2023 Victoria Masters Championships Regatta

Unfortunately this regatta had a very inauspicious start, as Rowing Victoria abruptly decided to condense the 2 day regatta into just 1 day of racing on the Saturday. This resulted in chaos and confusion with crews, boats and accommodation all to be reshuffled accordingly. Masters Regattas are already challenging logistically, thanks to the extra layer of complexity with age categories. So the last minute decision by RV only added to the workload.
Massive thank you to Will Golding, Lucci Meagher and Michael Hedger for going through the whole tetris of entries and resource allocation not once, but twice! Your efforts were hugely appreciated.

Despite all this, we had a healthy contingent of RRC rowers eager to get on water and start racing on the day. We shivered our way through arctic conditions and drizzle, but were rewarded with a very welcome held start at the 1km mark. We also spotted Christine Sullivan in the starting block, as she was training for her Umpire Level 2 accreditation. Well done Chris!

Conditions were calm for racing and some great results started flowing in. Of particular note were the performances of Geraldine Goss, Kate Dyball, and Helen Pearce, who between them won medals for 13 events! A phenomenal achievement, congratulations.


FMAB1XGoldKate Dyball
FMC4X-GoldKate Dyball, Helen Pearce
FMEK8+GoldGeraldine Goss
FMAB4X-GoldHelen Pearce
FME4X-GoldHelen Pearce, Geraldine Goss
FMC2XGoldKate Dyball
(APSM RCHMD Composite)
FMAD8+GoldGeraldine Goss
FMF2XGoldGeraldine Goss
(MUBC RCHMD Composite)
FMD2XSilverGeraldine Goss, Helen Pearce
MMAB4XSilverJack Hellerstedt, Pavel Oborin, John Carey, Pat Cook
FMFK4X-SilverGeraldine Goss
MMGM4+SilverRay Dennis
(BANKS RCHMD Composite)
FMAB2-SilverHelen Pearce, Kate Dyball
FMAB2XSilverHelen Pearce, Kate Dyball
FMClub8+BronzeWan Emptage, Louise Roberts-Bailey, Aline Dejaegher, Emily Bourke, Geraldine Goss, Amy Catlin, Kath Franklin, Beth Rosenberg, Cox: Sam Lincoln

Thank you

Attendance at this regatta would not have been possible without the help and dedication of our wonderful volunteers. Thank you to Phil Munson and Leigh Sullivan for towing the trailer, Amy Catlin for organising attendance to boatloading/unloading, and a very special thank you to Emil Limansyah, who was present at the regatta centre at the crack of dawn to help other crews rig their boats, and stayed until the very end of the day when the trailer took off. You are the embodiment of club spirit, thank you Emil!

For more photos of the weekend, click here

2023 State Championships Regatta

Written by Emily Bourke

What a cracker of a weekend in Nagambie! It was great to be there with the sun shining and the wind only lightly blowing dust across the course. Helen Pearce and Kate Dyball really set the tone for the weekend on the Saturday, smashing the 2km events! Well done Kate and Helen! 

This showing was followed up by a glorious Sunday of 1km racing in which Richmond took out the top spot of the medal tally with 16 in total – of which there were 8 golds, 7 silver and 1 bronze medal! 

Thank you to everyone who contributed and made this weekend of racing possible! 

  • Samantha Leslie for taking on BRO duties 
  • Geraldine Goss for the fantastic commentating  
  • Kim Begelhole for the boat loading plan 
  • Phil Munson for towing the trailer 
  • Jack Hellerstedt for being photographer 
  • All the coaches, coxes, and helpers for boats and oars 
  • Everyone who brought their dogs 😊 


Saturday (2km) 

FClub2X: H. Pearce and K. Dyball – 8:14.81 
FClub1X: K. Dyball – 8:31.56 

Sunday (1km) 

