RRC to be closed from the end of Monday 23 March

With the proposed Victorian non-essential services shut down announced we have concluded that the club should be closed to members from the end of Monday 23 March. This will allow members 24 hours to remove any personal items from the club should they require. Following this we will turn off access to the club through the fob system, with Committee members maintaining access for emergency and critical access only.
I trust everyone understands this decision. Whilst it is disappointing to not have access to the club and the opportunity to row we encourage club members to stay in touch and support each other via the internet, phone etc during this challenging time.
The planned yoga session for tomorrow is now cancelled. We plan to coordinate for the coaching group to design remote training plans for squads, we will also look into the possibility of using the technology to facilitate group sessions also. As the detail of the non-essential services shut down is clearer we will communicate if any outdoor sessions (yoga, core strength, running etc) may be arranged, but for now we are pausing all group sessions.
Please stay in touch with your fellow club members through Facebook, I am sure the club spirit will continue this way, if there are things you need help with individually or ways we can help others please reach out as a group.
The club remains in a strong financial position and will be ready to reopen when the time is right. Look out for for further communications from the club.
Thank you