Back in 2004

Back in 2004 the club embarked on a very successful 24 hour ergo challenge. To cut a long story short, we went on the media campaign frenzy to promote the event and managed to get a few mugs on various television promotions including this one…feast your eyes on the man in seven seat…

Gray Matters on the hunt for coxes

Hi Teamies,
Calling for some COXES
First of all, listen up if you like early mornings and bossing men about, maybe you missed out on the Army, you could have just been dumped and you’re seeking some vocal revenge on the entire male race, or perhaps you think you can whip those pretty boys into shape and help wring a medal out of them. The men’s squad is semi coxless, that is NOT  good, trust me one day when Joe abandoned us we were coxless and you should have heard the language of some of those young private school girls who we took by surprise as we rounded a corner, young people these days.
Now to save the boat fleet from being run over by cranky schoolgirls and also to stop the entire mens crew from waiting outside the women’s change rooms trying to SNAFFLE our prized cox. Will a few of you give them a hand on a few Thursday mornings and Saturday afternoons? Thursday mornings are fun with a row and a waffle and Saturday afternoons are a good so you can still have a looong sleep in.
So email me or Martin, do it for the club, the boats, the mean school girls with filthy mouths who scare easily and to stop the boys from hanging around the girls change room. Really we could do with some help here, a few offers will help get the mens crew on the water more regularly.
CELEBRATION – Sharon’s Betrothed
On another note, we’ve managed to offload Sharon, Graham has agreed to take her hand in marriage and we’re throwing a party to celebrate the weight lifted from our shoulders (I wonder if it was prompted by the time we rowed back and forth in front of the weather report; potentially advertising ourselves to the breakfast eating tv watching male public of Melbourne). We’ll be partying at the club house tomorrow night if you’d like to stop by, it’s BYO. Just let Sarah know you’re coming so she can throw a few more oysters in the boat. If you hear a strange whooshing noise it’s because we’re using the opportunity to do our erg.
katie gray
PANS (PA to Nicole Studka, previously PA to JK until she was transferred to the Darwin Oar Rowing Society and now champions the DORC’s up there)

20 minute ergo

We need to do the following ergo this week (3 August – 8 August):

Time: 20 minutes

Rating: 20 strokes per minute (capped)

Drag Setting: 130

For those with a heart rate monitor I strongly suggest you wear it to make sure you don’t over do it in the first 5 – 10 minutes of the ergo.

You need to record the total distance you cover for the ergo and the average split and rating (should be 20 spm). You also need to record the average

split and rating for each 2 minute split, you will get this information by hitting the recall button on the machine (you will get 10 readings with the final 2 minutes shown first).

When you have the opportunity, click on the following link and record the results in the spreadsheet. If you cannot access the spreadsheet (to record your times), send me an email and I will add you to the invitation list.

You have until Saturday 8 August to record your time. If there are any issues please send me an email.

I have also added a link to the spreadsheet under the ‘Useful Links’ tab on the right hand side of the page.

Bairnsdale Camp

Information on Bairnsdale Training Camp has been posted on the RRC website. The camp is over grand final weekend and it should be a ripper based on the planning that has been done to date. It will be a great opportunity to get some serious km’s in the boat leading into Head of the Yarra on some of the best water in the country.
Jump on the RRC website and have a look at the information under the ‘Bairnsdale Camp’ tab and register your interest using the link on the page.
Here is a bit of a non-sense to give you a bit of an idea of what the Saturday night can be like…more of that to come.

Goat pale faces the axe for a head of steam

A credible source has informed me that Richmond brewer Mountain Goat is axing Pale Ale from it range of beers in the coming months and replacing it with a Steam Ale.
The last batch of Pale Ale, the Goat’s second oldest brew, is in the process of being brewed and will hit the stores in August. There will be limited stock available so the connoisseurs amongst us will do well to visit the local to snap up what soon will be a collectors item.

Men's Squad update

A few ‘frequent sleepers’ arriving a bit late this morning and as a consequence, the Bairnsdale thirst quencher tab is looking a bit healthier at $14.
Reminder that training starts at 1400hrs this Saturday and we will be meeting upstairs for a 15 – 20 minute meeting prior to getting on the water.
Those who are able to make it down a bit earlier can get oars on the bank so we save a bit of time when we break after the meeting.
See you all on Saturday.

Gray Matters

Good Evening Rowers,

Sorry I’m a bit late, Nicole said July erg, apparently though implied….she didn’t actually mean for ALL of July..

