2022 Club races and Christmas lunch

We had a big day on Sunday 11th December with club races, boat naming and the club Christmas lunch. Thankfully the weather was glorious for most of the day, only turning to showers at the very end.

Club races

3 Richmond eights were ready and keen for the splash and dash 300m course and the competition was fierce.
Ambush – coxed by Jack: Cynthia, James, Millie, Alex, Rohan, Pat, Allan, Tim E
D. Begg – coxed by Kathy: Caley, Keith, Pavel, Mikey G, Tom, Kim, Sep, John B
Minerva – coxed by Will: Rebecca, Emily B, Lily, Anthea, Andrew, Ben, Dennis and Justin, who also ended up winners! Well done to all participants.

Boat naming

Richmond RC is very lucky to have acquired a beautiful Hudson 8, graciously donated by the Sullivan family and sponsored by Leemark. Heartfelt thank you to Chris and Leigh Sullivan for their incredibly generous gift, which will no doubt be appreciated for many years to come.
The boat naming celebration was setup at the front of the club and the 8 has been christened the “Minerva”, roman goddess of wisdom and counterpart to the Greek deity Athena. She was the goddess of justice, strategic war and victory, who emerged fully formed and armoured from the head of her father Jupiter. More importantly, Minerva is also the name of one of Richmond RC’s very first boats in the 1863 original fleet. An apt name and a lovely throwback to the club’s origins.

Christine Sullivan and some exploding bubbles on the Minerva

Christmas lunch

All our squads came together to decorate the hall & make sure we were in full festive spirit for the afternoon. The food was delicious, crackers popping with terrible jokes enjoyed by all, along with spectacularly Christmassy music. But the best part as always was the company.

Thank yous

Helen Pearce – Event organisation, marketing & desserts
Christine Sullivan – Club race logistics & crews
Will Golding, Jack Hellerstedt & Kathy Macrow – Coxing for club races
Amy Catlin – Christmas lunch catering
Diana Vernon – Serving food
Anthea Amos, Kathy Macrow, Dennis Beck, Amy Catlin, Lily Innes-Irons, Kim Begelhole & Ally Dejaegher – Bar service
James Merrett & Jack Hellerstedt – Clean-up & dishes
All Women & Men’s squad on the day – Christmas decorations and set-up

2022 Carrum Regatta

In a very unusual turn of events, Carrum was one of the few regattas this year that wasn’t at risk of cancellation or location change. Not only that, but the weather gods were on our side as we enjoyed glorious clear skies, light winds and a barely there whiff from the treatment plant – perfect conditions for racing.

Despite a small contingent from Richmond and tough competition from the likes of Mercantile and Carey, we were still successful on the water with several wins and some very close races.

Well done to all participants, particularly those for whom it was a new experience:
Emily Bourke, Sean Rushby and James Merrett – First time sprint racing
Amy Catlin – first time coxing in a regatta

Massive thank you to our team of volunteers for making this event possible:
Barry Campbell for towing the trailer in the most appalling traffic conditions
Phil Munson for being our BRO extraordinaire for the afternoon session
Jack Hellerstedt as our official event photographer
Everyone who helped each other out by coxing, carrying blades & boats, providing lifts, words of encouragement, sweet treats or watermelon-scented suncream


First place – Medals!

FB4x+ Emily Bourke, Millie Cameron, Gabriela Bekir-Fuente, Sarah Hardy, coxed by Ally Dejaegher – 4:03.66

FM4x+ Ally Dejaegher, Sarah Hardy, Anthea Amos, Christine Sullivan, coxed by Amy Catlin – 4:51.83

X8+ Tim Foster, Will Golding, Alex Pupko, Ben Wardle, Amy Catlin, Lily Innes-Irons, Gabriela Bekir-Fuente, Emily Bourke, coxed by Ally Dejaegher – 3:44.63

