Presentation night and squad thank-yous

The RRC presentation night is fast approaching – Saturday 25 May.

Each year this night provides the club an opportunity to look back at the successes over the year, hear about some of the stories both on and off the water that made it special and present awards to those that lead the pack. It is also an occasion to formally thank coxes and coaches for all their time and commitment during the season both on race days and in training.
Generally speaking – squads are invited to thank their coaches/coxes in the first part of the evening, and while not compulsory often present a small gift and say a few words (no more than 3-5 mins).

What you need to do?

In order to ensure everyone is organised and someone isn’t inadvertently forgotten please could a representative of the squad/crew forward the following details to [email protected] by 23 May:

  • Name of squad/crew saying thanks
  • Who is being acknowledged – coach and/or cox name

See you on the night!