States round-up from Gerry G

Disclaimer: an anonymous club member has requested an expansion on the beautifully written article by Jim regarding States at Nagambie, suggesting a little more emphasis on the female achievements may be appropriate…I am therefore not responsible for what follows, I am merely following orders.
Ah Nagambie!  Don’t you love it? Home of unpredictable weather and a lake where actual surf rowing is sometimes possible. Saturday was a windy day with choppy water, making life very difficult for single scullers, and I say this from dismal personal experience.  However, Carolyn fared better, with a good row in the lighweight scull. The double scull combination of Rachael and Rosie rowed a terrific second in the heat to earn a place in the final, a great effort given they are a recent pairing in the double. The D4+ of Emma, Tams, Astrid and Robyn did very well too to place fourth in the A final.
Sunday morning saw some of us rise very early to hit the road by 5am for an 8.20 race. The drive up was dark, bleak, wet and foggy, but miraculously the weather at Nagambie was warm and the water relatively calm. There was a moment of major non-calm when it was apparent that the C4x was without a cox, our fill-in being a last minute cancellation. The grounds were fairly desolate at 7am, not too many potential coxes milling around looking for a gig and an announcement over the loudspeaker was met with silence. It was looking like we would have to get Barry out of bed to do it but finally –luckily- we were able to convince Bec from Barwon to do the job-phew! Her initial reluctance turned to enthusiasm when the crew got off to a terrific start in the heat and finished well to secure a spot in the final. Unfortunately, the other RRC crew were less lucky with the start and did not make up the ground to claim a spot in the final. The final again saw a great start for Richmond and we led the whole way until the Sacred Heart crew put on a great push at the end and stole the gold by a bowball …heartbreaking! Damn schoolgirls. Not to mention that they started the race half a boat length ahead of us..I could go on….no, not bitter and twisted, just reporting the facts.
Carolyn meanwhile rowed a terrific 2k A grade race against some very serious opposition and was happy with a terrific row. The tub pair of Astrid and Robyn again proved dominant in their event and secured a silver medal. Finally the D eight put in a very solid performance and soundly beat the MRC crew and let’s face it that’s what we like to do most. Another bunch of damn schoolgirls took the title however, this time from Pembroke School in South Australia. Annalise had left SA thinking she would never have to row against Pembroke again but there you go, they sought her out and once again RRC was reduced to silver, but bling nonetheless.
I believe the guys did well too.
Well done to all and thanks to Simon and Emma for making the trip up to support the crews. Well done to Barry for a magnificent effort in boat transport people support and supply of sunscreen, and thanks to all who contributed, coaches, coxes, admin folk…you know who you are.
Geraldine Goss