Exciting news – the tender for the boathouse redevelopment was issued on Friday 15 November and closes on 12 December. All going well, we will select a builder and sign contracts before Christmas.
This means building works will start early in the New Year. There will be no interruption to the rowing program until April at the earliest. We will have more details on any interruptions when we have finalised the building works plan with the builder early in the New Year.
Signing the building contract is contingent on DEPI and City of Melbourne signing our sub-lease with MLC and providing Ministerial Approval for the redevelopment. Both have been sought and the departments are aware that we are at tender and they need to provide this before contracts can be signed. We are hopeful that we will be successful in getting this sign-off in time.
A really big thank you to Franziska Locher and Liz Shiel who have put in so many, many hours behind the scenes to get everything ready for the tender. To Stephen Colley from MLC for also putting in much work to ensure we could get to tender and to the architects at FMSA.