Working towards a safe return to rowing at RRC

As you all would be aware the Victorian Government recently released revised guidance in relation to COVID-19 restriction and relaxation of some requirements which related to sports, cultural and recreation activities.

Rowing Victoria has released draft guidance and recommendations related to a safe return to rowing. Whilst these guidelines are not finalised or approved at the current time, the Committee is putting in place procedures in order that we can get back to rowing. We hope these can be in place by the weekend, however they are contingent on us being able to meet the guidelines. Please look out for further communication on the details that we all will be required to adhere to.

Among the requirements will be following:

  • If you are unwell or display any symptoms you must not attend the club to train. Members should consider their own well being and that of others when considering whether to row.
  • There will be no indoor activities at the club, the gym will remain closed and gathering in the club will not be permitted.
  • There will be access to the toilets, but the change room and showers are not allowed to be used. It is advised to dress for training before arriving at the club
  • Training sessions will be limited to 10 people (including any coaches) – we are working on a rostering and sign up system to enable this on a fair basis. It will not be possible to turn up to the club to row without signing up in advance so the 10 person limit is not exceeded. Private boats will not be in excess of this number, the 10 person limit and rostering/sign up requirements will be across the club whether using club or private equipment.
  • Single sculls only will be allowed. All members must sign out to track attendance and boat usage. Members must have passed swim tests and coxswains tests in order to row a single. Please work with your coach if you do not consider yourself competent in a single.
  • All equipment must be thoroughly washed – following the guidance we put in place prior to the club closing. We are reviewing our procedures and supplies.
  • Social distancing must be maintained including keeping 1.5 meters apart, not congregating within or outside of the shed. There should be no physical greetings etc. Frequent hand washing and good hygiene is required to be observed.

Once the requirements and our procedures are finalised to support a safe return to rowing, we will confirm the requirements that must be adhered to. 
We hope this will be in place to allow for a return to rowing at RRC over the weekend.