Winter Update, is now at 35 days to go. 35 being not as small a number as we’d like, I mean 35 is still a LOT of laps of the tan and LOADS of donuts, admittedly a fairly cheap pair of shoes but quite a generous jeans size and (by my standards anyway) a pretty good bottle of wine. The good news is that while it’s now light til nearly 6pm, it’s dark by the time we train and also dark til about 7.10am, which means, no one can so how bad you are! So if you’re crummy, now is the time to hit the water and fly under the radar.


Ok, July is VERY nearly over, so now it’s time to hop on your favourite erg as your stats are now due. 10 min for girls and the mixed master hoty crew with an open rating (translation flog yourself silly). Don’t be concerned if the guys are yet to show their mettle on the ergs as they will be doing their 20 min ergos in early August with the results posted on their shiny new blog for the world to see…..hardcore indeed.

Nicole’s tired of me boring her silly about my prowess on the erg (and extreme endurance and incredible ability) and invites you to do your monthly ergo – hop on the website and tell us about it (no need to post scores). Do JL’s weekly ergo and hop on the Tiger Forum and tell us about it.

The aim of all these ergos is A) because we are having mini-skirts as compulsory dress at the christmas party, B) because Barwon called us Chubby or according to the head honch C) They make

us feel good and virtuous. Which is true, I believe I deserve a medal, or (possible more

befitting) a state funeral after every ergo I do.


So enter your erg and check out our website which it right on brief for making us appear VERY sporty! And VERY cool.

Squad Bosses

Lemme know when you’re going out and which boat has your name on it, well not literally of course, though I await the club reunion when I meet Karen Azinger, Jennifer Campbell and Co.

The boat booking board is in use – so please book your boats through Nicole or myself and check the board before taking a boat out.

katie gray

PANS (PA to Nicole Studka, previously PA to JK until she was transferred to the Darwin Oar Rowing Society and now champions the DORC’s up there)

This week @ RRC (26 July)

Big week last week – Two solid sessions in the eight with both outings producing good form for this time of the year.
There is still a bit of work to do on the leg drive as the horsepower is not quiet converting into boat speed but looking at the progression we have made in the past three weeks, it is only a matter of time (and plenty more km’s) before we get there.
This week is more of the same except we will look at varying the exercises to improve the timing through the leg drive. Expect a few more legs only exercises, which Tom Appleby eloquently refers to as ‘stuff the duck’ and more of the good old power strokes or ‘stuff the legs’.
Thursday we will be looking for the full hour on the water as we want to get in a few tech pieces and some quality steady state work with a few jumps in rating thrown in for good measure. Saturday will be similar to Thursday but we will aim for 1 ½ hours on the water to get a few more km’s in the legs.
I will also plan to do another 15 min chat prior to the row on Saturday to give you a bit of background to the session and an update on the forthcoming Bairnsdale camp. If we could aim to be upstairs for 1400hrs I would appreciate it.
In other news, the ‘Frequent Sleeper’ program gained its first points towards the Bairnsdale camp rehydration experience with Martin and Kevin making their first contributions for the year. The blog has been updated with a new ‘Frequent Sleeper’ page so we can keep an eye on the tab leading up to Bairnsdale.
Finally, for those who missed out on the AGM, we have some new faces on the RRC committee with Derek Begg (CM) and Troy Durham (CM) joining Emma (President), Martin (HOCD), Lucy (Treasurer), Anthea (Secretary), Nicole (HOR) and Annalise (VP) on the 2009/10 committee.
If you want to let loose with a few ideas for the direction of the club, including where the darts board should be placed in the new extension, then start campaigning through any of the above people.
See you Thursday.

Fine free Thursday on a damp Melbourne winters day

The ‘frequent sleeper’ board worked a treat this morning and enabled the two crews we had down to get on the water on a damp Melbourne winters day in record time.
The only issue being that no fines were handed out so the beer fund is look a bit sad to say the least.
Quality row in the eight with those in the boat ramping it up the legs on the lap home backing up some good work during the power stroke exercises.
Thanks to the people who text or emailed that they would not be available this morning as it helps with organising crews on the day.
Don’t forget Saturday training kick’s off at 8 am followed by the AGM at 10:30 am.

Look to the right

If you look to the right of the blog home page you will notice a link under the ‘Useful Links’ header to the RRC men’s squad calendar which has been expertly set up by Sam.
This calender will be updated with all sorts of information including training times, club time trials, ergo testing and regatta dates for the 2009/10 season.