MC8+ J.Britton, R.Healy, D.Maksoutov, E.Limansyah, J.Carey, M.Hedger, D.Beck, K.Wong, Cox: L.Hubbard – 3:12.57  
FB2- A.Catlin, L.Innes-Irons – 3:58.03 
FA1X K.Dyball – 3:57.52 
FC4+ V.Mar, K.Spinnler-Jenkins, G.Bekir-Fuente, D.Hill, Cox: P.Tran – 4:08.24 
FC8+ K.Franklin, K.Spinnler-Jenkins, G.Bekir-Fuente, B.Rosenberg, C.May, D.Hill, I.Williams, N.Finn, Cox: P.Tran – 4:01.10 
MC4X+ K.Wong, J.Britton, J.Carey, R.Healy, Cox: A.Dejaegher – 3:32.98 
FC4X+ W.Emptage, M.Bergmann, J.Huang, D.Hill, Cox: I.Sijan – 4:18.05 
FA2X H.Pearce, K.Dyball – 3:54.04 

MB4+ P.Cook, I.Balemi, B.Wardle, T.Foster, Cox: D.Begg – 4:05.10 
MB8+ P.Oborin, J.Hellerstedt, J.Roberts, A.Pupko, B.Wardle, T.Foster, P.Cook, I.Balemi, Cox: D.Begg – 3:07.51 
MC4X+ E.Limansyah, J.Merrett, D.Maksoutov, W.Haynes, Cox: L.Hubbard – 3:39.06 
FC1X E.Rouse – 4:48.74 
FB8+ C.Sullivan, V.Mar, C.Manzie, E.Rouse, A.Lawler, B.Rosenberg, S.Leslie, S.Houghton, Cox: P.Tran – 3:54.24  
FB1X L.Innes-Irons – 4:39.60 
MC4+ W.Golding, T.Foster, P.Cook, I.Orton, Cox: A.Dejaegher – 3:51.95 

MB4X: W.Golding, I.Balemi, B.Wardle, P.Cook, Cox: D.Begg – 3:38.81 

For more photos, check out this link

2023 Nagambie Regatta

The sprint season continued with another fabulous day of racing at Nagambie on 19th Feb, with sunny weather, light winds and all around outstanding conditions. This was the second outing for our new and snazzy racing zooty, which was changed to a new design and provider only recently. Thanks Sarah Haughton for all the hard work to get this done.
All the season’s training proved worthwhile when we got some well deserved bling!


FClub1X Kate Dyball
FClub2X Kate Dyball, Helen Pearce
MC8+ Emil Limansyah, James Merrett, John Britton, Richie Healy, John Carey, Dmitri Maksoutov, Dennis Beck, Keith Wong, Coxed by Ally Dejaegher
MBeg4X+ James Merrett, Devin Ingram, William Haynes, Dmitri Maksoutov, Coxed by Emil Limansyah
FM1X Kate Dyball
MB8+ Pavel Oborin, Jack Hellerstedt, Jon Roberts, Alex Pupko, Ben Wardle, Tim Foster, Pat Cook, Isaac Balemi, Coxed by Derek Begg
MC4X+ Keith Wong, John Britton, John Carey, Will Golding, Coxed by Derek Begg
FC1X Emily Rouse
X4X+ Sarah Houghton, Michael Hedger, Dennis Beck, Geraldine Goss, Coxed by James Merrett
MB4X+ Pavel Oborin, Jack Hellerstedt, John Carey, Will Golding, Coxed by Derek Begg
FA2X Helen Pearce, Kate Dyball
MC4+ Pat Cook, Isaac Balemi, Ben Wardle, Tim Foster, Coxed by Derek Begg

Thank yous

Emily Bourke – For BRO duties, general encouragement and good cheer!
Kim Begelhole and Leigh Sullivan – For trailer towing to and from Nagambie
Geraldine Goss – For commentating the races in a very knowledgeable and yet soothing voice
Jack Hellerstedt – For creating the photo album and collecting all the great snaps in one place
Coxes – Big thank you to everyone volunteering to steer our crews to the finish line!

Well done to everyone who participated!
For more photos, check out this link:

2022 Rowing Camp Nagambie

We headed up to Nagambie for a welcome return to our annual rowing camp for the weekend of 8 October. Big thanks to Leigh & Chris for trailering.

