Building handover update

We have been waiting for the fire service main to be connected before the builders can hand over the boathouse to RRC. While the boathouse looks finished, the builders are still rectifying defects, a usual end of project process.
Member access to the  boathouse remains as only the boat bays and changerooms until handover. The boathouse may look completed, but it is still under the builders insurance and responsibility, not RRC’s. It also does not have a functioning fire service, hence our limited access.
SE Water has now confirmed that they will do the mains tapping next week and Lloyd Group have confirmed that they will have completed all works by Wednesday 1 October. The building surveyor will have all documentation ready on Wednesday to complete the handover to RRC.
RRC will then be able to start handing out fobs to those who have applied for them. Don’t worry if you don’t have a fob, you can still apply for one or just rely on other members of the squads to open up.