RV Coaching and Coxswain workshops

RVRV will be hosting regular Coaching and Coxswain Workshops throughout the 2014/15 season.
I encourage any of you interested to attend. As you will be aware we require all our members to have a general knowledge of coxing and river rules and you may be asked to cox for training sessions and therefore please consider this opportunity to  develop your knowledge.
Beginning and Introduction to Coxswaining: Tuesday 9th September from 4.30pm – 6.00pm at Yarra Yarra Rowing Club, this course is FREE!!!
Race Ready Coxswains (must be an accredited coxswain): Thursday 11th September from 4.00pm – 6.00pm at Yarra Yarra Rowing Club, this course is also FREE!!!
How to be the Best Coaching Workshop: Sunday 21st September, venue yet to be confirmed $30.00per person.
There are Level 1 and 2 Coaching courses running throughout Victoria if your are interested, please view dates and venues under the development tab of the rowing Victoria website.
 Email Edwina if you are interested in any of the above workshops, [email protected]