Second place

MA4x+ Will Golding, Ben Wardle, Isaac Balemi, Pat Cook, coxed by Derek Begg – 3:23.56
FB2- Lily Innes-Irons, Amy Catlin – 4:13.21
MB4+ Tim Foster, Ben Wardle, Isaac Balemi, Pat Cook, coxed by Derek Begg – 3:41.65
MB8+ Tim Foster, Pat Cook, Ben Wardle, Isaac Balemi, Alex Pupko, Michael Gehling, Jack Hellerstedt, Keith Wong, coxed by Will Golding 3:34.43
X4x+ Jack Hellerstedt, Amy Catlin, Ally Dejaegher, Dennis Beck, coxed by Keith Wong 4:01.58
MA8+ Tim Foster, Pat Cook, Ben Wardle, Isaac Balemi, Alex Pupko, Will Golding, Jack Hellerstedt, Dennis Beck, coxed by Ally Dejaegher 3:25.64

Third place

MB4x+ Keith Wong, James Merrett, Sean Rushby, Emil Limansyah, coxed by Lily Innes-Irons 4:04.82
FM2x Anthea Amos, Val Dowell [MRC] 5:24.04

Another great day for Richmond Rowing Club

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2022 Melbourne Head

It was a big call to delay the regatta for a week owing to the flood conditions on the Yarra, but the weather on the 26th was a stunning departure from the rain.

Despite the date change, Richmond fielded 18 entries across the four brackets, including the bulk seven-boat play for the FClub4x+.

Conditions got steadily windier as the morning progressed, but Richmond crews were still powering down the course in some very tight races. The Men’s Club 8 in particular came only a whisker behind the winners from Mercantile, hopefully a good sign of things to come for the rest of the season.

While rowers were still competing in the last bracket, our volunteers were busy setting up everything at the club for our afternoon BBQ and open bar. Huge thanks to Helen Pearce for organising the event and serving for hours despite being injured. Also very grateful to Jack and Lily for setting up; Dennis and William for BBQ cooking; Wan, Amy, Dennis, Mikey Kim and Lily for working the bar, Emily Bourke and Sam for clean-up and everyone else who helped make the event such a success.


XM4x+ Ally Dejaegher, Richie Healy, Jack Hellerstedt, Amy Catlin, cox: Lily Innes-Irons 14:05.49

MClub4+ Ben Wardle, Indigo Orton, Tim Foster, Pat Cook, cox: Derek Begg 12:20.6
FClub4x+ Wan-ling Emptage, Emily Bourke, Sam Leslie, Dana Hill, cox: Zena Marzi 13:42.41
FM4x+ Ally Dejaegher, Rachael Button, Christine Sullivan, Sarah Houghton, cox: Deb Spring 13:28.94
MClub8+ Jack Hellerstedt, Pavel Oborin, Jon Roberts, Alex Pupko, Indigo Orton, Ben Wardle, Pat Cook, Tim Foster, cox: Derek Begg 10:56.2

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2022 Head of the Barwon

Very much “day for it” vibes for this quick dash out west.


MA-C2x I. Balemi, B. Wardle 15:16.68
FM4+ C.Crouser [RCHMD], H.Pearce [RCHMD], G.Goss [RCHMD], R.Gribble [WENDB], Cox: K.Wong [RCHMD] 16:49.5
FA-C4x+/- R. Dickson-Hoyle, K. Fergie, L. Innes-Irons, A. Kinsman, Cox: C. McCarthy 16:17
FM1x G. Goss 19.09.11
MA-C2x W. Golding, P. Cook 16:08.32
MA-C4x+/- W. Golding, I. Balemi, B. Wardle, P. Cook, Cox: W. Emptage 14:43.1
FA-C2x C. Crouser, H. Pearce 16:52.2
MM4x+/- D. Beck, C. Burke, W. Haynes, J. Roberts, Cox: ATHLETE UNKNOWN 16:52.45

2022 Saltwater Challenge

It was another auspiciously sunny day to head west for the first regatta of the season- the Saltwater Challenge on the Maribynong.

