RRC Men's eight post season best time trial

The men’s eight have managed to better their previous best time by 2 seconds to record a season best time of 31min 15sec for the fourth and final time trial last Sunday.
The results of the time trial demonstrates the depth in the current men’s squad with the crew managing the better their previous best despite having a number of the HOTY crew out of the boat due to Christmas commitments.
The time trial also was the last event for gun cox Elaine Arrum who returns to Perth this week having spent the past five months coxing for the men’s squad. Elaine has dramatically improved her coxing during her time at Richmond and her silky skills on the strings and her sense of humour will be missed by all the boys.
In another update, the Club Championship points (Mal Scott) is hotting up with five men in the current squad all within two points of each other on top of the leaders board. This should make for some interesting racing in the New Year and there will no doubt be some intense rivalry heading into the second half of the season.
Simon Crunden