There were a handful of eager beavers that made it up early enough Friday to have a row, before RRC took over Nagambie brewery for dinner under SVs carefully laid booking plans.

Despite selective efforts to the contrary, we were on-water for the first session by 730 Saturday morning. The first of four sessions, men’s squad clocked up 42 km’s in a pair of sessions on the Goulburn followed by a pair of afternoon sessions on the course.

Saturevening was for the box biters, by all reports Keith’s normally unquestioned dominance under steady stream of threats, with Lily photographed wearing the crown. Saturnight was for cabin 46’s holistic approach to the weekend.

Sunday saw a solid 10km session for 8am, amelioration of the remaining evidence, and a final mixed crews laugh of a dash down the course.

Enormous thanks to Ally, who with Emil and Millie organised accommodation, comms, survey and lots more: Kathy organised finances. Kirsty and Sue-Virginia organised food and William Haynes manned the BBQ: Richie, Helen, Tim F and Anthea A provided salads. Safety planning was done by Alex Reid, Kathy M, Kim, Christine, boats organised by Kim and Andrew C was a tinnie driver.  Volunteer coaches and coxes were Derek, Stuart, Anthea, Kathy, and paid coaches were Will, Sep, Roy, Alex and Lucci.

link to album

2022 Masters State Championships Nagambie

RRC big guns were out in force for masters states 7/5 in Nagambie, with nine athletes pulling in 3 first, 7 second, and 2 third place finishes across a variety of composite and all yellow and black crews, with Gerry managing an eight-medal haul for this weekend.

Thanks to Kirsty for BROing, and Chris & Leigh for trailering.


FME4x- M.Joy [RCHMD], G.Goss [RCHMD], K.Lloyd [BCRC], P.Whiting [MUBC]
FMEK4+ G.Goss [RCHMD], K.Lloyd [BCRC], K.Patten [POWR], F.Spriggs [POWR], Cox: L.Letic [APSM]
FMEK8+ S.Gould [MELB], A.Parbury [MUBC], J.Bant [MUBC], L.Phillips [MELB], P.Whiting [MUBC], L.Broad [BRC], G.Goss [RCHMD], K.Lloyd [BCRC], Cox: E.Plowright [MELB]

MixMGK2x T.Bishop [QBC], G.Goss [RCHMD]
MMGK4+ D.Wilson [BANKS], J.Mitchell [BANKS], P.Anderson [BANKS], R.Dennis [RCHMD], Cox: C.Lawrence [BANKS]
FMAB4+ C.Crouser, K.Fergie, M.Joy, K.Doggett, Cox: C.Lawrence
FMD2x G.Goss, H.Pearce
FMAD8+ B.Klein-van Mullekom [MELB], K.Lloyd [BCRC], G.Goss [RCHMD], R.Gribble [WENDB], K.Patten [POWR], L.Skidmore [YARRA], A.Rukuwai [MELB], S.Hayward [CARM], Cox: C.Lawrence [BANKS], Coach: J.Walker
FMAB4x- K.Doggett, Z.Maxwell, M.Joy, K.Dyball
FME2x C.Carr [YARRA], G.Goss [RCHMD]

FMAD8+ J.Fischmann [CARM], C.Crouser [RCHMD], K.Doggett [RCHMD], C.Carr [YARRA], S.Waters [BCRC], C.Plowman [CARM], J.Deeble [CARM], K.James [CARM], Cox: J.Cuddy [CARM]
FMC4x- K.Doggett, G.Goss, M.Joy, K.Dyball

2022 Nagambie Regatta

Nagambie was hot, dusty & sunny, with a peak temperature of 34 on the day, reinforced by the interminably long lunch break before the last gasp of racing Sunday arvo.

So glad to see the homemade brownies & relish at the Ezy Oar cafe, with burgers clearly the crowd favourite being completely sold out by 1pm.

We sent 32 athletes to row 22 events, with 8 first, 5 second, and 3 third place finishes.


