RRC COVID-safe rowing requirements – Updated 28 July 2021

RRC have set out the following guidelines that must be observed by all members who choose to row/attend the club from 28 July 2021 until updated, a failure to follow these guidelines could result in fines to the individual and club, but would lead the Committee to consider ceasing members ability to row until we are comfortable the guidelines can be met by all.

RRC Requirements for a safe return to rowing:

  • COVID Check-in Marshal’s must ensure attendees to the club check in with the QR code. For coached sessions, coaches will fill the roll of COVID-check in Marshal. For uncoached sessions the first person to sign up on sports noticeboard is the designated COVID Check-in Marshal. The key issue is to ensure athletes QR Code check in and the Marshal is there to facilitate compliance. Without COVID Check-in Marshal’s the club can not reopen – this is an essential requirement.
  • RRC members can only attend designated RRC sessions – MLC is our tenant and a valuable partner of RRC, we have agreed designated time RRC and MLC will hold sessions. Should session allocations/attendance at the club not be followed, breaches of the headcount limit within the Government regulations could result. See below for session allocation times that must be adhered to.
  • Social distancing must be maintained including keeping 1.5 meters apart, not congregating within or outside of the shed. There should be no physical greetings, high 5’s, spitting etc.
  • Frequent hand washing and good hygiene is requirement to be observed – wash/sanitise hands before and after each session, couch/sneeze in the crook of the elbow, avoid touching face or surfaces if not required, follow hygiene signs within club
  • Monday Boxercise may be held in the main hall subject to electronic sign up and headcount limits for indoor activities.
  • Toilet access is availablechange room access is available, showers are allowed to be used. The change rooms are small and have limited headcount access. It is advised to dress for training before arriving at the club. Valuables should be left at home in case change room access is difficult. There should be no shared items of kit, including towels, drink bottles or spanners. Given the change room sizes and headcount caps we ask that shower use is minimised during busy times.
  • On water training sessions will be limited to 35 rowers – See below for rostering and sign up arrangements to enable this on a fair basis. It will not be possible to turn up to the club to row without signing up in advance so the 35 person limit is not exceeded. Private boats will not be in excess of this number, the 35 person limit and rostering/sign up requirements will be across the club whether using club or private equipment.
  • All boat types are allowed to be used. All members must sign up on sportsnoticeboard and sign out in the boat sign out sheet to track attendance and boat usage should contact tracing be required.
  • Masks must be worn indoors and outdoors when not exercising. This includes the boat bays and between the club and the water.
  • All equipment must be thoroughly washed – following the guidance posters in the boat shed for cleaning of boats, oars, gym equipment and ergos etc.
  • Members are required to clean frequently touched club fixtures at the end of the session. Whilst we engage paid cleaners, we cannot have them present multiple times a day, members are therefore required to clean frequently touched fixtures after each session including the areas of Boat bays, Back Entrance, Disabled toilet, Stairs, Toilets, Main Hall and Classroom and Gym. Complete the QR code sign out to confirm your crew has accounted for cleaning.
  • Every session is required to have a safety officer to oversee these requirements – this role will be taken on by a coach if present, if not the first person to sign up to a session (see below) will act as the safety officer. All members who agree to row must be willing to take on this role so the club can demonstrate its compliance, if not please do not attend the training session. The RRC Safety Officer Checklist is attached.
  • If you are unwell or display any symptoms you must not attend the club to train. Members should consider their own wellbeing and that of others when considering whether to row. By attending and signing out a boat you are confirming you do not feel unwell and are not displaying any COVID-19 symptoms. If you have a positive test in relation to COVID-19 please let the Committee know immediately so we can assess any possible contact with club members and we may take appropriate action regarding club facilities.
  • If you have a positive test in relation to COVID-19 please let the Committee know immediately so we can assess your contact with club members and take appropriate action regarding club facilities.

