College rowers around the club in April

Training for the University of Melbourne intercollegiate regatta has commenced culminating with the regatta day on the 28th of April.
It’s worth noting that whilst some crews are ex-school rowers with plenty of experience many have never rowed before and will be getting a crash course in sweep rowing before competing in that first regatta in two weeks.
This year RRC has leased all of our 8’s out to the college crews. The crews are expected to be training regularly on weekday mornings and occasionally over the weekend or other times. However the 8’s will be available to us as part of our regular training sessions in the evenings (Tuesday and Thursday) and on Sunday morning.
With RRC and MLC leasing fleet to the intercollegiate rowing this year there will be a number of new faces around the club over the next 2 weeks when you add rowers, coxswains, coaches, reserves and friends. That’s a lot of potential new members so make them feel welcome.
They have been reminded to use the log book but even RRC’s experienced members forget sometimes, so check the boats are all on the racks before you lock the RRC shed up.
More information on the intercollegiate various sports including rowing can be found here: