You're invited to enter the Richmond Rowing Club Time Trial Challenge 2016

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All Richmond rowers are invited to take part in our annual time trails, in either a Quad or Single.  These time trials are open to male & female crews, and must following the following rules:
Must be conducted in TUB boats.

  • The start is from the light pole outside the front of the club, and may be a running start.
  • The Single is under Swan Street Bridge and back. Consult your coach about the safe turning zone.
  • The Quad is around Herring Island, and must be coxed by an accredited coxswain.
  • Finish line is the start line.
  • All crews must be accompanied by someone from the bank to oversee safety.
    • This person does not need to be a coach, but should be an experienced rower who can alert crews on any potential problems.
  • Times are to be submitted to Head of Rowing (Tim Evans, [email protected]).
    • Last day for times to be submitted is the Sunday before presentation night, Sunday 22nd May 2016.
    • You may make multiple attempts at the time trail, with multiple crews.

Four prizes are awarded at our Presentation night, being for the fastest male & female single scull, and for the fastest male & female quad scull.
For assistance with boats, please refer to the Captain of Boats.   Other queries can be directed to your coach or the Head of Rowing

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