Access During Redevelopment

We are fortunate that Lloyd Group, the builders for the redevelopment, are experienced in working in environments where people continue to use the facility while building works are happening. However, there will be some interruptions and changes to access during the building works. Below is a broad outline of what is happening.
Building works commence: 3 February.
Site fencing and sheds will be erected – no impact on rowing programs.
First phase: External works for both 2 bay extension and to move the front stairs outside. 10 February – 7 April
Excavation is programmed to commence on 10 February so expect serious works to start then.
There will be 3 days during this period when there will be no access through the front door as the concrete slab is laid for the new front stairs entry. The builders will make it evident when this happens. We will post dates on blog when we have them.
No other impact on rowing programs
Second phase: Front Stairs 7 April – 20 May
Access through the front stairs and to the RRC roller door and front half of the RRC bay will be closed.
Entry to the boathouse will be via the rear door. A number of RRC boats will be stored on the MLC side of the boathouse (there will be no MLC training) to enable training, particularly Masters season to continue.
Details of which boats and equipment will be moved will be available in March and posted on the blog.
Third phase: Internal works on 2 bay extension and renovations to current building 21 May – 1 August
Access through the rear door and stairs will be closed. Part of the current MLC bay at the rear will be hoarded off. There will be some restrictions on access through the MLC roller door while the balcony is erected. Dates TBD.
For a period of about 30 days there will be NO ACCESS at all to the upstairs (potentially the full shed) as the builders will require full access to complete the fit-out. We do not yet have exact dates for this, but they will be posted to the blog as soon as we do know.
Entry to the boathouse will be via the new front door and RRC boats will be back in the RRC boat bay.
RRC Planning
Now we have the program of works, we are working on a detailed logistical plan as we are able to lock in many of the arrangements that Barry has tentatively made.
Barry Campbell will be coordinating the storage and moving of boats and equipment. He is looking for volunteers to assist with detailed planning and also people available to help move equipment.
Derek Begg is looking at our Masters and Winter rowing program to coordinate training and boat requirements to minimise impact of the redevelopment works.
We will provide weekly updates on access and what is happening here on the blog. Any questions, please post them here.