This was the inaugural racing (rowing!) in the newly acquired Kathy Macrow 4/x+, thanks to Lily I-I for the emergency field christening prosecco.

Race of the regatta?

Men’s B quad a candidate, battle paddling Barwon inside of 2 metres all the way down the course. Barwon were quite annoyed to be beaten by a canvas by not only RRC in first but a ‘fast finishing’ 14yo crew from Gippsland Grammar in second, looking at RRC the other side of the line with a “how old do you think we are?”: unclear who envied whom for what while coughing up a lung at the finish line. Look out States!!

Thanks Alex Reid for stepping up to BRO in the afternoon.

Barry closed his eyes and compass navigated the trailer on backroads back to the shed. Unloaded before 1945.

Nagambie Regatta 2020

Sunday February 9 saw the Richmond Rowing Club descend on Lake Nagambie once more for the annual Nagambie Regatta!
For most, it was an early start with cars filled with sleepy rowers departing Melbourne at 5am to make it for the beginning of a long day of races along a 1000 metre course. But other keener rowers took full advantage of the culinary, specifically brewery related, delights that Nagambie have to offer and arrived a day early.
The trusty Richmond tent was stationed along the last 200 metres of the course, perfect positioning for boosting the morale of the weary rower who has fallen victim to the dreaded ‘fly and die’.
Dana and Susanna delivered a strong performance in the Female C Grade Double Scull heat but missed out on making the final of the event. However, they had subsequent opportunities to compete in the C Grade Coxed quad scull with Mel Perkins and  Sarah Houghton joining in too, winning the second heat convincingly but just falling short by a few seconds in the final coming second against Melbourne.
Lily Innes-Irons and Mel Perkins came first in their D Grade Single Scull heats, coming an admiral second and third place in the final. Mel came second place by 0.45 seconds behind her opponent from Caulfield Grammar. A tremendous effort!
Rosie, Gypsie, Kirsty and Ally did us very proud coming second by an absolute whisker against Melbourne in the Female D Grade Coxed Four, reliably coxed by Derek, crossing the line only 1.92 seconds after the victors.
The hardworking dream team of Pavel, Lachie, Richie and Jack came second in the Male D Grade Coxed four defeating a newcomer crew comprised of Alex P, Nathan, Campbell and your’s truly, who had jumped in the boat together for the first time on the day of racing.
Rosie Dickson-Hoyle and Gypsy Shepherd have some more bling to add to their collection after their stunning victory in the Female D Grade Double Scull arriving at the finish line 2 seconds ahead of Rutherglen. Yet another tremendous effort and testament to both their hard work and the coaching brilliance of Dario Sportelli. Dario, who along with Jon Roberts, Allan Randall and Dennis Beck proved unstoppable in the C-Grade Men’s Four, boosting Richmond’s medal tally again.

After what Will Golding admits was an ‘interesting choice of steering’ over the first 100 metres of our race, the rag tag team of development and yellow squad rowers, claimed victory over Hawthorn in the final for the Men’s D-Grade eight. Once again, this was the first time this crew had rowed together. It was quite a surprise for the rest of the team including Campbell Mayne, Tim Evans, Nathan Brumley, Kim Begelhole, Alexander Reid, Matt Hardy, Alexander Pupko, myself and our fearless leader Will Golding all coming home with a gold medal.

Unperturbed by their second place in their previous race, Pavel, Lachie, Richie and Jack won gold in the Male D Grade Coxed Quad after a strong performance, finishing 11 seconds ahead of the other competitors. A brilliant result for one of the many hardworking Richmond crews that were out on Lake Nagambie.