On water rostering and sign up requirements

  • So we can adhere to headcount requirements on water training sessions are capped at 50 people. To limit cross over of members between sessions the following applies:
  • Sessions will be 2 hours in length, however they will be scheduled in 2.5 hour blocks to allow for no crossover of members, therefore sessions should finish 2 hours after start time i.e. 6am session starts at 6am and finished at 8am.
  • Sign up is required by sportsnoticeboard. We have created 50 sign ups in the “Club Resources” called “COVID Training Session #01, COVID Training Session #02……” . Book one of these 50 Club Resources in the name of the person rowing for the session you are planning to attend, also book the boat you plan to row (if it is a private boat only book one of the 50 Club Resources. Once these 50 Club Resources are booked the session is full.
  • The first person to sign up must sign up as “COVID Training Session #01” and take on the role of the safety officer (see above). Signing up as a later number to avoid this role is not appropriate, should you see this occur please advise the individual and the Committee so this can be rectified.
  • If you do not have a Club Resource booked for a session do not turn up hoping to row (or for any other purpose) – you will be breaching the Victorian Government guidelines and putting our ability to operate as a club at risk.
  • On arrival at the club sign in to register your attendance for contact tracing purposes using the QR codes posted at the back door, near the boat bay doors, in the mens and womens change rooms
  • Completion of the boat sign out sheet at the club is also required to manage on water safety requirements

Ergo usage at the club

  • 8 ergo’s will be available for use at the club
  • The ergo’s are only to be used at the club at an RRC session time when there is no function on at the club
  • They must be booked in advance on sportstnoticeboard via the Ergo resource slots using your contact details for contact tracing (they are in excess of the 50 on water headcount above). Sign in via QR code at the club is also required.
  • They are to be used on the deck, facing the river in 2 lines of 4. A 1.5 meter distance between any point of the erg must be maintained at all times. Space should be allowed to move the ergs around at the end of the session if other people are still using them without coming within 1.5 meters of the other ergs.
  • Should the weather conditions mean that outdoor usage is not possible, the ergo’s may be used in the main hall/classroom. The ergo’s should be positioned a minimum of 1.5 meters apart.
  • If used in the main hall all sliding doors must be open to improve airflow, air conditioning should be used rather than fans to improve airflow
  • Ergs are to be stored in the main hall, moved onto the deck and returned to the main hall. When setting up for functions caterers will store the ergs in the gym during functions
  • Cleaning instructions are provided near the ergs with appropriate cleaning products, please follow the cleaning instructions before and after each session
  • Any coaching is to be 1.5 meters away from all athletes using ergs, coaches should not touch the athelete or the erg. 

Gym usage at the club

  • Gym usage is limited to 6 people at a time (consistent with 1 person per 8m2 rule)
  • Gym training sessions must be booked in advance on sportstnoticeboard via the COVID Gym Session slots, using your contact details for contact tracing (they are in excess of the on water and ergo headcounts). Sign in via QR code at the club is also required.
  • So touch point cleaning can be performed at the end of a session and limiting cross over of members using the gum, we are also implementing session times for gym usage. See table below for session times.
  • Every member wishing to use the gym must have completed the online Australia Government infection control training – your certificate must be provided to the Secretary ([email protected]https://www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/covid-19-infection-control-training
  • To improve airflow the sliding door to the outside is to be opened when using the gym, airconditioning should be used rather than fans to improve airflow (based on guidance from Fitness Australia)
  • There are 6 stations marked out with tape in the gym to allow appropriate space (2 deadlift stations, 2 bench stations, lats machine and pull up/weight cage equipment). Equipment is not to be moved from these positions, with gym users facing away from each other. One person is to use equipment/machine at a time and cleaning is required before another person can use the equipment. 
  • The Ergbike and Spin bike are to be moved outside to the deck for usage – this are not to be used in the gym
  • Members are to maintain 1.5m distance at all times
  • All equipment used and surfaces touched must be cleaned before and after use – see sign off sheets within the gym and detailed guidance on posters with appropriate cleaning products etc

Designated on water session times

11:00 am – 1.15pmRRCRRCRRCRRCRRCMLC to 12:00RRC
1:30 – 3:30pmRRCRRCRRCRRCRRCRRC from 12:15RRC

Designated gym and ergo session times

7:15 – 8:45amRRC
9:00  – 10.30amRRC
12:30 – 2:00 pmRRC
2:15 – 3:30pmRRC
3:45 – 6.00 pmMLC
6.15 – 7:30 pmRRC  
7:45 – 9:15pmRRC

All members must follow these guidelines, if not we will be required to close the club. We will regularly review the guidelines and provide updates where appropriate.
