melbourne intercollegiate regatta has commenced culminating with the regatta day on the 28th of April.
It’s worth noting that whilst some crews are ex-school rowers with plenty of experience many have never rowed before and will be getting a crash course in sweep rowing before competing in that first regatta in two weeks.
This year RRC has leased all of our 8’s out to the college crews. The crews are expected to be training regularly on weekday mornings and occasionally over the weekend or other times. However the 8’s will be available to us as part of our regular training sessions in the evenings (Tuesday and Thursday) and on Sunday morning.
With RRC and MLC leasing fleet to the intercollegiate rowing this year there will be a number of new faces around the club over the next 2 weeks when you add rowers, coxswains, coaches, reserves and friends. That’s a lot of potential new members so make them feel welcome.
They have been reminded to use the log book but even RRC’s experienced members forget sometimes, so check the boats are all on the racks before you lock the RRC shed up.
More information on the intercollegiate various sports including rowing can be found here: