Time Trial Update and Training Wednesday this week.

Dashing display by the men’s eight on the weekend to improve their previous round the island time trial time by over 2 minutes. The official times are yet to be confirmed, but cox Derek Begg said the time was just over 32 minutes which is a vast improvement on the previous time of 34 min 16 sec.
Stoke Jim ‘it hurt like hell’ Cooper said that the crew had a reasonable row and a couple of the crew members commented that the row was a lot more controlled that the previous time trial.
Sam Morrison also completed the time trail in the single scull but was not available to comment on his row, not that we actively chased him for a comment after the All Black beat the Wallabies into submission on Saturday night in the rugby.
With the camp taking away Thursday this week, it was decided on Saturday that we would row on Wednesday AM instead so set your alarm clocks to be down at the sheds for Wednesday at 6:15 for a couple of laps before we have to de-rigg the boat for camp.