Gray Matters contemplates emigrating to Darwin

Afternoon Rowers,
Sorry for the late email I’ve been busy arranging my emigration to Alice Springs for fear of becoming amphibious. Sooo sick of this rain, under medical conditions I listed soggy, wrinkled fingers and mud fever. I have been able to organise all of this AT work as Nicole has been too frozen and tired to notice and is currently warming herself up in the fridge. More rain due tomorrow, Thursday and Friday hooray.
Grand Final Tipping
Well done to Simon (MNB) for navigating the 50:50 odds successfully and scooping the pool. Tipping comp not as tough as it could have been as apparently Martin thought Collingwood were playing and JK had no idea who made the finals at all.
Failure to Swim
By the way, if anyone has had similar thoughts, a video of yourself holding that day’s paper, then leaping into a pool fully clothed and swimming for 50m is not acceptable to get yourself out of wearing floaties. Best to find out now, though it is a good way to get to know your local pool lifesaver (who unfortunately seem to be MUCH younger than they used to be, shorter and paler).
Camp Highlights

  • Mixed masters crew rigging their boat 5 times for a mere 2 rows
  • Franzi losing the box biting competition to Emma and having to mop the floor (at home), do the dishes for a week and iron two shirts
  • The carrot cake (rumopur has it that Franzi wants to propose to the baker)
  • Dennis turning a shade of red as his birthday cake came out on Friday night (the first time we have known it’s his birthday over the camp weekend…shy boy)
  • Swimming in the Mitchell River (effing cold it was too)
  • The DS reaching the cliffs on the Saturday and making it back to camp in the one piece less a bit of skin on their hands
  • Jim Coopers introduction to the committee and coaches including the not so anonymous photo of Anthea with things (???) stuck up her nose
  • Storm force winds on the Sunday meaning no rowing and plenty of time for reflection and sleeping in.

Learn to Row
This starts THIS SUNDAY 11:45am and runs for four weeks on consecutive Sundays. Please get in touch with Justin if;
1. You’re looking for a very rewarding way to earn $25 (per session)
2. You need a few tips yourself and feel like going is disguise
3. You have friends who would like to try rowing.
4. You want to con some people into thinking you know what you are doing
5. You are keen to proof read his new book
[email protected] 0425 813929
Katie Gray PANS (PA to Nicole Studka, previously PA to JK until she was transferred to the Darwin Oar Rowing Society and now champions the DORC’s up there)