You may have noticed with the arrival of Summer the level of river traffic has increased and on top of that a few extra obstacles have been added as bridge works and geotechnical investigations occur.
Could I ask everyone to take extra care whilst out on the river at the moment and also when moving boats in and out of the shed. Please be aware of what is going on around you, talk to one another and ask a question if you are unsure.
Information for river users is displayed on the clubs noticeboard or can be regularly checked on the Rowing Victoria website. Boathouse drive events which result in restricted access or increased activity in the area are also displayed on the noticeboard and on the RRC events calendar, please take the time to check these things.
This week especially there are increased water taxis due to the Australian open tennis and Princes Bridge Arch closures so special care should be taken to ensure you are well clear of Princes Bridge and other traffic before turning. Currently the Northern arch is closed, but over the next month both the central and Southern arches will be closed at some point so be aware.
Please stay safe and enjoy your rowing.
It’s shiny and new: Thanks to Nic and team
Most members will have noticed by now that the RRC bay has undergone a bit of a transformation with new shiny racking and that many things are located in different places.
The clubs sculling oar sets are now located near the front stairwell door on the RRC labelled yellow oar holders and the red oar holders located in between the roller door and the main switchboard cabinet is where private members oars are now stored.
The majority of the clubs sweep oars are located in angled racks at the front of the shed whilst some are located at the rear of the old MLC bay care should be taken getting these items in and out of the racks.
The new rolling boat rack should be operated with care to prevent boats being damaged and also members will need to be extra careful removing boats from the racks at the rear of the shed as there can be some overlap of bows and sterns. For some reason all our boats are different lengths and so there will be a bit of moving around until the optimum locations are sorted.
Finally riggers are now stored at the rear of the sheds and should be returned there when not in use. Please don’t dump things on the floor as we are trying to keep the shed tidy and easy to clean with less stuff on the floor.
Members also need to be careful of the boats located in the hanging racks when carrying equipment in and out of the sheds and also the tops of the roller doors to avoid banging riggers on the lintel.
Some of our less used fleet items and our only quick release riggered boat are located on the new sliding rack and will need to be rigged and –derigged for each session. Whilst this is a minor inconvenience it will require a little fore-planning for sessions. It also means that you don’t have to re-rig a quad as a four and vice versa but can choose the configuration for the session.
If you don’t like rigging boats and would prefer the club to have more quick release boats then why not help us in our efforts by participating in our fundraising initiatives like the Christmas raffle to win a hamper full of hundreds of dollars worth of goodies. Tickets are on sale now and the winner will be drawn on the 16th December at the RRC Christmas party. Tickets are $4 each or 3 for $10 please email Cat at fundraising@richmondrowing.
Another huge upcoming fundraiser is our NYE party, get in quick to secure your ticket for $80, which will include food and the best view of the city’s new year fireworks. Bring your friends and family and purchase tickets here
RRC fun in the sun
The past few weeks have seen much activity at RRC and the sun has been shining on us as we get stuck in to preparing for the head racing season.
There was the club races and delicious brunch put on by the mens squad a few weeks ago which gave us the perfect opportunity to get all the club mixing in a complete assortment of crews drawn randomly from a hat.
This was followed by the glorious conditions of our weekend training camp in Nagambie which saw crews really benefit from some intensive technical focus both on the lake and the Goulburn River. With 58 people (and one excitable dog) in attendance RRC took over the rowing peninsula for the whole weekend with 5 sessions on the water culminating in some spectacular handicapped racing. Thank you to all our coaches, coxes and helpers who pitched in to make the weekend a success, especially Barry for towing the trailer, Nic for bringing up the singles, Tim and Scott for towing the tinnies. All the tinnie drivers and coxes for the weekend, Geraldine Goss for developing the session plans and the DS squad who prepared an awesome Saturday night meal for the masses. A special mention to Kathy Macrow who was unable to attend and enjoy the weekend herself but still put in an enormous amount of work behind the scenes to ensure it ran smoothly.
Finally last weekend as the sun shone once more upon Melbourne we took advantage of our glorious deck and superb clubhouse to host a hugely successful AFL grand final BBQ. Despite the slightly one sided match everyone was kept entertained and enthralled as we watched to see if our lucky players scored a goal to win us a drink or the winning margin or Norm Smith medal winner would also win us some dollars. The day was enjoyed by all, even the West Coast fans congratulated us on a great party. Thanks to Cat Hardie for her fundraising exploits, Barry for his work on the BBQ and all those who blew up balloons, helped with set-up/clean-up and worked on the bar over the course of the day we couldn’t have done it without you.
