2023 Presentation Night

What a year! If you’re wondering how it’s possible that it’s already May and Winter Sculling is just around the corner, you’re not alone. This season has absolutely flown by! We’ve had floods, cancellations, scorching hot regattas and, of course, triumphs. So what better way to celebrate than at Presentation Night!? For those who missed out on this most auspicious evening…you really missed out! It was fantastic night recognising the efforts and achievements of all club members. So let’s continue that theme and recap the night that was!

The food: delicious; the drink: free-flowing…Presentation Night had all the hallmarks of a great evening. None of this would’ve been possible without the hard work of RRC’s dedicated committee and members – so thank you Helen, Ally, Jack, Richie, Lily, Anthea, John, Gerry and many many more.

With the stage set, it was time to get into the celebration. In case you didn’t already know: here at Richmond we have a competitive streak – good sportsmanship above all else, but a competitive streak nonetheless. And this competitive spirit was primed and ready to go with the host of awards being doled out on Presentation Night.

Congratulations to all members who received an award!

  • The President’s Award: Phil Munson
  • Captain’s Award: Ally Dejeagher & Isaac Balemi
  • Best and Furriest: Emily Bourke
  • The Eye of The Tiger: The Men’s Squad (good one boys)
  • John Sawyer Award (Female Rower of the Year): Kate Dyball
  • Mal Scott Award (Male Rower of the Year): Ben Wardle
  • Don Edwards Award (Coxswain of the Year): Ally Dejeagher & Derek Begg
  • Masters Rower of the Year (Female): Geraldine Goss
  • Masters Rower of the Year (Male): Jack Hellerstedt
  • Novice Rower of the Year: James Merrett

And, of course, the most coveted award of the night: Regatta Dog of the Year was awarded to Daphne and Zeppy (with Nyxie as a close runner up).

A massive congratulations to all rowers, coxswains, coaches, volunteers and participants (and regatta dogs)!

Season 2022/23 has been incredible for everyone throughout RRC. We’ve achieved great feats as a club and as individual athletes: PBs were broken, new skills unlocked, and enduring friendships formed. Thanks to each and every one of you for making this season what it was. Enjoy the off-season, rest up, recharge and get ready for a massive Season 2023/24.

Let’s go Richmond!

2022 Presentation Night

On Saturday 18 June we celebrated the ’21/’22 season, with the following awardees:

Derek, Millie, Chelsea, John & Jack with their club race glasses

Club race winners:
Jack H, Keith W, John C, Chelsea C, Anthea A, Mikey G, Kerrin H, Millie C, Alex P, coxed by Derek B

Mal Scott Male club rower of the year:
Ben Wardle

Male Masters rower of the year:
Phillip Munson

Male Masters composite rower of the year:
Ray Dennis

John Sawyer Female club rower of the year:
Kate Dyball

Female masters rower of the year:
Michelle Joy

Eye of the Tiger:
John Carey

Captain’s Award:
Helen Pearce & Kirsty Fergie

Don Edwards Coxswain of the year:
Derek Begg

The President’s Award:
Sue-Virginia O’Hanlon

Special thanks to Amy Catlin for organising the evening, helpers Kirsty Fergie and Sarah Hardy and to our bar manager Lily Innes- Irons and all the helpers on the bar. Set up and clean up was done by Amy and Gerry with some helpers on the night.

Don't forget your New Years Eve tickets – numbers limited

A quick reminder, New Years Eve tickets are now on sale.
Numbers are capped at 100 and we have 50% already, so get in fast to secure your ticket. Members and guests welcome.
Early Bird ticket sales are $55 per adult, $20 per child until 20th of December. Tickets will continue to be sold until 26 December at $70 per adult, $20 per child when we are required to finalise our catering numbers.
Get them quick on trybooking https://www.trybooking.com/BGWXK.
RRC 2019 New Years Eve Flyer

RRC 2018/19 Presentation Night – Tickets on sale now!!!