Particular thanks should go towards all those who came to support us. Our spirits and energy levels were particularly bolstered by Lily Innes-Irons wonderful mother, Jill, who provided a metric tonne of honey joys for anxious rowers to nibble on ahead of their race. I put their sugary and buttery goodness down to our surprise victory.
I think most can agree that 2020’s Nagambie Regatta was one filled with highs and lows. While there may have been some personal disappointments following the regatta, all of our performances were testament to our hard work and determination and only spoke to our competitiveness for States and an exciting year of racing we can all look forward to.
Hamish Taylor

Head of Goulburn 2019

Following the great day we had at Bendigo last week, on Saturday Richmond Rowing Club was back on the racing scene for Head of the Goulburn, the best regatta of the year (in my completely biased opinion)! It starts from Nagambie Regatta Centre and follows down the beautiful Goulburn river for 7.2 km, meandering through gorgeous eucalypt forests populated with galahs and cockatoos, all the way to Tahbilk winery. As far as I know, it’s the only rowing race that finishes at a vineyard! Good incentive to get us there faster 🙂
Another nice thing about HOTG is that racing starts from 11am for everyone except school kids, a very gentlemanly schedule indeed, giving us plenty of time to drive up, load up on caffeine and get nervous. The forecast had announced a promising “14 degrees, 80% chance of showers, with possible hail storm and sustained 35km wind”, which turned out to be pretty much bang on, but it was the gusts that were particularly fierce. In fact while we were waiting around, an 8 and a 4 ended up going for a swim on the way to the start line.

1. Dario and Stef sheltering before the race

2. A Wentworth crew getting swamped by brutal wind and waves on the way to the start line

3. Bit too heavy to row now 🙁
 Finally the wait was over and it was time to go. First up were Susanna, Christine, Diana, Anthea, Charlie, Phil, Guy and Leigh in the mixed 8 event, coxed by Dianne. They powered down the course in a great time of 35:05.

4. The XM8+ crew coming in after the race
Next was the D grade male 8 with Rob, John Hellerstedt, Steven, Pavel, Nathan, Lachlan, Alex, and Garret, coxed by returning member Sarah Houghton who had only just returned from the USA the night before. Thanks Sarah for jumping in despite the jetlag! The lads had a great row and were so close to winning the event, only just a few seconds behind the Argonauts crew, bringing them in second place

5. The boys ready to rock!

6. MD8+ at the finish, tired but happy
After the eights came the quads, and our first was the men’s B grade quad with Jon Roberts, Allan Randall, Mike Gehling and Dennis Beck, steered by superstar cox Derek Begg. They were looking very clean and powerful throughout, and despite the gusts managed to get a brilliant time of 31:20. This brought the first win for Richmond, well done boys!

7. The MB4X+ looking strong on the finish line

8. Winners are grinners! Medals all around
We then had two mixed quads competing: The first in the Masters category consisting of Shern, Tim, Mike Calvert and Sarah Hardy, coxed by Kathy, who came third of their event with a very respectable time of 36.05.
The second mixed quad was up next with Dario, Kirsty, Keith and Ally, expertly coxed by Lilian for her first time at HOTG, well done! Despite a few windy wobbles, the row was strong and got us a win for the event. Celebrations and wine were in order!

9. Lilian getting the cox treatment 🙂

10. X4X+ between rowing and wine tasting
The final Richmond crew to head off was the Women’s D grade 4 with Amy, Imogen, Lily and Stef, coxed by the lovely Laurent Demay. They had an excellent row, but the competition was too fierce and they came in second.
After all the exertion, it was time to join the rest of the Richmond gang at the cellar door, to refuel and hydrate among all the goodies Tahbilk had on offer. We could also admire the lovely old buildings, huge wine barrels and vineyard equipment that gives this old winery all its charm and character. Even the medals reflect this heritage, featuring the famous Chinaman’s bridge and the iconic 3-tiered farm building. They’re really pretty.

11. Tahbilk winery looking sharp

12. Pretty medals

13. Time for some food, hot sauce dribbling into blisters
Well done everyone for another brilliant regatta! All in all it was great craic despite the weather, and Richmond took full advantage of it all. In fact we were the last to leave, as usual 🙂

14. Obligatory shot in the vines before leaving
Big thanks to Steve Sheppard for his duties as BRO Level 2 during the regatta.
Thank you also to Chris and Leigh for towing the trailer, and Barry for bringing the trailer from the Regatta Centre to Tahbilk.
And Finally, massive thanks to all the coxswains who made the trip up to Nagambie and allowed a crew to race: Dianne, Sarah H, Derek, Kathy, Lilian, and Laurent. You guys are legends!

