On water training times – changes in place must be followed from Sunday 22 March
As a result of updated guidance around social distancing and limiting the number of people gathering indoors via the 4m2 per person guidance we have decided to implement a strict at club training timetable by crew group. This timetable provides available sessions by training group (Black squad, yellow squad, development squad, Tiger rowing and other squad groups). If you are not in a squad you are allocated to the Tiger rowing/other session and open session times.
It is also split my male and female and in 2 hour windows (ie the 12pm session runs to 2pm, 2 hour windows that are not included are open sessions ie 4pm). See below.

For members wishing to train from the club the timetable must be followed, should it not be, the club would be required to close, as we would not feel we are able to meet the updated guidelines.
This requirement applies from tomorrow, Sunday 22 March. Sportsnoticeboard sessions with be updated ASAP.
Requirement to book boats
All boats must be booked on sportsnoticeboard.com.au, you must then sign out in the sign out book. For squad sessions our coach is required to book on sportsnoticeboard. For open sessions boats can be booked by individuals. This is essential so we can track who has rowed together and when in the event we are required to track members interactions should there be a positive case involving someone present at the club.
If you are having difficulties with sportsnoticeboard please reach out to the Head of Rowing.
Boat types available
From now on we are limiting boat to singles, pair and doubles. Fours/Quad and Eights are no longer allowed to be used.
Good hygiene continues to be essential
See the detailed guidance from previous posts. Please wash hands, boats, oars etc. Clean ergs thoroughly. Shower after training. Do not leave used towels and clothing in change room. Please follow all signs within the club.
Cleaning of boats and oars
Detailed instructions instructions have been left in the boat bay. They must be followed at all times.
Gym and Ergo access
The gym is closed. Ergo’s are available for use, but must be separated by 1.5 meters and strict cleaning is required to be followed as previously communicated. Preferred usage is outside on the deck, there are 4 standing in the classroom to be rolled out to the deck. Erg’s have also been spaced in the hall and classroom. We have no function bookings until the end of April, these erg’s in the hall and classroom are not to be moved.
Change room access
Given their size, the number of people in change rooms is to be limited as follows, women’s change room – 6 people, MLC change room – 6 people, men’s change room 4 people. I understand this will make it challenging, please be patient and respectful. If there are multiple sessions on a day arrive early and be prepared in advance so you are away from the change room when returning rowers need them. This is essential, if we can’t make this work we will have to reassess club access.
Yoga to replace boxercise
We have unfortunately cancelled our Monday night boxercise. We are replacing this with Yoga at 6.15pm on Monday. This will be run by Geraldine Goss. Please bring your own mat and towel, the club mats are not to be used. If you do not have a mat and towel you will not be able to participate.
Boat Lights
As the mornings and nights get darker please ensure you use lights on all boats. The club has a limited number, with increased use of smaller boats we recommend that those planning on rowing through winter obtain their own lights where possible. There are a number of online suppliers, including
All RRC boats have shoes available. However in the current environment some rowers may wish to source their own shoes. Check out this blog for guidance or reach out to the Captain. rrc fleet installed quick release rowing shoe system-
Finally, if you feel unwell do not visit the club – please follow Government advice if you present with any symptoms or if you have travelled overseas.
If you have a positive test in relation to COVID-19 please let the Committee know immediately so we can assess your contact with club members and facilities and we may take appropriate action regarding club facilities.
We will continue to provide regular updates as the advice and situation develops.