Big congratulations to our 11 competing crews, with first place finishes in the FMClub4x+/- and MC4x+, with the masters club women also taking the “biggest winning margin” award for the regatta.

link to album

  1. MO4X+/- Male Open Coxed/Coxless Quad Scull
    P.Cook, P.Oborin, I.Balemi, B.Wardle, Cox: D.Begg, Coaches: W.Golding, S.Tolboom
    3rd 16:55.60
  2. MA4X+ Male A Grade Coxed Quad Scull
    R.Healy, M.Gehling, A.Pupko, T.McKay, Cox: C.Crouser, Coaches: W.Golding, S.Tolboom
    3rd 18:22.74
  3. MM4X+/- Male Masters Club Coxed/Coxless Quad Scull
    D.Beck, J.Roberts, A.Randall, T.Foster, Cox: ATHLETE UNKNOWN, Coaches: W.Golding, S.Tolboom
    11th 18:05.20
  4. FM4X+/- Female Masters Club Coxed/Coxless Quad Scull
    Melbourne University/Richmond
    G.Goss [RCHMD], P.Whiting [MUBC], H.Pearce [RCHMD], J.Bant [MUBC], Cox: ATHLETE UNKNOWN
    1st 18:42.07

S.Timmins, H.Doherty-McMillan, K.Fergie, W.Emptage, Cox: C.Sullivan, Coach: A.Lawler
8th 20:05.69

  1. FSCH4X+Y91 Female School Coxed Quad Scull Year 9 Division 1
    PLC Melbourne
    Y.Wang, H.Chowdary, C.Wei, J.Spencer, Cox: S.Leslie
    24 21:55.09

PLC Melbourne
G.Gonzales, C.Lowe, T.Xiao, T.Vessey, Cox: S.Houghton
16 21:14.10

  1. MMClub4X+/- Male Masters Club Quad Scull
    P.Munson, K.Begelhole, C.Burke, T.Evans, Cox: S.Dudczig
    6th 20:36.87
  2. MB4X+ Male B Grade Coxed Quad Scull
    A.Randall, A.Pupko, B.Wardle, I.Balemi, Cox: D.Begg, Coaches: W.Golding, S.Tolboom
    3rd 17:57.19
  3. FMClub4X+/- Female Masters Club Quad Scull
    G.Goss, K.Doggett, K.Dyball, H.Pearce, Cox: C.Crouser
    1st 18:48.70
  4. FB4X+ Female B Grade Coxed Quad Scull
    A.Kinsman, L.Innes-Irons, K.Fergie, R.Dickson-Hoyle, Cox: E.Mitsch, Coach: A.Lawler
    2nd 19:10.46

C.Sullivan, R.Button, S.Leslie, S.Houghton, Cox: D.Spring, Coach: A.Lawler
4th 19:33.13

  1. XM4X+/- Mixed Masters Coxed/Coxless Quad Scull
    D.Beck, G.Goss, T.Foster, H.Pearce, Cox: ATHLETE UNKNOWN
    4th 18:47.93
  2. MC4X+ Male C Grade Coxed Quad Scull
    P.Cook, D.Ingram, R.Healy, K.Wong, Cox: D.Begg, Coaches: W.Golding, S.Tolboom
    1st 18:44.70

2022 Presentation Night

On Saturday 18 June we celebrated the ’21/’22 season, with the following awardees:

Derek, Millie, Chelsea, John & Jack with their club race glasses

Club race winners:
Jack H, Keith W, John C, Chelsea C, Anthea A, Mikey G, Kerrin H, Millie C, Alex P, coxed by Derek B

Mal Scott Male club rower of the year:
Ben Wardle

Male Masters rower of the year:
Phillip Munson

Male Masters composite rower of the year:
Ray Dennis

John Sawyer Female club rower of the year:
Kate Dyball

Female masters rower of the year:
Michelle Joy

Eye of the Tiger:
John Carey

Captain’s Award:
Helen Pearce & Kirsty Fergie

Don Edwards Coxswain of the year:
Derek Begg

The President’s Award:
Sue-Virginia O’Hanlon

Special thanks to Amy Catlin for organising the evening, helpers Kirsty Fergie and Sarah Hardy and to our bar manager Lily Innes- Irons and all the helpers on the bar. Set up and clean up was done by Amy and Gerry with some helpers on the night.

