20 minute ergo

We need to do the following ergo this week (3 August – 8 August):

Time: 20 minutes

Rating: 20 strokes per minute (capped)

Drag Setting: 130

For those with a heart rate monitor I strongly suggest you wear it to make sure you don’t over do it in the first 5 – 10 minutes of the ergo.

You need to record the total distance you cover for the ergo and the average split and rating (should be 20 spm). You also need to record the average

split and rating for each 2 minute split, you will get this information by hitting the recall button on the machine (you will get 10 readings with the final 2 minutes shown first).

When you have the opportunity, click on the following link and record the results in the spreadsheet. If you cannot access the spreadsheet (to record your times), send me an email and I will add you to the invitation list.


You have until Saturday 8 August to record your time. If there are any issues please send me an email.

I have also added a link to the spreadsheet under the ‘Useful Links’ tab on the right hand side of the page.