Saturday the mixed bag…

This Saturday will be a mixed bag as we have a number of items to get through on top of our normal row.
All of you would have read countless emails from Emma (RRC President) regarding the introduction of the compulsory Rowing Victoria Water Safety Management Plan that requires ALL rowers to complete a written test and swim 50 metres by 30 September to avoid wearing life jackets (or PFD) while they are rowing.
So that we will comply with this requirement, Emma is conducting a swim test Saturday morning (4 Sep) at 0930 at the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre in Albert Park in the outdoor pool. Unless you are going to camp, then you will need to make this in order to meet the swim part of the requirements.
If you could email Emma today to let her know that you would be there I would appreciate it ([email protected]).
To cover the written test component, I will bring down copies of the test to rowing tomorrow afternoon so you can complete if you have not already done so.
I have had a look at the MJ Thriller video and have worked out that in 30 seconds we need to do a few shoulder shrugs, some steps forward with some breast stroke arm type movements, a few pelvic thrusts, a few steps to the right and a few steps back to the left and some open handed straight arm shaking movements….all pretty straight forward really, it’s just that we need to get the timing right.
The good news is that we do not need to do any crotch grabbing as MJ only introduced this movement when he released the album BAD and he started to invite kids over to his place for sleep over’s…there is a surprise!
Here is a link to a shorten version of the video (the original is 13 minutes long) so you can check it out:
Then the sensible part of the afternoon starts with a quick talk on a few technique bits we are looking to work on and then a row, hopefully we will have enough time to get in at least two long laps.