Gray Matters

Good Afternoon Rowers,
Winter Update, is now at 21 days to go. 21 Days is also a movie! A Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier showdown where he killed her husband who she hadn’t seen for 3 years anyway, not much of a husband, can hardly imagine poor Viv having to open her own jars for 3 years. Also 21 days is apparently all it takes to change a habit, imagine! so it might be an opportunity to create the new you. Be a vegan? Recycle everything, ride a unicycle while drinking a coffee (anyone else seen that guy along the Yarra in the mornings?) cut down to 3 sugars in your coffee, row every day! Clean the boat in, out, and the oars, your cox and the racks EVERYtime you row! Think of all the fun you could have for the next 3 weeks. For me 21 reminds me of a sailor suit, fake tan, VERY blond hair and my parent’s cleaner getting along VERY well with my aunt, oh that was a good party.
Coxing the Boys
Arnie has put her hand up, but Arnie is already doing loads for the club, it would be nice for some other paddlers to sit up the front with the guys on a Thursday morning. We still need someone for Saturday afternoons as even by calling themselves the C team they have not yet reached our level of adulation in Joe’s eyes and are unlikely to be able to steal her for the long term. It’s your chance to help out and also to practice some coaching and coxing.
Time Trials
Time trial Round 1 of 4:  From in front of the club, around the island and back.  The DS will be heading off at 9:30 am to get a head start (KIDDING) no so they can cook tasty brunch for us. Everyone else meet at the club at 9:45 am and for a 10 am push off. Pease confirm your attendance with your squad bosses or coaches.  Target crews for on the water include men’s 8, a men’s 4, 3 DS 4s, and 2 women’s 8s.  You need to be there, TRUST ME it may be the only chance you have of a trophy this year, unless you work at McDonalds and provide excellent customer service, or have volunteered with the CFA for 25 years 09 could be a desert, so come along for your chance of a medal in our time trials.
 Let’s Camp
Simon Crunden (MNB) has posted the details here here is a brief outline, for more details check out the link.
Date: Friday 25 September to Sunday 27 September 2009
It’s for 3 days, so start going to the toilet each hour from 9am on Thursday, eventually leave at about 2 mumbling about chicken from your freezer and the time the power went off. For those whose bosses don’t fall for it you can come and join us on Friday night but the cost for camp stays the same whether it’s 2 or 3 days and crews and training is a lot easier to manage if rowers attend all three days. Word about town is that it is Grand Final weekend, this shouldn’t affect you unless you play for Geelong or Hawthorn or Croydon or whoever on earth plays in the AFL, let’s face it, many of us row because we can’t catch.
September training camp heads back to Bairnsdale Your chance to combine tourism with rowing! It is one of the best weekends on our calendar (along with our Guinness book of records attempts to fit the most number of people in a room at Corowa). It’s a great opportunity to eat a parma and work it off the next day!
This year we will be travelling to and from Bairnsdale by train Cinderella style in our own private carriage. The train will depart Flinders Street station on Thursday evening and arrive at Bairnsdale where you will have a short walk to the salubrious Mitchell Gardens Caravan Park.
There will be loads of rowing, some technical sessions and some looong sessions. Loads of fun, social, wine, pub and eating sessions. Can’t go wrong really.
 What’s the damage?
RRC Members: $215 inclusive, and what do you get for this outlay? You Cinderella style train journey, Accommodation (3 nights), All meals (breakfast, lunch and dinners), Trailer fees (petrol for the poor b*tard who has to tow that MASSIVE TRAILER and this does not include money to replace bins which we run over on street corners) Group team building session (pass the orange perhaps?), Coaching, Video analysis sessions (so take waterproof mascara and experiment with slowing the slide), Wine tasting (to be confirmed).
Optional Extra’s:
Bed linen (pre booked): $8.00 (could be an idea unless you plan on hopping in with someone else, or of course bringing your own) Guaranteed double bed (subject to availability): $15 (I’m leaving this one alone) you’ll need to pay for the Friday train if you can’t make Thursday with the rest of the gang, prices on the web.
Not your specialty I know, but you need to confirm you are attending the camp by Friday 21st August and pay by the 31st of August.  
Click Here To Book and Register for Camp
Katie Gray
PANS (PA to Nicole Studka, previously PA to JK until she was transferred to the Darwin Oar Rowing Society and now champions the DORC’s up there)