2022 Club races and Christmas lunch
We had a big day on Sunday 11th December with club races, boat naming and the club Christmas lunch. Thankfully the weather was glorious for most of the day, only turning to showers at the very end.
Club races
3 Richmond eights were ready and keen for the splash and dash 300m course and the competition was fierce.
Ambush – coxed by Jack: Cynthia, James, Millie, Alex, Rohan, Pat, Allan, Tim E
D. Begg – coxed by Kathy: Caley, Keith, Pavel, Mikey G, Tom, Kim, Sep, John B
Minerva – coxed by Will: Rebecca, Emily B, Lily, Anthea, Andrew, Ben, Dennis and Justin, who also ended up winners! Well done to all participants.
Boat naming
Richmond RC is very lucky to have acquired a beautiful Hudson 8, graciously donated by the Sullivan family and sponsored by Leemark. Heartfelt thank you to Chris and Leigh Sullivan for their incredibly generous gift, which will no doubt be appreciated for many years to come.
The boat naming celebration was setup at the front of the club and the 8 has been christened the “Minerva”, roman goddess of wisdom and counterpart to the Greek deity Athena. She was the goddess of justice, strategic war and victory, who emerged fully formed and armoured from the head of her father Jupiter. More importantly, Minerva is also the name of one of Richmond RC’s very first boats in the 1863 original fleet. An apt name and a lovely throwback to the club’s origins.
Christmas lunch
All our squads came together to decorate the hall & make sure we were in full festive spirit for the afternoon. The food was delicious, crackers popping with terrible jokes enjoyed by all, along with spectacularly Christmassy music. But the best part as always was the company.
Thank yous
Helen Pearce – Event organisation, marketing & desserts
Christine Sullivan – Club race logistics & crews
Will Golding, Jack Hellerstedt & Kathy Macrow – Coxing for club races
Amy Catlin – Christmas lunch catering
Diana Vernon – Serving food
Anthea Amos, Kathy Macrow, Dennis Beck, Amy Catlin, Lily Innes-Irons, Kim Begelhole & Ally Dejaegher – Bar service
James Merrett & Jack Hellerstedt – Clean-up & dishes
All Women & Men’s squad on the day – Christmas decorations and set-up
8/22 club races
The sun was out for some short notice club races Sunday August 28th.
Lily, Alex K, Rosie, Caley, Andrew, Dimitri (FIRST TIME IN A SWEEP BOAT- well done), Cynthia, Dennis, Will, Pat, Ben, Isaac, Pavel, Alex, John C, Gerry, with coxes Derek and Kat.
Starter was Helen, finish line manned by Diana and Chelsea.
Lily organised the bar AND manned the BBQ with Alex K.
Thanks to Christine, Leigh, George and Barry for help at the bar.
album link
2022 RRC AGM – Saturday 30 July
Richmond Rowing Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on the morning of Saturday 30th July. The meeting is currently planned to start at 1130am, following the club races planned for 10am. There will be a club bbq following the close of the meeting.
At the AGM all Committee members stand down and positions are available for club members to stand for election to the RRC Committee for the coming year. Generally the incoming Committee is a blend of new and experienced members.
To present yourself for election, you are required to have been a member of the club for more than 2 years and be willing to help out with the club’s organisation. If you are interested, feel free to chat to any of the current Committee members to get some more background information. The Committee positions are:
Head of Rowing
Captain of Boats
Fundraising Coordinator
Facilities Coordinator
Ordinary Member (two ordinary member positions are available which assist with a number of areas)
During the AGM, outgoing Committee members will briefly go through some of the highlights of the year, as well as a summary of the club’s financial situation and the main achievements compared to the goals we set out last year. This usually takes less than an hour and we warmly invite all members of the club to attend.
The meeting will be available in a hybrid format, with a link to follow for those who wish to participate but are unable to make it to the club.
If you wish to present yourself for election, please complete a nomination form (available here) and submit it to the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the meeting (by COB 15th July). If 3 signatures on a pdf is logistically difficult, the Secretary is happy to accept emails from the proposer, seconder, and nominee stating their support of the application.
2021 Christmas Lunch & Club Races
It was a perfect sunny day on the 12th for our club races followed by Christmas lunch. After a morning training session our Head of Rowing, Christine, published the crews for club races and it was game on! Four crews eight fought out the heats, followed by a final. Afterwards members and friends dined in the club decorated with the famous black and yellow Christmas tree…followed by drinks on our fabulous deck in the sunshine.
The winning crew of the day:
cox: Derek
John C
Michael G
Alex P
Jack H
Kerrin/ Chelsea
Big thanks to Stu & Alex for running the races from the bank! And Amy for organising lunch afterwards, as well as the bar staff volunteering from Karen, Christine, Kathy, John C, and Barry!
End of Year Regatta Recap and New Boats Named
It’s been a busy few months of regattas culminating with Melbourne Head, Head of the Yarra and Carrum Regatta just last weekend.
Congratulations to the 4 crews who represented Richmond at Head of the Yarra, a mixed masters crew, one female D grade crew and two male D grade crews. There were good performances by all following a large amount of training in the run up.
