Trivia triumph – March 2013

This year’s trivia night, held on 16 March, raised another staggering amount for the club – over $7000. As you know this is our biggest fundraiser event during the year and would not be possible without members, their friends, family and fellow rowing club members support. This support is provided by coming along on the night to have a good time, donating the huge array of goods and services for auction and of course to those that are the successful bidders. 

This year’s funds will be directed to new equipment such as an ergo, cox box replacements/ refurbishments, shoes, boat upkeep to name just a few. Plus any remaining funds will be considered by the Committee over the coming season to be spent on other equipment as required. 

Of course the night would not have got off the ground if it weren’t for the mastery of Justin Thomas – he true brains of the outfit. Justin ably put us through our paces again with questions being all things Russian. Thanks also goes to the numerous assistants – Vicki and Gemma for running the bar, Mike for all the logistics, Simon as auctioneer, and Katalin for entries and being Justin’s sounding board as he prepared for the big night.

If you have any ideas of fundraising activities/concepts you think we should try to raise funds for either new equipment or the boathouse redevelopment fund please drop me a line or another member of the Committee as we are always interested in new ideas.

The next event on the RRC calendar is presentation night – 25 May. Look forward to seeing you there.

Cheers Emma

[email protected]