No Access to First Floor 2 June to 12 July and Working Bee 31 May & 1 June

We have just confirmed with Lloyd Group that they require exclusive access to the first floor from 2 June to 12 July.
RRC members will be able to use the changerooms at Mercantile during this time.
Works to the entrance stairs at the same time will mean that there is also no access to the RRC bay.  Many boats will be relocated and accessible for training from the MLC bay, La Trobe and other locations – our thanks to Barry for organising all this. Exact details of boats, locations and how to access them will be provided as soon as they are relocated.
We need your help to get ready for this stage of the works:

  • Please would all members remove ALL personal items from the changerooms by Friday 30 May. All remaining items will be cleared out from the changerooms at the weekend.
  • Please come and help with working bees on Saturday 31 May at 10am and Sunday 1 June at 10am.    We need help to shift boats to new homes and to remove everything from the first floor. If you usually train on the weekend, please come and help instead as we need all hands on deck!

We expect to have access again on Sunday 13 July when we can start to enjoy the refurbished upstairs area. There will be another working bee to put everything back in place – watch this space!