2022 Nagambie Regatta

Nagambie was hot, dusty & sunny, with a peak temperature of 34 on the day, reinforced by the interminably long lunch break before the last gasp of racing Sunday arvo.

So glad to see the homemade brownies & relish at the Ezy Oar cafe, with burgers clearly the crowd favourite being completely sold out by 1pm.

We sent 32 athletes to row 22 events, with 8 first, 5 second, and 3 third place finishes.


This was the inaugural racing (rowing!) in the newly acquired Kathy Macrow 4/x+, thanks to Lily I-I for the emergency field christening prosecco.

Race of the regatta?

Men’s B quad a candidate, battle paddling Barwon inside of 2 metres all the way down the course. Barwon were quite annoyed to be beaten by a canvas by not only RRC in first but a ‘fast finishing’ 14yo crew from Gippsland Grammar in second, looking at RRC the other side of the line with a “how old do you think we are?”: unclear who envied whom for what while coughing up a lung at the finish line. Look out States!!

Thanks Alex Reid for stepping up to BRO in the afternoon.

Barry closed his eyes and compass navigated the trailer on backroads back to the shed. Unloaded before 1945.

2022 Rutherglen regatta

We sent a tight contingent of 14 athletes to the 156th annual Rutherglen regatta on Lake Moodemere. Great to be back up to the border after being locked away behind the ring of steel for so long.

The lamb shanks were the clear winner on Friday at the Telegraph Hotel Chiltern, and it was great to see Caffeine n Machine slinging ‘spro before 630am on the Sunday for the sunrise racing!

With spectacularly intense thunderstorms late Friday night, we were glad to see our late arriving rowers make the drive up safely. Over the weekend the lake was absolutely full, and it was a far cry from the dust bowl of yesteryear, with persistent mud at the trailers showing no sign of drying out at the end of the weekend despite the 30+ peak temperatures each day.

Alex Huang and Wan-ling Emptage heading out for their doubles race Saturday


We amassed 7 first, 4 second, 8 third place finishes with that Rutherglen famous lack of repêchage.

Saturday 800m results

first place
MC1x / Michael Gehling
MC4x+ / Hellerstedt, Gehling, Wardle, Beck, cox: Emptage
FM4x+ / Dudczig, Fergie, Pearce, Goss, cox: Huang
FM2x / Fergie, Pearce

MC8+ / Begelhole, Hellerstedt, Reid, Pupko, Gehling, Wardle, Randall, Beck, cox: Dudczig
FM4+ / Richardson (Ess), Fergie, Pearce, Goss, cox: Emptage

FM1x / Gerry Goss
MM8+ (of 3) / Begelhole, Gordon, Reid, Hellerstedt, Mansfield (Yarawonga), Randall, Beck, cox: Dudczig
FM2x / Dudczig, Goss

Sunday 500m results

FM4x+ / Dudczig, Fergie, Pearce, Goss, cox: Hellerstedt
FM2x / Goss, Dudczig & Fergie, Pearce

MC1x / Hellerstedt
MC4x+ DQ / Hellerstedt, Gehling, Wardle, Beck, cox: Huang

MC8+ / Begelhole, Hellerstedt, Reid, Pupko, Gehling, Wardle, Randall, Beck, cox: Dudczig
FC2x / Emptage, Huang
FC1x / Alex Huang
X4x+ / Pearce, Gehling, Pupko, Fergie, cox: Hellerstedt
MB4x+ / Hellerstedt, Pupko, Wardle, Beck, cox: Emptage

the men’s eight

Big thanks to Stef Dudczig, Wan-ling Emptage & Alex Huang for the lionshare of box-free coxing! Jack Hellerstedt for some Sunday finals, and Benton Goodbrand of Argonauts, as well as friends at Essendon & Footscray RC for getting our crews down the course and around the bend.

Michael Gehling was the Richmond BRO of the regatta

Boat unloading was poetry in motion, done and dusted in 59m50s