RRC Head Season Training Camp 2019

Thoughts of a ‘never camper’
This was my first rowing camp. This was my first brush with a camping experience of any kind, period. I rocked up with a mind full of newbie questions: what’s it going to be like? ‘how remote is Nagambie if I forget something’? As a result, I packed like I was preparing for an apocalypse – gear for every weather condition and snacks for every hunger level. Also, someone please explain ‘box biting’?
Getting to Nagambie
The drive to Nagambie the one of the most beautiful experiences. I carpooled with the Hardys (Sarah and Matt) who knew the roads we were travelling so well. The conversation was lively, lolly supply generous and the drive itself was a super unwinding experience with views of endless canola fields and at one point, alpacas!
The first thing that strikes you on reaching the cabins is the spectacular view of lake.

I spent a good half hour on my cabin deck just taking it all in. The weather was surprisingly sunny and bright for most of the weekend, and a glimpse of the summer to come. That evening, we got ready for our first row, which for me was a quad. This row helped me get a feel of the lake with its many buoys and weeds.

We ended the day with a drink at the pub followed by a box-biting demonstration from the reigning champion himself, Keith, back in the cabins.
Rowing Hard
Saturday started super early with a view of a gorgeous sunrise from the cabin deck.

The first session of the day was a quad again but this time, we went up the Goulbourn river with Kathy coxing us (thanks a ton!). We had a shaky start to begin with, mostly because our crew hadn’t rowed together and we all brought our unique styles. But we kept at it with our cox and Michael coaching us from the ‘tinny’ through the second and third sessions that day. All the hard work was made worth it by the carrot cake at lunch (I still get dreams of it). The last row of the day was a highlight because it was my first time in a single skull. Though, the looks of trepidation on Barry and Michael’s faces while I almost tipped the boat getting in were priceless. I had a constant mental record of “hands together”, “oars feathered”, “DON’T FALL IN”!
Saturday night BBQ left me in a food coma. I unapologetically went for a second round, it was that good. Then came box biting. I would still like to know the origins of the tradition; if you know, stop and share. We had 2 rounds of everyone trying until it came down to the final round. Of course Keith won, but I think we also spotted an emerging talent in Pippa who gave him some tough competition. The general strategy seems to be picking the highest edge of the box. Until next camp, my strategy is going to be practicing Yoga to maintain develop the balance and flexibility!
All the coaching and practice from Saturday came to head on our Sunday rows. By now, a few of us from DS had been working as a consistent crew. If Saturday was shaky, Sunday was strong and sturdy. I count them as one of the best rows I’ve had. We had a moment going up the river when we held the boat still to just take in sounds of the birds and look at the giant pelicans. A far cry from the urban sounds and sights of Melbourne.
Can’t thank everyone who organised, coached and coxed for the weekend enough.

All in all, here are my somewhat helpful ‘pro tips’ for first-time campers:

  • Bring snacks, lots of them
  • Don’t skip the cake
  • Bring Beer (or your poison of choice), you’ll need it after a hard day’s row
  • Nearest good coffee is at a café called Foxhole, but be prepared for a 20-minute wait (resulting in a missed session on water!)
  • About 50% of people at boat loading/unloading are as clueless as you but acting super purposeful. You’re not alone!

Its been a few weeks since Camp now, and I can feel the change in my technique. Looking forward to next year.
Saloni Dikshit

Save the date – RRC training camp – 13-15 September 2019

RRC’s Spring Training camp date has been locked in over the weekend of 13-15 September 2019 at Nagambie.
Consistent with last year we have booked accommodation at the Nagambie Leisure Park on the nights of 13 and 14 September. For those attending we will have on water sessions on 14 and 15 September on both the regatta course and river. If you can get the day off work on 13 September, there will be the opportunity for some additional casual sessions also.
Full details to follow soon. Lock the date in your diary – it’s a great reason to start your Winter training now !!!