Men's Squad update – 10 August

Great rowing last week and a bit of a huff and a puff after three laps and some good solid work at the lower ratings.
I am feeling good about how well the boat is travelling at the moment. We still have a few little individual technical issues to work on and I am confident these will disappear as we continue to improve on the general structure of the crew.
This week we will be consolidating our set-up off the back turn into the recovery. Boring as bat poo I know, but this is where we need to get it right if we are going to more the boat more effectively.
Plan of attack this week is 60 minutes on the Thursday and 90 minutes on the Saturday. Again we will be looking for good solid steady state rowing focusing on the leg drive with a bit of higher rate stuff to keep things interesting.
Elaine is back this week and we should have Mike for Thursday so there should be no need for us to be loitering around the girls change room this week trying to woo Jo into coxing for us. Speaking of Jo, she is out this Saturday getting some eye candy so we will need to look for another cox for Saturday unless we do the coxless number again.
I am sure most of you did your ergos last week but have failed to post them onto the spreadsheet as you couldn’t access it. If that is the case, drop me an email and I will fix this up for you as I have done for a couple of you already. For those of you who have had a FTE (Fu#k the Ergo) moment, then come and have a chat to me and we will see what we can do to rectify the situation.
We also have pencilled in the calendar this Sunday @ 10:00am the clubs first round the island time trail. For those who cannot make both Saturday and Sunday let me know as my preference would be for you to row on the Sunday so we can get a score on the board which we will hopefully improve on throughout the series.
The Development Squad (DS) will be putting on lunch after the row and rumour has it there will be some bacon and eggs on show.
Finally…sign up for Bairnsdale Rowing Camp…at this point in time I am coaching a pair. I have planned to have 12 attending from the men’s squad…if you cannot make it let me know…details on the club website