Sprint season is almost here…..

Thanks to all those who completed the sprint season survey, if you haven’t done it already please take 5mins to do it now (survey) as it will really help us to plan for upcoming events. Some more fun regattas are not far away!
Unfortunately looking at the responses we do not have enough interested people to attend the Hamilton regatta on the first weekend in December. Instead we will be launching the sprint season with club races at 10am on Sunday 7th December (squad training at 8am for those keen to get in some extra rowing), followed by some brunch, $5 a head. Please sign up as you would normally using mysportsplanner for both/either 8am and 10am events and if you are able to offer any help coordinating club races or brunch please let Justin know.
P.S. I know head racing is still at the forefront of most people’s minds and good luck to everyone over the next two weeks in both Melbourne Head and Head of the Yarra!