RRC now has a Limited Renewable Liquor Licence

It has taken a lot of time and effort but RRC was recently awarded a liquor licence, which will allow us to open the bar and sell alcoholic beverages. This does not mean that we seek to become a drinking club, but we hope this will enhance the social aspect of club activities and add an avenue for fundraising as well.
Importantly, events where the bar is open must be conducted in a manner consistent with liquor licensing legislation. The committee will publish a formal club policy but here are some brief points:

  • Members serving behind the bar MUST have their Responsible Service of Alcohol qualification. You are strongly encouraged as a club member to complete one of these courses. The more qualified members we have the more potential we have to open the bar and the less we rely on the same people to do all of the work.
  • The licence is only valid in the upstairs area of the clubhouse, including the deck. Alcohol cannot be taken downstairs or outside of the clubhouse.
  • Alcohol misuse can lead to risk taking, unsafe, unacceptable and/or illegal behaviour. As club members we will expect a responsible approach and use of good judgment when alcohol is available. Members will not compete, train, coach or officiate if affected by alcohol. Alcohol will not be served to persons aged under 18 years.
  • We ask that all attendees at our functions plan their transport requirements to ensure they arrive home safely and prevent driving under the influence of alcohol.
  • Non alcoholic beverages will also be served whenever the bar is open.
  • Members may bring guests to club functions where the bar is open. Guests MUST sign in to the club register with their name and address, and the name of the member they are with. The register will be kept in the bar.
  • Non member functions that are catered by outside caterers will continue to operate under the licence of the caterer. A sign will be displayed in the clubhouse indicating that this is the case for that particular function.

A liquor licence will allow greater scope in organizing club functions and fundraising. If you have any ideas or would like to organize a function (eg a movie night, speaker where an open bar may be fun and may assist in fundraising) then you are strongly encouraged to discuss with the fundraising coordinator.
Geraldine Goss