Gray Matters lost at sea thanks to the Ankle Biters

Hi Gang,
Whoa, I’m still recovering from the Australian National Knee-high Leaders Evangelists Break-up Invitation-only Tea Extraordinaire Rave (ANKLE BITERS Christmas party) with all the coxes. While they enjoyed the celery, I had the Bloody Mary’s. Ended up 10 miles south of Tasmania in the Bob Stanley, naked of course. Luckily I love sushi and am as fit as a fiddle from time trials and ergs. Managed to catch up with the Spirit of Tassie, once I’d navigated my way back up north and hitched a ride. Just in time to tell you that:
The Rutherglen sign up closes Sunday night – all info on Web site. Cost will be $150 (breakfast, accommodation, trailering but not race fees) you need at least $75 in you race fee account by Sunday as a deposit. It is your best chance to cook your own chicken at the table (just ask Khaleda), experience the cox stack / world’s heaviest coxes, dunk your cox and find out exactly who in your crew snores! Also race hard and fast and seek opportunities to sneak off to wineries! We have posted a Rutherglen regatta sign-up which is being held on the weekend of the 16th and 17th of January. This is one of the great country regattas and this year it will also feature a stage of the Victorian Sprint Regatta Series so there will be plenty of action to follow over the two days of the regatta.
To sign up click on the following link and start hassling your crew to get on board for what should be a great weekend:
Don’t forget your chrissie cards, they come in a pack of 10 I think, so one for me, one for Nicole, one for your mum, one for your granny, an anonymous one for the hot guy in another boat house, one for waffle Mark, one for your fridge and 3 for friends you haven’t seen since last year. Click Here for more details on how to order your cards.
Club Christmas Party on the 17th we have booked out the club for a Christmas Party on Thursday 17 December 2009 from 7:00pm. $25 cover charge includes dinner, your first drink and a chance to win plenty of fun door prizes. It is one of the best venues in Melbourne and your chance to enjoy it with a glass of sparkling, rather than on carpet with an erg. The Hawaiian theme means it is probably your best chance to get leied before the new year (no this was not my joke originally, it comes instead from one of the ANKLE BITERS.
The good news is that it is on a Thursday, and no one does any work from now til Feb anyway so we can go and party, be warm and go to work via the food court!
Click on the link below to view the invite, RSVP by Sunday 13 December. Hope to see you all there.
Our last Time Trial on Sunday. You never know when you will find yourself alone in the Bob Stanley 10 miles south of Tassie and need to get yourself back to update your blog and collect your bosses dry cleaning and post her Christmas cards. We are looking for 60+ people. There will be food post rowing. There will be prizes for winning crews. Please let you coaches know by Thursday if you are attending.
BOAT WASHING! After each row boats need to be washed with soapy water and the rinsed – both INSIDE AND OUTSIDE and wipe down the riggers and gates. Otherwise the salt water will corrode our fleet leaving us with ergs and oar painting. Wash the boat, especially Orlando, I sold a lot of freddos to pay for Orlando.
Hamilton was awesome – people came back with bling – check out Barry’s blog web site, actually don’t I don’t like competition. They just rowed, it probably rained. The boats were heavy and the wool bales weren’t all they were cracked up to be.