RRC Season 2013-14

Champions 2013-14
Thanks to everyone who came along and celebrated what has been another great year for RRC on Saturday, I hope you all enjoyed the evening.
If you want to relive some of the highlights of the last season take a look at the photo/slideshow prepared for the event (apologies that the soundtrack does not work with the video due to copyright issues).
Congratulations to our award winners this season:

  • John Sawyer Award (female rower of the year) – Geraldine Goss
  • Mal Scott Award (male rower of the year) – David Micallef
  • Don Edwards Award (cox of the year) – Rebecca Lionnet
  • Presidents Award (for services to the club) – Jemma Evans

Time trial winners:

  • F1x – G Goss (rowover) 8:51.27
  • M1x – M Gehling (rowover) 8:43.9
  • F2+ – S. Robinson, G. Goss. C: M Numa (rowover) 9:18.97
  • F4+ – S. Robinson, G. Goss, R Stokes, K. Dyball, C: M. Numa 37:44

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