RRC Presentation Night 2020

A very different Presentation Night was held for the 2019/20 season. Around 60 of us gathered via Zoom to relive some of the statistics from the year along with saying thank you to our coaches and volunteers following what has been an unusual year.

We celebrated our Male and Female rowers of the year. These prestigious awards are determined through participation and success at regattas, club races and club time trials. The winners on the evening were:

  • Mal Scott Award – Male Club Rower of the Year – Dario Sportelli
  • John Sawyer – Female Club Rower of the Year – Kirsty Fergie

Due to the early end to the season no Masters awards were presented this year.

The Don Edwards, Cox of the year award was presented to Derek Begg.

The President’s Award was presented to Stefanie Dudczig, reflecting her dedication to Richmond Rowing Club. Stef is a great contributor to the club, acting as our New Member coordinator, communicating with and welcoming new members to the club. Stef volunteers whenever she can, regularly coxing our crews, this year she also completed her Level 1 BRO accreditation Stef also actively competed for Richmond through the year.

The Hendley Family Mixed Quad Time Trial was presented by Rod Hendley to Michelle Joy, Dennis Beck, Red Skelton, Geraldine Goss and Derek Begg (coxswain).

The Keith Millar male coxed four Round the Island time trial was won by Alan Randall, Jon Roberts, Michael Gehling, Dennis Beck and Derek Begg (coxswain).

The Keith Millar female coxed four Round the Island time trial was won by Michelle Joy, Kate Dyball, Karen Doggett, Geraldine Goss and Ainsley Raggatt (coxswain).

The Jim Barton Males Tub Single time trial was won by Dennis Beck and the Jim Barton Female Tub Single time trial was won by Kirsty Fergie.

A number of other awards were presented on the night including:

  • Box Biting Champion – Keith Wong
  • Captains Award – The Trailer Drivers
  • Eye of the Tiger Award – Gypsy and Lily
  • Best and Furriest – Amy Catlin
  • Tough Tiger – Dennis Beck

We also celebrated our Victorian State Championship winners in 2020, pictures of these crews will be displayed in the club. The crews were:

  • Female A Grade double: Kate Dyball and Michelle Joy
  • Male B Grade single: Dario Sportelli

Thank you to all those who contributed to such a good night including Tim Evans our MC for the evening and Kim Begelhole for sharing videos from the season.

Time to think about the Winter Sculling season…..

Whilst many will be thinking its the end of the rowing season, of turning towards the lighted inn, their evening rest and sleep to meet.  Other hardy souls at RRC will be following the row that goes on and on, pursuing it with eager oars where many boats and paddlers will meet.  (Apologies to JRR Tolkein.)

Yes it’s nearly time for the Winter Sculling 2019 series.  If you are not familiar with how it works, check out the website for race details, times  (Saturday mornings through June, July and August), distances, rules and locations .

If you might be interested and need some inspiration, speak to Charlotte North-Coombes who won the Ramsbottom Trophy last year or Aline Dejaegher who was fastest female around the island in a tub last year.

RRC has a limited number of sculls available for members to use in the Winter Sculling Series including three Regulation (tub) sculls. It is possible to share fleet across events and the organisers will stagger entries where participants indicate they are sharing a boat with another rower entered.
Please advise the Captain via email ([email protected]) before 20 May if you are considering entering the Winter Sculling series so that fleet can be allocated or where necessary sourced from other clubs or schools.  For example anyone wishing to use the Tiger Shark for Winter Sculling will be sharing the boat with the Captain.
Those members with their own boats should also advise the Captain if they are entering the series as we may be required to provide a trailer to away events if we have a high number of participants from RRC.
The Winter Sculling season also needs help from volunteers to act as marshalls and help out. So if you don’t feel like rowing every week, how about volunteering one week. Check out the details here:

Barry Campbell

RRC Presentation Night Awards 2017/18

Thank you to all of the RRC members and guests who came along to celebrate another successful season at our recent Presentation Night. It was a great night with lots of new and old faces reflecting on the efforts and success throughout the year. Thank you to the “Doghouse Four” for arranging the evening of BLING, with some amazing decorations and videos along with a cameo appearance on the video from Basil with his Richmond zootie.
We also congratulated our Male and Female Club and Masters rowers of 2017/18 year determined through participation and success at regattas, club races and club time trials. The winners on the evening were:
  • Mal Scott Award – Male Club Rower of the Year – Jon Roberts
  • John Sawyer – Female Club Rower of the Year – Shern Timmins
  • Male Masters Rower of the Year – Leigh Sullivan
  • Female Masters Rower of the Year – Michelle Joy 

The Don Edwards, Cox of the year award was presented to Derek Begg.
The President’s Award was presented to Kathy Macrow for her commitment to Richmond Rowing Club, truly embodying the spirit of our club through all she does from coxing to coaching to administration over a number of years.
For the first year we christened the Mixed Quad Round the Island time trial as the Hendley Family Mixed Quad Time Trial with a commemorative plaque commissioned to record the winners names which will be maintained in the gym. Rod Hendley and Judy Hendley were present for the awarding of the inaugural award to Aline Dejaegher, Shern Timmins, John Carey, Jon Roberts and Stef Dudczig (coxswain).
The male coxed four Round the Island time trial was won by Alan Randall, Jon Roberts, Andrew Yuile, John Carey and Stef Dudczig (coxswain).
The female coxed four Round the Island time trial was won by Edwina Griffiths, Jodie Naisbitt, Shern Timmins, Yashaswini Vegi and Derek Begg (coxswain).
A number of other awards were presented on the night including:
  • Best and Furriest – Stef Dudzcig
  • Eye of the Tiger Award – Doghouse Four (Kim Begelhole, Ray O’Shae, Alex Reid, Rob Gordon)
  • Captains Award – Doghouse Four (Kim Begelhole, Ray O’Shae, Alex Reid, Rob Gordon)

Tim Evans
Head of Rowing

You're invited to enter the Richmond Rowing Club Time Trial Challenge 2016

Start Now!