Now the focus moves to the three big upcoming head races, Head of the Goulburn, Melbourne Head and Head of the Yarra. Crews will be selected in the next week and I remind all of you to ensure your coaches know your availability for these events and ensure that you sign up to the regular squad training sessions on Sports Noticeboard to guarantee we get the maximum benefit out of the next few weeks of training sessions. Our coach mentor, Sue Chapman Popa will be attending many of these and we want to have all crews prepared for a great head racing season. While you’re thinking about training bear in mind this weekend is Around the Bay in a Day so there will be no parking and restricted vehicle access to boathouse drive from Wednesday – Sunday so ensure you leave yourself enough time to get to the boathouse. You can check what’s going on in terms of club and boathouse drive events on the club noticeboard or anytime on our calendar so keep an eye out.
See you all the club again soon.
Volunteering at RRC
Have you been wondering about what you can do to volunteer to help at RRC?
Every year we have to call upon our members to help in all sorts of ways and this year will be no different. Everyone can help in one way or another and here are just a few ideas:
Be a boat race official (BRO) at regattas – this is an easy task and it is an RV requirement that Richmond provide BROs for every regatta which we enter. To be eligible you must complete the Level 1 BRO course and this year that couldn’t be easier as it is being held in our own boathouse this coming Tuesday 8th September, please register to attend using this link
Cox your friends and other crews – we are always short of coxes and experience in a boat from the coxes seat will no doubt help you become a better rower by having an appreciation of the feel or movement of the boat. It’s all about providing motivation and encouragement to the whole crew (as well as avoiding collisions). At RRC we require all members to complete their level 1 coxing accreditation within 1 year of membership to ensure you have a good understanding of river rules for you and your crews safety. Once again RV is holding a level 1 course in our very own boathouse on Monday 14th September so if you haven’t already you can register here
Continue reading “Volunteering at RRC”
Blog document links
Apologies if the documents links have not appeared correctly on the email that was just generated from the published blog.
Please click on the title of the blog to be taken to the RRC website where the links to all the documents are available.
Sorry for any confusion, my IT skills need some improving.
Rowing season 2015-16
Last Sunday the administration side of rowing commenced at RRC.
The season launch included the following information:
- Squad and general rowing organisation for 2015/2016 season – Presented by Tim Evans Men’s Squad Coach
- Training plan overview/thresholds/prescription – Presented by Geraldine Goss
- New boat booking and rowing sign up procedure – Presented by Catherine Hardie
SQUAD ROWING APPROACH[wpfilebase tag=file path=’Squad approach 2015-16.docx’ /]
Tim Evans produced a discussion paper and presented at the Strategic Planning Day. Upon review it was passed and presented at the season opening coaches meeting. The coaches supported the change in organisation.
There is also a draft of FAQs [wpfilebase tag=file path=’Frequently asked questions from Rowing Approach.doc’ tpl=download-button /]
If you have questions please consult your coach.
The training plan overview is attached here
[wpfilebase tag=file path=’RRC Training Program Overview 2015.pdf’ /]
The weekly training prescriptions will be posted up on the training blog link same as last season. SUBSCRIBE to this blog and you will receive the weekly training prescription to your email. If you are in a competitive stream, you must subscribe to the weekly training blog.
Squad Training days for 2015:- (note these times are on the water)
Monday 6am (coached)
Tuesday 6am (uncoached)
Wednesday 6 am (coached)
Thursday 6:30pm (coached)
Sunday (senior women) 8:00am (coached)
Sunday 10am (coached)
Ensure you are up to date with the boat booking process by checking out Sports Notice Board. This year we will be using this new online tool to manage boat bookings and squad session sign ups (instead of sportsplanner).
Most of you will have received an invite to join the Richmond Rowing Club sports noticeboard via email yesterday. If you did not receive this invite, please register yourself via this link:
Once you set up a login you are now able to book boats out via the “club resources” section.
Your coaches will add you into relevant teams and set up the training sessions shortly. All you will need to do is RSVP to attend each session. You should start to have access to this over the next week.