We made the trip to Carrum, for the Carrum regatta last Saturday for the final regatta of the year. Richmond was well represented at the regatta which saw a large amount of elite and school crews competing. A strong contingent competed in every category from Open to D Grade with crews in all boat classes except eights.
Competitive performances on the day saw wins for:
- Dario Sportelli in the C-Single,
- Lachlan Stewart, Richard Healy, Tom Brooks, Pavel Oborin coxed by Ainsley Raggatt in the D Grade Four
- Kirstie Fergy in the D-Single
- Amy Catlin and Lily Innes-Irons in the C-Pair
- Dario and Ainsley in a composite mixed double
- Thomas Brooks, Richard Healy, Lachlan Stewart, Pavel Oborin in the D Grade Quad
- Kirsty Fergie, Aline Dejaegher, Jon Roberts, Allan Randall coxed by Rosie Dickson-Hoyle in the mixed quad
A day after Carrum we held our final club races for the year. Three eights took to the water to fight it out. Clearly the starter was not loud enough for one crew, with “attention” being the new “go”. Congratulations to the crew of Derek Begg (cox), Michael Gehling, Kim Begelhole, Jingyi (Alex) Huang, William Golding, Kathryn Spinnler-Jenkins, Lily Innes-Irons, Emily James and Red Skelton who took out the win.
We then gathered to name our three newest boats. Firstly, a double named Morpheus by Ally Dejaegher as part of our recent raffle to name a boat at Melbourne head.
Then Yass Queen, a new mid weight single named by Dana Hill, also as part of our recent naming raffle.
And finally the Riverboat Jasper, a single kindly donated by captain Barry Campbell.
Following the smashing of bottles we retreated to the club for our annual Christmas lunch to celebrate the year gone. We also wished Kathy Macrow a happy 60th birthday on the day!!!
Happy Christmas and don’t forget your New Years Eve party tickets!!!
Tickets for Christmas Lunch Now on Sale
It’s time to get festive and celebrate at the club. We will be holding our annual RRC Christmas club races followed by lunch on Sunday, 15th of December.
Club races start from 9.30am (sign up on sportsnoticeboard) and lunch from 12.30pm.
Check out the Facebook event and buy your tickets at https://www.trybooking.com/
Ticket sales close Wednesday 4 December for catering purposes.
2019 AGM and our most recent boat naming
The Richmond Rowing Club Annual General Meeting was held at the club on Saturday 27th July 2019. Thank you to all Committee members for their significant contributions through the year. A brief summary of the year’s activities is provided below; the full Annual Report including all Committee member reports is attached RRC Annual Report 2018/19
Membership Growth – Following a 14% increase in members last year, our financial member numbers grew by a further 13% to 161 (from 142 last year).
Member number growth continues through our Learn to Row program transitioning into our Development squad. As a result we have invested in increased coaching for this group of new members to continue to increase their skill levels as they start to compete at regattas and look to progress into other squads. Whilst we will continue to focus on Learn to Row courses in the coming year we will focus them on the summer months to maximise numbers and retention so the Development Squad continues to have a critical mass.
Member Engagement – Our events continue to bring the club together socially while generating funds for clubs fleet expansion. We held 6 major events, a number or smaller events and our training camp during the year from casual BBQ’s to Quiz Night, Presentation Night, New Year’s Eve. Thank you to Christine Sullivan for leading the Fundraising role with support from many of our members, a special thank you to all of the members that have helped out during the year.
The Committee has also turned their mind to our environmental impact as a club, implementing recycling bins in the club, facilitating the use of rain water for boat washing and supporting the Yarra River keepers Association as part of their projects to tidy the Yarra.
Demonstrate Club Success on the Water – In 2018/19 we expanded the number of paid coaching resources to support our volunteer coaches and we will continue this in the coming year.
It has been great to see excellent participation and regatta results throughout the year, lots of successes and members competing in their first regattas. In particular the results at the State Championships, where we picked up three golds including Michelle Joy and Kate Dyball in the Women’s A Grade Double.
Governance and Finance – Our venue continues to generate significant income through day and evening rentals resulting in a strong financial position.
We have continued to invest in the rowing program, but we must also continue to invest in our facilities to generate this revenue. Surplus funds generated are split between fleet and facility, with funds prudently reserved for significant capital works expected on the building in coming years. During the year the club invested in re-racking the rear middle section of the shed to increase boat capacity, at the same time we renegotiated the MLC sublease to progressively take back part of the third bay for our own use as the fleet expands.
We again invested heavily in our fleet, christening three new Sykes boats, a coxless quad and men’s and women’s double/pairs, and a second hand Wintech mid-weight single. We also expanded the number of oars and added a further 4 ergos to the gym.
In the coming year we have committed to further expand the fleet, replacing the Jennifer Campbell with a 5 year old Sykes 8+, buying a second-hand Sykes double and a new mid-weight Wintech single.
A major part of the AGM is to elect a new Committee and saying farewell to any departing members from the Committee.
