2022 Winter Sculling Series

It’s been a good year for RRC’s participation in the VSA winter sculling series.

Sarah H and Emil L at the VSA awards

Congratulations to Emil Limansyah and Millie Cameron for winning the Dennis Cup and Ramsbottom Trophy for novice 800m racing this season, and Sarah Houghton for the Stokes Salver aggregate 2k racing points award.

Big thanks to the indefatigable Sue-Virginia, Michelle Joy as well as Leigh Sullivan, Susanna Mullner, and Lucci Meagher who volunteered their time for many of the Saturday races.

There’s lots of results to parse on the VSA site for the rest of our club participants in the series: Helen Pearce, Phil Munson, Gerry Goss, Kirsty Fergie, Thomas Mckay, Christina Mills, Christine Sullivan, Susanna Mullner and Shern Timmins.

Time to think about the Winter Sculling season…..

Whilst many will be thinking its the end of the rowing season, of turning towards the lighted inn, their evening rest and sleep to meet.  Other hardy souls at RRC will be following the row that goes on and on, pursuing it with eager oars where many boats and paddlers will meet.  (Apologies to JRR Tolkein.)

Yes it’s nearly time for the Winter Sculling 2019 series.  If you are not familiar with how it works, check out the website for race details, times  (Saturday mornings through June, July and August), distances, rules and locations .

If you might be interested and need some inspiration, speak to Charlotte North-Coombes who won the Ramsbottom Trophy last year or Aline Dejaegher who was fastest female around the island in a tub last year.

RRC has a limited number of sculls available for members to use in the Winter Sculling Series including three Regulation (tub) sculls. It is possible to share fleet across events and the organisers will stagger entries where participants indicate they are sharing a boat with another rower entered.
Please advise the Captain via email ([email protected]) before 20 May if you are considering entering the Winter Sculling series so that fleet can be allocated or where necessary sourced from other clubs or schools.  For example anyone wishing to use the Tiger Shark for Winter Sculling will be sharing the boat with the Captain.
Those members with their own boats should also advise the Captain if they are entering the series as we may be required to provide a trailer to away events if we have a high number of participants from RRC.
The Winter Sculling season also needs help from volunteers to act as marshalls and help out. So if you don’t feel like rowing every week, how about volunteering one week. Check out the details here:

Barry Campbell

2016 Winter Sculling Series

Winter Sculling Logo

As we head into Winter don’t despair that rowing will not be an option to keep you fit and active. The Victorian Sculling Association run a series of single sculling events in Melbourne which are very popular, to find out more about Winter Sculling visit their website.
If you are interested in competing in one, multiple or all of the available events listed in the attached document below we need to know as single sculls are a limited resource but we will work hard to ensure anyone who wants to compete has the opportunity.


RRC Fleet available
Ray Dennis
Karen Azinger
Tracers 1x
Flying Tiger 55-65kg
Julia Avis 55-65kg
Jonathan Cantwell 80kg+
Tiger Shark 85kg+
Red JR Tracer 70-80kg Clogs
Black JR Tracer 70-80kg Clogs
Racing 1x
Punt Road 60-70kg
We also have potential access to boats from LURC and MLC as they are stored by us.
Geordie (LURC tub)
MLC Wintech Tracer 55-65kg  (Clogs)
The organisers do attempt to schedule racing where rowers are sharing boats so we can work around resource limitations. However to help with planning if you would like to compete in any of the events involved in this series please contact Barry to request a boat allocation [email protected]
If you have any other questions about the competition some of our experienced single scullers have competed in previous years so please ask for advice.

Winter Sculling registration open

You can now register for the 2015 Winter Sculling series.
Click Here to Register for this Event
Please ensure you have contacted Barry to confirm boat availability before registering and if you want some training/coaching in the single consider speaking to Gerry about her sculling coaching sessions too.
Nothing like it for keeping focus and fitness through the winter, plus again this year everybody gets a T-shirt at the end of the season.
All the info is at www.wintersculling.com.au
And while you are getting ready for the season, consider if someone near and dear to you would like to be a volunteer.  Winter Sculling runs on volunteers; nobody gets paid, we keep it as simple and cheap as we can and we’d like to extend the volunteer base, people with boat licences especially welcome.
Rewards are eternal gratitude from you (the recruiter), a warm feeling from the admiration of the rowers, and protection from winter coughs and colds by hardening up outside (well, it works for me….)
Please get your volunteer to contact this year’s new volunteer coordinator Sue Andrews at [email protected],  or email to [email protected]