There is also a mobile version of the site which you can access once you’ve set up your login ( which will allow you to book boats and rsvp for training sessions via your mobile phone
Be sure to plan early for regattas – a simplified list of important dates for the competitive stream can be found here[wpfilebase tag=file path=’RRC Competitive stream calendar.pdf’ tpl=download-button /]
A general calendar is still in preparation with lots of social events to add now the regatta calendar is finalised but here is the draft for people to start saving the dates.[wpfilebase tag=file path=’RRC club calendar 2015-16.pdf’ /]
Hopefully all the information you should need for the upcoming season should be here and will be displayed on the noticeboard at the club for your reference.
Prepared by: Head of Rowing
RRC 2014-15 Awards
Thanks to everyone who came together on Saturday night to celebrate the achievements of RRC for the past season. From the comfort of our beautiful boathouse we remembered the great wins, the closes races, the fun nights, the early mornings and the special friendships we have built.
We also presented the annual awards based on entries and race wins throughout the season. In some very close point counts congratulations goes to:
Mal Scott Award (Male rower of the year) – Michael Gehling
John Sawyer Award (Female rower of the year) – Geraldine Goss
Don Edwards Award (Cox of the year) – Derek Begg
Oar bender Award – Kieran Burke, for his impressive display in breaking the shaft of a sweep oar during a race at Ballarat this season.
Keith Millar Time Trial – Tub 4+ around the island
Winner of the Women’s
Jodie Niasbitt, Vicki Brennan, Suzzane Mullner, Stefanie Dudzig, Cox : Dave Micallef
Time 35:53 (altered course due to river dredging at the island)
Winner of the Men’s
Robert Gordon, Ray O’Shea, Enrique Mai, Lachlan Molesworth, Cox : Sandrine Balbo
Time 40:16
President’s Award – Vicki Brennan, for being an all round amazing help and super efficient treasurer. I can not thank her enough for her time, effort and support over the last couple of years. On top of all those jobs she takes on as treasurer she is also the person you can thank for the bar being stocked at our functions and more often than not she will even volunteer to serve you that drink.
The evening concluded with a slideshow of this seasons highlights, if you want to see it take a look here.
Now the season is concluded we want to look forward to the next one which will be here before you know it. This Saturday we will be hosting a planning day at the boathouse from 10am, it’s your opportunity to have your say and we welcome your opinions so please come along or contact [email protected] if you want more information.
Celebrating the season
This Saturday night, 13th June 7.30pm at the boatclub we will be celebrating all that has made Richmond great this year.
It is a chance for everyone to get together (dressed in something other than a zootie) and remember the good times we had this year. We will take the opportunity to thank the coaches and volunteers who have given up their time to help throughout the year as well as celebrate all the achievements that have been made.
There is still just enough time to buy a ticket for you, your partner or your friend to celebrate the 2014-15 season at RRC.
Tickets are $25 by EFT transfer to the club
BSB 633 000
Acc No. 117078238
Ref “Name Pres night”
Please let me know if you have any dietary requirements.
Calling all rowers, coxes, coaches!
Our next learn to row starts on Sunday 14th June and runs for four consecutive Sundays at 12pm.
We have between 10 and 15 people signed up so far, but it won’t be possible to run it without coxes and coaches to help. It would also be useful to have a couple of rowers available in case we need to make up numbers or demonstrate technique.
You don’t need to commit to them all, but if you are able and willing to come along for a few hours to help out, please email Cat Hardie on [email protected]. Please specify which dates you could help out with (14, 21, 28 June & 5 July).
Thanks heaps.
Winter Sculling registration open
You can now register for the 2015 Winter Sculling series.
Click Here to Register for this Event
Please ensure you have contacted Barry to confirm boat availability before registering and if you want some training/coaching in the single consider speaking to Gerry about her sculling coaching sessions too.
Nothing like it for keeping focus and fitness through the winter, plus again this year everybody gets a T-shirt at the end of the season.
All the info is at
And while you are getting ready for the season, consider if someone near and dear to you would like to be a volunteer. Winter Sculling runs on volunteers; nobody gets paid, we keep it as simple and cheap as we can and we’d like to extend the volunteer base, people with boat licences especially welcome.
Rewards are eternal gratitude from you (the recruiter), a warm feeling from the admiration of the rowers, and protection from winter coughs and colds by hardening up outside (well, it works for me….)
Please get your volunteer to contact this year’s new volunteer coordinator Sue Andrews at [email protected], or email to [email protected]