Start Now!

All Richmond rowers are invited to take part in our annual time trails, in either a Quad or Single.  These time trials are open to male & female crews, and must following the following rules:
Must be conducted in TUB boats.

  • The start is from the light pole outside the front of the club, and may be a running start.
  • The Single is under Swan Street Bridge and back. Consult your coach about the safe turning zone.
  • The Quad is around Herring Island, and must be coxed by an accredited coxswain.
  • Finish line is the start line.
  • All crews must be accompanied by someone from the bank to oversee safety.
    • This person does not need to be a coach, but should be an experienced rower who can alert crews on any potential problems.
  • Times are to be submitted to Head of Rowing (Tim Evans, [email protected]).
    • Last day for times to be submitted is the Sunday before presentation night, Sunday 22nd May 2016.
    • You may make multiple attempts at the time trail, with multiple crews.

Four prizes are awarded at our Presentation night, being for the fastest male & female single scull, and for the fastest male & female quad scull.
For assistance with boats, please refer to the Captain of Boats.   Other queries can be directed to your coach or the Head of Rowing

Stop Now!


Tiger News

As the season is almost to a close, we have some important business to take care of – the annual Around the Island – Keith Miller Award Trophy to compete for, end of season break dates and an invitation to participate in the RRC strategic planning.
Keith Millar – Around the Island Time Trial in regulation fours (tubs)
Coaches, it is time to assemble crews for the annual RRC Keith Millar Around the Island time trial. Rules are:
– Time trial to be raced in a tub four boat
– Timed by your coach
– Representative on the bank to check for river safety when turning back from the island
– Times to be forwarded to the Head of Rowing [email protected] by Sunday the 7th of June.
Award – there is an engraved glass trophy for the fastest male recorded time and fastest female crew recorded time. Winners will be announced at Presentation night on the 13th June. If you have any questions please let me know.
Coaches please note : – typically the time trial is raced ‘around’ the island. I understand this is not possible due to dredging works. Crews will be required to turn at the island and row back…not row around it. Please do NOT amend times for turning, sipping drinks etc. Only raw times from ‘start to finish’ are accepted for the time trial.
Scullers – There is a time trial for the fastest recorded time in a tub single. Rules the same as the above however the course is up to Swan Street Bridge, turn and back to pole in front of club.
RRC Season Break
1st June – 19th July will be the official RRC Season Break. During this time crews are encouraged to cross train, cycle, use the gym etc, however there is no official planned squad training. Crews wanting to train on the water are self-organised. Please alert our captain to boat usage.
Strategic Planning 2015/2016
Coach mentor, one squad culture, coxswain development, fleet purchase planning – all of these innovations (and more) came from the strategic planning days held in the past. Please consider attending, as it is open to the whole club to attend.
How can I be involved?
First there will be a survey link sent around to you during the week. Please fill this out so the committee and members can gauge how we are going.
In addition to this you are invited to the club on Saturday 20th June 10 am to 2pm for the workshop forum. Responses from the survey will be collated and innovations through workshopping in groups will begin.
Rowing Regards, Rochelle
Head of Rowing

Season Cutoff Dates: Time Trial and Regatta Points

With Presentation Night preparations well underway, the 2013-2014 season is coming to a close very soon!

Time Trial Entries

Any further times for the club’s annual time trial competition will need to be sent by email to the Head of Rowing ( [email protected] ) by 12:00 midnight on Thursday 1 May 2014.
Entries must include the names of all crew, the cox and the timekeeper/safety marshal (see below).  Any entries received after that time will count for next season.
Entries are open in the traditional categories of:

  • Women’s coxed tub four
  • Women’s coxed tub pair
  • Women’s tub single

Sunny Sunday In September

It was great to see so many people out on the river on Sunday in beautiful conditions for this season’s first time trial. The black and gold was an impressive site both on and off the water.
A big thank you to Paul for capturing the event and the attached photograph of the membership. I also want to pass on my thanks to all those who showed the great RRC spirit by volunteering to help run the event Justin, Kathy, Tom, Gerry, Carolyn, Claire and Vicki.
Also a special mention to Dennis’s for his cameo in the women’s quad, our double scull of Michelle and Corrine who were the only crew to navigate the 7km course coxless and Matt from Learn to row who subbed into a boat after only 3 lessons! He was one of 12 to do their first club time trial on Sunday and I think the day was a big success.
The official times are listed below next to the relevant cox, line honours go to the men’s coxed quad at 34.51. So that’s the time to beat…..

  • DS1 Sandrine 50:39
  • DS2 Aaron 47:27
  • WN Bec 40:29
  • SW Derek 35:32
  • WS Lynn 43:54
  • MS1 Rachael 38:23
  • MS2 Lindsey 34:51
  • WS2 Corrine and Michelle 38:20