Season 2015-16 Celebrations

With masters season flying by it’s time to think about celebrating our achievements for the last year and look back on another bumper season at RRC.
Our boathouse will be the venue for us to gather on Saturday May 28th from 7pm to celebrate the year and to say thanks to all our coaches and volunteers that make RRC the club it is. Friends and family are invited to enjoy the evening too with a spit roast dinner and drinks available at bar prices.
Tickets are $30 each – please buy your tickets by 20th May so we know numbers for caterers (it’s pretty hard otherwise).
Please pay for your tickets using the RRC bank account:
Richmond Rowing Club, Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 117078238
Ref: Pres Night <surname>
Contact [email protected] if you have any dietary requirements or questions.
One of the highlights of the night is always a little slide show of photos and movie clips gathered throughout the season, so if you have any you would like to share please put them on the Facebook page or send them through to me, thanks.
Look forward to seeing and celebrating with you all.