This years RRC Presentation Night is now only a few weeks away on Friday 31st May at 7pm. So pack away the zootie and dress to impress as we celebrate all the achievements of our club members for the last year.
We’ll be honouring all of these along with our Annual awards including rowers and coxswain of the year. Club races and time trial winners will also be announced so make sure you’re there to receive your awards!
This evening is also the perfect opportunity to thank everyone who has made the year possible including coaches, coxes and volunteers. It’s the ideal time to come together and celebrate all that is great about our special club and the friends we have there.
Early bird tickets including a three course meal for $50. Tickets purchased after Friday 10th May will increase to $70 per person. Drinks will be available to purchase at the bar.
Tickets are on sale now at Trybooking. Bring along your partner or friends for what will be a special night at the clubhouse.

Club races and our latest boat naming

Club Races
Fast and furious – with lots of splash – is how four eights competed in Sunday’s Club Races.  Around 20% of the competitors were in their first club races and it was great to see our DS members joining in and experiencing some racing.  After the heats, crews competed in an A Final and B Final.
The winning team of the A Final was Andrew Yuile, John Carey. Alan Randall, Leigh Sullivan, Kim Begelhole, Cristian Udovicich, Imogen Aitken and Kate Riley, coxed by Stef Dudczig.
Our selectors of crews did a pretty good job, but then tried to outfox us with the use of French on the starter’s line! Derek managed to video the finals so if you want to see your form check out the Facebook posts.
It was great to see lots of our current Learn to Row group enjoying the BBQ and deck with the rest of the club.  It won’t be too long before they’re rowing in the next Club Races!
The Development Squad under the leadership of Sarah Hardy organized a fabulous BBQ.  And Sarah even co-opted Matt (hubby) and Bridgette (daughter) to help out on the BBQ while we were all racing.  Thanks to the salad providers… Pavel, Alysia, Emma & Matt, Amy and Sarah Hardy.  Sarah even provided homemade vege/vegan burgers – yummy!  The DS (including Oliver & Mikey G) also did a great job setting up the tables and cleaning up afterwards and photographing the day.
Bar server thanks go to Ally, Kathy, Dennis, Gypsy, John C, Amy and Kim B.  And thanks to Gypsy for coordinating the bar.
Boat Naming
We were pleased to name the latest acquisition to our fleet – a secondhand midweight single. (It’s a Wintech 2016 Club Trainer 75-85kg ACW honeycomb kevlar/fiberglass – for those interested in the technical details).

The committee has discussed over the past year the possibility of acknowledging and honoring the traditional owners of land on which our boathouse stands and the waterways on which we row.
What better way than naming a boat which is regularly in view of our members and other river users as well as to visitors to Melbourne.
The Boonwurrung elders have given us permission to use the word “Gurrong” – which means canoe in Boonwurrung language – on this, our newest fleet acquisition.
Kathy Macrow

RRC Quiz Night Auction Items Announced

The quiz night is less than 2 weeks away – Friday 15th March – hope you have your tickets!! Just to get you excited here is a list of current auction and silent auction items (still happy to receive more Items contact [email protected])

Can’t be there on the night and see something you like – get someone else to bid on your behalf – remember all proceeds go towards some shiny new boats!

Don’t forget your tickets!!! Tickets are available through Trybooking at https://www.trybooking.com/466963


RRC Quiz Night – Friday 15 March 2019 – Tickets available now!!!