Stefanie Dudczig and Yash Vegi have been the 2 ordinary members as part of the Committee over the last year. Stef has provided great assistance to the Secretary with the new member process and Yash has worked closely with Tim in relation to the Learn to Row organisation. Both of them will continue to assist with these areas in non-Committee roles. Thank you to both of you for your contribution to the Committee.
The Committee for the 2019-20 season (the 157th RRC Committee) consists of:
President – Jon Roberts
Vice-President – Aline Dejaeger
Secretary – John Carey
Treasurer – Kathy Macrow
Captain of Boats – Barry Campbell
Head of Rowing – Tim Evans
Facilities Coordinator – Lucy Crunden
Fundraising Coordinator – Christine Sullivan
Two ordinary members – Kim Begelhole and Amy Katlin
Congratulations and welcome to our newest Committee members, John Carey and Amy Catlin.
At the conclusion of the AGM and as part of our fleet renewal program we proceeded downstairs to name our newest fleet addition, a Sykes Women’s Eight. We were very pleased to be able to name this boat after one of our life members who continues to row successfully today, Ray Dennis.
Ray has been a member of the club since 1957 and continues to wear the Richmond zootie, including picking three Gold medals in the 2019 Australian Masters Regatta.
We then proceeded to take to the water for some fun with club races. We ran a Head Season format, with time trials from the Island to the Club. Congratulations to all those who took part and the winning 8.
Thank you to everyone who helped with the BBQ and bar afterwards.
AGM's and Boat Namings!!
We are continuing our fleet renewal program and will be naming our new Women’s Eight after the RRC AGM which starts at 10am on Saturday, 27 July. We look forward to seeing as many members present as possible, the running order for the day will be:
10am – AGM
10.30am – Boat naming
11am – club races
12 onwards – BBQ and bar
As part of our fleet renewal program to make space for newer boats we donated one of our older single sculls to the Bendigo Rowing Club last year. We have received many thanks for Bendigo for this donation and they have in turn spent time refurbishing the boat.
I was pleased to receive a letter from the Bendigo Rowing Club, thanking us for this donation and also letting me know that they intend to name the boat after our current Head of Rowing Tim Evans.
As most of you will know Tim has a deep connection with both clubs, having been introduced to rowing in Bendigo by one of their life members Denis Nihill. Tim has also rowed successfully for Richmond for a number of years, served on our Committee in multiple roles and is a Life Member of Richmond Rowing Club.
The Tim Evans will be formally named following the BRC AGM to be held at 11am, Sunday 28 July at Lake Weeroona, Bendigo. Tim will be present and I will also attend to represent the club. The Bendigo Rowing Club has also invited any members of Richmond Rowing Club who would like to attend. Please let me know and I will pass on the details.
In their correspondence with me the Bendigo Rowing Club has also recognised our participation in the annual Bendigo Sprint Regatta and they look forward to seeing us this year again. Highlighting the number of former Bendigo rowers who have continued their rowing on relocation to Melbourne by joining our club, they also hope that the naming of the boat will further strengthen the connection that exists between our clubs.
Congratulations to Tim on this honour from his hometown club!!
Club races and our latest boat naming
Club Races
Fast and furious – with lots of splash – is how four eights competed in Sunday’s Club Races. Around 20% of the competitors were in their first club races and it was great to see our DS members joining in and experiencing some racing. After the heats, crews competed in an A Final and B Final.
The winning team of the A Final was Andrew Yuile, John Carey. Alan Randall, Leigh Sullivan, Kim Begelhole, Cristian Udovicich, Imogen Aitken and Kate Riley, coxed by Stef Dudczig.
Our selectors of crews did a pretty good job, but then tried to outfox us with the use of French on the starter’s line! Derek managed to video the finals so if you want to see your form check out the Facebook posts.
It was great to see lots of our current Learn to Row group enjoying the BBQ and deck with the rest of the club. It won’t be too long before they’re rowing in the next Club Races!
The Development Squad under the leadership of Sarah Hardy organized a fabulous BBQ. And Sarah even co-opted Matt (hubby) and Bridgette (daughter) to help out on the BBQ while we were all racing. Thanks to the salad providers… Pavel, Alysia, Emma & Matt, Amy and Sarah Hardy. Sarah even provided homemade vege/vegan burgers – yummy! The DS (including Oliver & Mikey G) also did a great job setting up the tables and cleaning up afterwards and photographing the day.
Bar server thanks go to Ally, Kathy, Dennis, Gypsy, John C, Amy and Kim B. And thanks to Gypsy for coordinating the bar.
Boat Naming
We were pleased to name the latest acquisition to our fleet – a secondhand midweight single. (It’s a Wintech 2016 Club Trainer 75-85kg ACW honeycomb kevlar/fiberglass – for those interested in the technical details).
The committee has discussed over the past year the possibility of acknowledging and honoring the traditional owners of land on which our boathouse stands and the waterways on which we row.
What better way than naming a boat which is regularly in view of our members and other river users as well as to visitors to Melbourne.
The Boonwurrung elders have given us permission to use the word “Gurrong” – which means canoe in Boonwurrung language – on this, our newest fleet acquisition.
Kathy Macrow