Update from the Gray Magnet

Afternoon Rowers,

Back in the office after a busy start to the week. I have just finished coating my bike in a combination of neodymium, iron and boron, creating….. Ta da…. A giant magnet :o). Around the Bay is on this Sunday and I was suffering strange flashbacks of a err slightly dark finish dragging a err slightly grumpy parent. So what if I haven’t done a single ride over 12kms in the last 6 months, I have done loads of renovating. If I pull this off the Olympic selection team should go to the tradies section of the yellow pages to select the Australian team. Anyway, though I’m sure it will be a breeze, I have decided to magnetise myself to the leading pack (velcro does not stick to those shiny pants). Rest assured it’s not my only tactic. I have bought shares in a banana plantation (I think I’m on a bit of a potassium high right now) and this morning visited a health food shop and purchased 300kgs of protein powder which I intend to consume before Saturday.

1. Time Trial date Change: Was 18th, now 25th. Anyway because I’ll be joined by a large gang of other similarly prepared rowers, including most of the incredible B team, on this cycle ride we’ve had to change the time trial from this weekend to the following weekend. So its now on the 25th of October. If you want to do HOTY (a swimsuit / safety vest beauty competition for HOT girls in Yellow) and Melbourne head, you need to attend these time trials, otherwise you are bound to get lost, or pull a lay down Sally. Mike Numa and his sculling squad will still be doing the cooking and have an extra week to fine tune the menu selection. HOTY is about 6 weeks away so

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think about that swimsuit and the gold medal and make sure to keep up with all your on water and ergo training

2. Be friendly: It will also be the last learn to row so if people can hang around and make the newbies feel welcome that would be awesome. (Remember your contract).

3. No weights either: So no time trial this week and no weight training at Richmond Footy Club this week. So lay off the freddo reserves for a few days unless you’re cycling on Sunday. John’s weights are moving to mornings the week of Oct 26th – sessions start at 6:30 am and you can shower at the Punt Rd oval. The sessions are tues (weights), wed (boxercise), fri (weights). There will be no more monday pm weights because we are worried you might get traded to the Adelaide Crows).

4. Like cheering people on? Almost as exciting as the marathon and MUCH harder and you won’t get rained on!

Event: Indoor Rowing Championship 2009
Date: October, 24th, 2009, 9:00am – 7:00pm, don’t worry you will get a lunch break.
Where: Caulfield Grammar School

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

katie gray
PANS (PA to Nicole Studka, previously PA to JK until she was transferred to the Darwin Oar Rowing Society and now champions the DORC’s up there)