The annual RRC Trivia Night is on Friday 15th March. This year we have a swinging 60’s theme. So its time to revamp your flares, dust off your go-go boots and re-arrange your flower necklace, cause the swinging Sixties are coming back to Richmond.
Our quizmaster from afar, Justin Thomas, will again be writing the questions to see who can take home the trophy this year.
Tickets are available through Trybooking at https://www.trybooking.com/466963
We are also looking for items to auction….these could be just about anything…wine, tools, accommodation (especially if you have a holiday house), tickets to concerts, shows or galleries, hampers, sporting goods, jewellery, paintings, ….. the list is endless.
The other thing that is always a winner is the donation of your time which could include things such as Coxing (everyone needs a coxwain), coaching, handyman, babysitting, gardening, painting or if you are a professional then perhaps you could offer you service of expertise for a period of time.
Please have a think and see what you can come up with. All donations will help raise money for the club and will be put towards upgrading our fleet and equipment.
If you have any items to donate or can help out with organising the night please contact Christine with questions or donations at fundraising@richmondrowing.com.au.

RRC Presentation Night Awards 2017/18

Thank you to all of the RRC members and guests who came along to celebrate another successful season at our recent Presentation Night. It was a great night with lots of new and old faces reflecting on the efforts and success throughout the year. Thank you to the “Doghouse Four” for arranging the evening of BLING, with some amazing decorations and videos along with a cameo appearance on the video from Basil with his Richmond zootie.
We also congratulated our Male and Female Club and Masters rowers of 2017/18 year determined through participation and success at regattas, club races and club time trials. The winners on the evening were:
  • Mal Scott Award – Male Club Rower of the Year – Jon Roberts
  • John Sawyer – Female Club Rower of the Year – Shern Timmins
  • Male Masters Rower of the Year – Leigh Sullivan
  • Female Masters Rower of the Year – Michelle Joy 

The Don Edwards, Cox of the year award was presented to Derek Begg.
The President’s Award was presented to Kathy Macrow for her commitment to Richmond Rowing Club, truly embodying the spirit of our club through all she does from coxing to coaching to administration over a number of years.
For the first year we christened the Mixed Quad Round the Island time trial as the Hendley Family Mixed Quad Time Trial with a commemorative plaque commissioned to record the winners names which will be maintained in the gym. Rod Hendley and Judy Hendley were present for the awarding of the inaugural award to Aline Dejaegher, Shern Timmins, John Carey, Jon Roberts and Stef Dudczig (coxswain).
The male coxed four Round the Island time trial was won by Alan Randall, Jon Roberts, Andrew Yuile, John Carey and Stef Dudczig (coxswain).
The female coxed four Round the Island time trial was won by Edwina Griffiths, Jodie Naisbitt, Shern Timmins, Yashaswini Vegi and Derek Begg (coxswain).
A number of other awards were presented on the night including:
  • Best and Furriest – Stef Dudzcig
  • Eye of the Tiger Award – Doghouse Four (Kim Begelhole, Ray O’Shae, Alex Reid, Rob Gordon)
  • Captains Award – Doghouse Four (Kim Begelhole, Ray O’Shae, Alex Reid, Rob Gordon)

Tim Evans
Head of Rowing

Quiz Night Auction Items – Help required!!!

With our annual Trivia Night approaching fast (24 March) we are again in need of your assistance.
We are looking for items to auction….these could be just about anything…wine, tools, accommodation (especially if you have a holiday house), tickets to concerts, shows or galleries, hampers, sporting goods, jewellery, paintings, prints, linen, electrical items…. so as you can see the list is endless.
The other thing that is always a winner is the donation of your time which could include things such as Coxing (everyone needs a coxwain), coaching, handyman, babysitting, gardening, painting or if you are a professional then perhaps you could offer you service of expertise for a period of time.
We have already had a wonderful donation of 2 designer wooden benches (walnut and rift oak). Name: Botanist Minimal Désigner: Dario Antonioni and a large coffee table that has a chrome frame and finished with a toughened black glass top. Thank you Laurent but we need more
Please have a think and see what you can come up with. All donations will help raise money for the club and will be put towards upgrading our fleet as part of our fleet renewal plan which includes smaller boats (pairs/doubles and singles).
Feel free to contact me at any time with questions or donations  fundraising@richmondrowing.com.au or 0419538048
Cheers and thanks again Chris