This week has a bit of a Jacko feel about it

Can I request that we all try and make it on time this Thursday as I have a big day of presentations and I will need to get away from the club at 0730 at the latest. If we can be pushing off for 0630 I would very much appreciate it.
Another favour to ask that requires a bit of madness. You would all know that we have a party scheduled for next Friday based around a theme of Michael Jackson. To cut a long email short I have had my creative thinking hat on again and I thought that we (plural) could do a video to promote the event. This involves the entire men’s squad taking off Michael Jacksons Thriller video….this could be bad I know, but it could also be a bit of laugh for the punters. I have this penned in for Saturday prior to the row, so don’t be late otherwise you will find yourself on the front row of the video clip. If no one turns up for a row I know it was a bad idea.
Finally I will get to a rowing program before Thursday and will update you on the session prior to then. I would also like to schedule a talk prior to Saturday’s row to get tuned up for some work that we will be doing during the session. More details later in the week.
Have a good day…Simon