Racking works and helpers needed

As indicated in last months EasyOar newsletter the exciting next phase of the boathouse redevelopment is about to get underway.
The new racking for the RRC boat bay will be installed next week and to facilitate this we need to make space by de-rigging and sectioning some  of our boats and storing them safely on the trailer.
As a result a limited number of boats will be accessible in the MLC bay over the next week to allow some training sessions to occur but please co-ordinate with your coaches and the captain to organise access to equipment and be aware we may need to alter training plans to include land sessions for next week.
The boats will again be available for you to rig and set the following weekend or earlier if everything goes to plan.
We will need crews to de-rig fleet after training sessions this week and on the weekend and move onto the RRC trailer for a few days.
Pleas bring your spanners and bear with us during these brief interruptions..

Access, Security and other Boathouse Information

Not surprisingly, we have been getting some questions about how our new boathouse operates so here is some information to help everyone along. It is not complete as we are yet to have handover of some functions / items in the building. When we do have all the handover complete, we will organise a time to walk members through the building so you get to know first-hand how to operate certain things.
Members can apply for access fobs using the form contained in the access policy on the website. Member fobs give you access into the boathouse through the rear door and also the downstairs front door. They also provide access to the gym and the hall areas inside the boathouse.
When you are down for training or any other everyday matter, please use the rear stairs to access the first floor. This will help us reduce wear and tear on the carpeted hall area and ensure that you do not mistakenly walk into a private function in the hall!
Therefore member fobs do not open the door at the top of the front stairs – think of the front door and stairs now as the ‘function’ entry to the boathouse and the rear door and stairs as the rowing and training entry to the building. For those who have been members for a few years you will recall that this was the arrangement for many years. It helps us keep the front entry stairs and the hall clean.
Continue reading “Access, Security and other Boathouse Information”

Airconditioning – IMPORTANT!

Please do NOT use the airconditioning at the boathouse yet. It has not been properly set up and is therefore not working correctly.
Please just open up all the doors and put on the fans for now. We will let you know when the airconditioning has been set up properly and it can be used.
We are following up with the builder as this was meant to be done last week, but the correct person did not turn up to do it. Apologies and thanks for your patience.

RRC Redevelopment Celebration

The official opening of the newly redeveloped Richmond Rowing Club was celebrated in style on Sunday 5th October. Looking back on everything that lead to the success of the day I’m so proud of all we have been able to achieve. It has been an amazing effort by a very large team of people to really make our vision of a great boathouse a reality.

New Clubhouse

We were joined by over 150 people to finally open the new section of the boathouse and with the sun shining down it was clear to see everyone was desperate to get out onto our new deck and take in the 180° views of the city. I want to t
hank Mr Peter Antonie for stepping up to cut the black and

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gold ribbon and for his kind words about our great club and its significant history. Continue reading “RRC Redevelopment Celebration”

A Big Weekend for RRC

We have an action packed weekend ahead of us at RRC.
For those free on Saturday we are calling for helpers from 10am to help with some final cleaning and organising of the boathouse please contact [email protected] if you think you can help out. At 12pm we have session 3 of the current LTR course, help is always greatly appreciated for that too so please contact [email protected] if you are willing and able.
Then comes Sunday – when the clocks will have changed for daylight savings so don’t forget! There is early morning training for some and then 6 RRC crews (listed below) racing in the Yarra Masters Head Event from the island to Princes Bridge. Everyone involved needs to be at the clubhouse by 8.30am for a race briefing at 9am and ready to push off the landing in your zooties at 9.10am. All crews need to row up to the start and then will be marshalled to race back down the river (see the draft draw below). Everyone involved should have received and paid their invoice for seat fees but if not please contact [email protected] .
Then last but by no means least we have the opening of the redeveloped boathouse. Families and friends of RRC are all welcome, the bar will be open and hopefully the sun will be shining as we celebrate and enjoy the expansion of our clubhouse. It’s definitely and event not to be missed but if you can’t join us on the day to celebrate please consider contributing to our ‘boathouse warming’ with a gift from our online registry (password is: 1863).
Looking forward to seeing you all and celebrating a great weekend!
Continue reading “A Big Weekend for RRC”

Boat 'house-warming' this weekend

Can you believe it? The last works are now underway at the boathouse to complete the redevelopment, with the builders working on the fire hydrant this morning meaning extra care needs to be taken when accessing the RRC bay. It really is a hive of activity there currently.
We now need to make the final preparations to be ready for the grand opening next Sunday 5th October. If anyone is available and would like to help next Saturday between 10 and 12 we would appreciate some help with a bit of cleaning and organising a few things. With many hands it really shouldn’t take too long.

Club Housewarming Pressies
Finally, are you wondering what you should bring to the party as a “pressie” to mark this momentous occasion? Then we have some great ideas for you at our online gift registry.
 It’s password protected: 1863.
 It’s available for friends of Richmond Rowing Club to contribute something if they chose to help with the ‘boat house warming’ and to celebrate the achievement of our exciting redevelopment project.
I look forward to seeing many of you next weekend for the celebration.


Building handover update

We have been waiting for the fire service main to be connected before the builders can hand over the boathouse to RRC. While the boathouse looks finished, the builders are still rectifying defects, a usual end of project process.
Member access to the  boathouse remains as only the boat bays and changerooms until handover. The boathouse may look completed, but it is still under the builders insurance and responsibility, not RRC’s. It also does not have a functioning fire service, hence our limited access.
SE Water has now confirmed that they will do the mains tapping next week and Lloyd Group have confirmed that they will have completed all works by Wednesday 1 October. The building surveyor will have all documentation ready on Wednesday to complete the handover to RRC.
RRC will then be able to start handing out fobs to those who have applied for them. Don’t worry if you don’t have a fob, you can still apply for one or just rely on other members of the squads to open up.

Official Opening of the Redeveloped Boathouse

RRC opening inviteIt gives me great pleasure to invite you to join us in celebrating the official opening of the new redeveloped Richmond Rowing Club.

The event will follow on from the Masters Melbourne Head Race on Sunday October 5th, from noon.

We would love to see members, family and friends from the rowing community join with us to celebrate what is an amazing facility right here in the heart of Melbourne. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been involved in this project and share my excitement about the final realisation of this vision for the club.

I look forward to seeing you all there – please RSVP to [email protected]

New access arrangements for boathouse

At the end of September, we will be switching over to a new fob system for access to the boathouse and keys will no longer be used. This system gives RRC better security for the building than simply keys.
The committee has formalised the procedure for obtaining a fob as we need to keep records of exactly who has what fobs. The new policy and procedure for obtaining a fob is available on the documents page of the website.
Please note that there is a fee to obtain a fob, covering the club’s cost to purchase fobs and also a security deposit which is refundable when the fob is returned to the club.
If you wish to obtain a fob, please read the policy and complete the form attached to it. Forms need to be returned to the Secretary. Please make your deposit and fee payment directly into the RRC bank account with your name and the word “Fob” in the payment description.
The next committee meeting is 23 September, so please get your form in early if you wish for your application to be considered at this meeting.